Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 11 - Far in the sky and near

Eric Heinne.

Yi Yilong looked at the Eric in front of him suspiciously. The latter was unmoved, as if he hadn’t heard the blond boy talking at all. His wrists were steady and trembling, and he continued to feed her water.

The guy in front of me doesn’t look like a guy who can get full marks.

Is He the Lord or happens to have the same name?

After reporting the uncle ’s surname, the blond boy continued, “Dixuan, you do n’t have to worry about my family assessment. I ’ve already inquired about the elders in my family, as long as I do n’t Do anything that is detrimental to the reputation of the Heinne family, do not yield to strong enemies, do not bully the weak, face decoy against the seductive, not be blinded by the illusion, and remain diligent in practicing swordplay. There will be no disqualifications, with a perfect score of ten, six of which are basic assessments. “

He paused, raised his glass of wine gracefully with a light smile on his face, and this smile instantly lightened his beautiful face: “But what I want is a higher evaluation.”

Di Di An thought about it and made a suggestion: “Do you know your uncle, I mean Lord Eric, how did he get such a high score in the first place? Maybe you can follow him.”

Yisili shook his head helplessly: “Uncle Eric’s journey is irrepeatable. I also asked my father about this. According to him, Uncle Eric’s scores in other aspects were only average, but in the journey, In the last year, he encountered His Royal Highness Silver Eternal King, the King of the Dragons, who was recognized by the King of the Dragons for his outstanding strength. This recognition gave him extra points. “

Silver forever? How does this name sound familiar?

When Yi Longlong tried hard to remember, when he glanced at the silent Eric, he suddenly realized: silver eternity, isn’t that the title of her body maid, Tahiniah?

Combining Eric’s friendship with Tahiniya, Yi Longlong now fully confirms that the blonde young man who looks like a downed swordsman had a glorious past in the past.

Isley said with regret: “Although I have confidence in my sword skills … but the problem lies with the dragon.”

Yi Yi Longlong listened, his heart was strange: What’s wrong with the dragon? Even if Tahiniya is dead, there are other dragons. Does Tahiniya fail? Is the Dragon Mother of her life so great?

The two teenagers didn’t realize that Yi Longlong was eavesdropping, and only seriously discussed and discussed. At this time, their dinners were ready, each was packed and served on the table, and Yisley smartly manipulated the knife and cut a tender piece. The steak is delivered into the mouth with a fork, and the long, white fingers are pressed against the silver tableware. Each arc of the knuckles is very beautiful.

The red-haired young man was not busy eating, and his longing and longing appeared on his face: “I really want to see Lord Eric once again …”

Yi Longlong glanced at Eric: Yingzi? where?

The words over there were not over: “Nine years ago, I glanced at him from a distance on the streets of the Imperial Capital. At that time, he was riding on a tall horse and wearing a white embroidered gold thread dress …”

——Yi Longlong’s eyes moved downwards, trying to find a golden thread from Eric’s gray old clothes.

“… wearing the poem of the famous sword, Azure, a sword carved entirely from sapphire …”

——Yi Longlong’s eyes moved to the poor iron sword around Eric’s waist again.

“Golden hair is as smooth and neat as satin …”

——Gaze up, blond hair like grass nest.

“Good education, elegant manners and grace, worthy of the example of aristocracy.”

Hey–what’s elegant about this guy who ate up her food for days on the first day?

After Di Xiu’an said a lot of praises, Yi Longlong finally couldn’t help but think that maybe the Yinlong mother knew two Eric, and the palette team was talking about it, but it was actually another one in the world. Eric guy.

Along with Di Xiu’an’s words, Isley also fell into longing memories. He sincerely said: “Uncle Eric is my idol. His strength and temperament are the goals of my efforts. Counting, I also I haven’t seen Uncle Eric for seven or eight years. After completing the rite of passage, he left with his followers and has never returned since then, but his heroic deeds come from time to time from other places. “

——Just in front of you, I was just escorted by you to cut firewood.

Yi Yilonglong looked sympathetically at the beautiful and fair-haired blond boy: Poor child, if you see him now, you will certainly be an idol.

Listening to God, Roland came towards them, and he came to Eric with a large plate in his hand: “Sir, if you don’t mind, please enjoy these foods.” The plate contained a bowl of thick soup , Two toasts and one steak, compared to their own, this is a very rich dinner.

Eric simply thanked him and took the plate, but Roland did not leave. His eyes swept the leaves of Yi Longlong intentionally or unintentionally: “Excuse me, what food does this person need? We have sufficient reserves . “

Yi Yi dragon crouched in the leaves, avoiding his sight.

Eric moved his body calmly, blocking Yi Longlong and Roland: “Thank you for your kindness, but this little guy is afraid of life. UU reading wwwwu.uukanshu.com does not matter what the food is.”

Roland touched a soft nail, was not angry, just smiled, then turned away.

I waited for Roland to go away, and Yi Longlong was relieved. Although she had told herself several times not to discriminate against her profession, whenever Roland’s gaze passed her, she was still uncomfortable and just wanted to hide.

Eric cut a small piece of meat-filled steak with a pocket knife and fed it to Yi Longlong on his fingertips. The eyes hidden under the hair were a little questionable: When are you going to hide? I’m planning to talk to them for a few days, can’t you always hide under the leaves?

Yi Yilong chewed the steak carefully and swallowed it before glancing at it: how much do you plan to give your nephew again? They really adore you.

Eric silently compared an “eight” gesture: eight.

Yi Yi Longlong surprised: So high?

Eric smiled helplessly and nostalgically, his lips opened and closed silently: I used to like to display like him. Seeing him was like seeing me in the past. As long as he didn’t make any mistakes along the way, he was slightly forgiving Some of it.

Yi Longlong looked at Yisi over there in surprise, a little unbelievable: You used to bring so many followers out on the outing?

Eric blushed, and continued to whisper: At that time, I felt that this was more identity.

Yi Yi Longmulu despised: It turned out that you used to be so stupid.

Eric kills the dragon with his eyes: is it forbidden for young people to be frivolous?

After dinner, Eric stepped forward to thank Yisili, and at the same time showed the attitude of the weak to seek protection, claiming to have lost his way in the forest (this is true), hoping to walk with them to avoid being killed by ferocious beasts on the way hurt.

In a few words, Eric set out the true purpose of the palette team to come to the forest.

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