Daomu Biji

Chapter 22 - Seven Star Lu Wang · Ye Chongbao Letter

The purple gold box feels very heavy, and it looks a bit like the silver prism crest in the shrunken eight-fold treasure letter (eight boxes for relics), but it is much smaller. At that time, Buddhism had not yet been introduced to China. Is definitely not a relic. I shook, there was no voice, and my heart said: Is it the ghost seal that the fat man said?

The key was in the female corpse’s mouth. I settled in and took a deep breath. My fingers pierced her tongue, pinched the key, and then carefully pinched it out, then the key hadn’t come out of her mouth yet, I I saw a very thin silk thread tied to the key handle and passed into the throat of the female body. I suddenly realized that something was awkward. It seemed that there was something tied around the end of the thread.

Grandpa told me that during the Shang Dynasty, Chinese craftsmen could already skillfully install some crossbow machines into human bodies and use gold wire to inspire them, as long as the tomb thief took out the jade stopper or orb in the mouth or **** of the body At that time, the organ started immediately, and the crossbow arrows came out, because at that time, the distance between the person and the corpse was often very close, and it was impossible to avoid the flash. I do n’t know how many tomb robbers died under this organ.

I pressed the belly of the female corpse, and really touched a few hard things, and said: Fortunately, my hand is slow. If it is fat or Pan Zi, I am afraid I have already made a move! Thinking of all these arrangements seems to be designed specifically for grave robbers, I can’t help feeling a chill.

The wire behind the key is gold wire. It can be pulled or not folded. I broke it with my fingernails. I took out the key and aligned it with the keyhole on the purple gold box. But I don’t know what’s wrong in this box, maybe there is an organization. I thought about it for a while, it’s still a good idea not to open.

At this moment, I suddenly discovered that the female corpse that hooked me suddenly became terrible. I was terrified. I saw that her face was like a deteriorating orange, and she deflated instantly. There was no way to describe it in her throat. The voice, a few seconds of kung fu, is right in front of me. From a living beauty to a dry corpse, I only tremble, her decayed arm is broken, the dry body fell on the jade platform, still not Stop shrinking.

I was scared enough. It looks like the gem on this key really has antiseptic effect. I dare not think about it any more, stuff them all in the bag, and say that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and then go back to the fat man.

The fat man was choked badly by me, and it didn’t move after pulling it several times. I couldn’t say it, I would have killed me. At this time, I couldn’t control so much. I took him by the hand and shouted, “Get up!” Then I raised my waist and passed him over my back. The fat man was heavy and almost spitting blood on me. I shook my head secretly and greeted the fat ancestor while walking.

Fortunately, the stone corridor was not long. I quickly walked to the middle section. As soon as I walked out of the vine-covered area, I saw the cliff, and Sanshu and Pan Zi were not on it. It seemed that I should go back and find the way. I walked to the sacrificial platform at the end of the stone corridor, put the fat man on the sacrificial platform, wanted to take a good rest, and suddenly saw that Uncle San had already drilled out of the hole closest to the ground.

He is very familiar with things like Qimen Dunjia and so on. The maze is nothing at all when he is there. I am afraid he did n’t see me. He beckoned and said, “My uncle, I am here !!”

Uncle San wanted to laugh when he saw me, but his face changed suddenly. After pointing at me, I looked back. The fat man didn’t know when to sit up, and the blue-eyed fox corpse was lying on his back. On his back, looked at me coldly.

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