Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 692 Gathering of the Powerful

The center of the Land Abandoned by God, Akuin King City.

Roland, who was already a middle-aged man, was still wearing the golden armor bestowed by the Magic Council, rubbing the layered texture of the magic letter paper, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

In the early days of the founding of the country, he was confident that he could control the Magic Council, but after decades of development, the strength of the entire Kuin Kingdom was surpassed by the small Xinghuo County.

This is not to say that the strength of the Kingdom of Kuin has regressed. On the contrary, the speed of progress of the Kingdom of Kuin over the years has even exceeded the accumulation of the family for thousands of years, but the speed at which the Magic Council has become stronger is too incredible.

Generally speaking, in the early stage of power development, the rapid expansion of power is appropriate, but after a certain level of development, the speed of development will slow down.

But the Magic Council is not the case. It has maintained a super-high-speed development, and even the development speed is getting faster and faster!

Now Roland is a little lucky. He has always maintained a good relationship with the Magic Council. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Kuin might become a stumbling block to the rise of the Magic Council and be kicked out naturally.

Roland touched the bottleneck of the legendary realm a few years ago, and as an unborn genius of the Akuin family, he is indeed capable of touching that boundary.

But like everyone else, he was stuck at this level, unable to go any further.

But after reading this letter, he saw the hope of advancement, and at the same time, he can probably guess what kind of state Horn is in now.

He has already left me far away. Fortunately, I am still complacent that I have reached this realm that few people in Akuyin's history can achieve...

Roland said with a wry smile.

Your Majesty, are you really going? It is not a trivial matter for the king to leave the country for so many years.

The old prime minister asked cautiously, his lifespan should have ended long ago, but the Magic Council provided a lot of life-extending potions, so he can live until now.

That's right, I'm going, how can I be missing in this kind of thing, if I don't go, it will be the most unhelpful thing for the kingdom, if I become a god... no, stepping into the legend and restoring the glory of the ancestors will be the most important thing. No longer a slogan, I want to build a great empire that includes all human beings!

During the time I am gone, my son will be in power, you must assist him well, and if his ambition is too inflated, I want you to restrain him, can you do it? Roland said while playing with the envelope.

Your Majesty killed the old minister, how could I restrain His Highness... the old prime minister said in panic.

No, you can! The corners of Roland's mouth curled up.


In the Black Forest, Stuart the Elf King also received a message from Horn.

Syluff, and Ulysses, both of you go, you must become a legendary powerhouse and come back. He said to the two powerful elves standing around.

Your Majesty, don't you want to go? This kind of opportunity is very rare. Ulyses, wearing green sunglasses, frowned and asked. If there is a choice, it must be better for the Elf King to advance to the legend first.

Anyone in the elves can leave, but I can't. Besides, with my strength, as long as you kill a so-called god, I can immediately complete the promotion. Stuart said with a smile.

Obey, Your Majesty, we must come back after the promotion!

The two knelt down in front of Stuart and promised.


Ten days later, the hall in front of the headquarters of the Magic Council.

All the strong men that Horn knew that reached the limit of level nine gathered together, and the breath of the strong men was entangled, so that the magicians had to approach the center of the square.

Roland in golden armor looked at so many strong men and sighed.

I'm really right. Apart from the church, there are so many strong people in this world. If I have been standing still in the kingdom, then the so-called restoration of the glory of the ancestors is nothing more than a joke.

Your Majesty, we meet again. I didn't expect you to reach this level. It's really beyond my expectations. With eye-catching green toad mirrors, Ulysses and Syluff came to Roland's side.

Then the three chatted, and the relationship between the elves and the Kingdom of Kuin had always been very good.

Ilonil stood in the corner, looking at these nine-level extreme powerhouses, full of anticipation in his heart. If he was not sure, Horn would not rashly gather so many powerhouses together.

In addition to him, Ceylon will have other people coming, not to mention Horn and Syluff, Kilberg, and the president of the Thieves Guild have all arrived.

Arthur and several other members did not come here. Although they are very strong and have the potential to reach this level, they do not have the qualifications yet.

Two people also came from the Freedom Federation. They were a bald old man in a gorgeous robe, with a long sword hanging from his waist. His name was Planck, and he was the strongest in the Freedom Federation.

The other is a middle-aged man with a mustache. He is a rising star in the Free Federation, and he is in charge of the business of the entire Free Federation. His name is Walter.

Walter is actually a member of the Will of Ceylon, but most of the time he does not participate in missions. As the richest individual businessman in Ceylon, most of the activities of the Will of Ceylon are funded by him.

From the above lineup, it can be seen that the organization of Ceylon Will is terrible. There are six people who are strong at the limit of level nine. Although these people belong to different organizations, each of them has a lot of power in their hands. , combined together, is simply terrifying.

There were less than ten people present, and they were the strongest organizations in the entire continent that did not obey the church's management. It seemed that there were many, but the major churches had more power. As long as a god descended, they could easily destroy them. They are all destroyed.

After waiting for a while, Horn also brought the members of the Magic Council over.

In addition to Horn, who has become a legendary mage, the Magic Council naturally also has masters of this level, such as Franks, and Ian and Enoch.

After everyone arrived, Horn said to everyone:

The purpose of my calling everyone here should be clear to everyone, so I won't say too many polite words. I hope that everyone present can successfully advance to become a legendary powerhouse.

I said in the notification letter that if you want to advance to legend, you need to have high-level materials with corresponding attributes. Everyone should be ready for this.

The world we are going to is called Thunder Crystal World, where the aborigines have extremely powerful power, and the leader of a nearby tribe is as powerful as you, or even stronger.

After all, that is their home field, and I can frighten them for a while, but not for a lifetime, so except for promotion, please don't harass the natives there, because I may not always be by your side.

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