Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Messing Around.


The beautiful warming sun was shining over Niigata. Its inhabitants still recovering from the villain attack, were in no mood to enjoy such a lovely morning however. A majority of their city was ruined from the terrorist group and was currently being restored and made even better than before. This was due to the collaborative effort of many different groups and people. Seeing the massive amount of support given to their city, it was almost good enough it offset the horrible and terrifying attack they suffered yesterday. But the lives of their friends, loved ones, neighbors, and families, are something that could never be brought back.

This was addressed by the locals and they decided to build a statue as a memorial for those who lost their lives from the attack. They haven’t decided on what the statue should be yet, but they decided to discuss it later in the future. For now though, the people of Niigata will try to rebuild their city and quickly return to their normal lives before with the help of local heroes, the government, and certain organizations.

“Alright get to work you fucking bums. I don’t wanna see no lazing around.” Antoine said to a group of men and women wearing construction clothes and safety equipment.

“We haven’t even started yet Mr. Neil..”

“And that’s the problem right there isn’t it Phil!? NOW GET TO WORK!!!!” He ordered with a sudden megaphone.

The workers groaned collectively as they slowly got to work.

“I wonder what’s up his ass..”

“He is at the age ya know.. He’s probably just got rejected by some girl and is taking his anger out on us.”

“Oh yeah.. I kind of forget sometimes that our boss is only 17.”

“A fucking 17 year old multi-millionaire! Don’t forget that! We can make fun of him all we want, but the things he’s accomplished at his age isn’t anything to joke about.”

“Wasn’t he just born in a rich family? It would’ve been pretty easy to get big like that.”

“No man! He was born in a regular middle-class family. No one knows how he got his business to get so big in so little time, some people even think he was born with a quirk that made people more likely to listen to his suggestions and in turn buy whatever he wants them to! Or even a quirk that could make money! It’s highly debated online if his shark quirk is really his quirk or not.”

“I wish I was born with a quirk that made me a damn multi-millionaire. But all I got is a stupid hammer for a head.”

“Even if you had a quirk like that, you’d be too stupid to use it right.”

“Hey I’m plenty smart! I even learned how to make an account for the company website last night.”

“The fact you couldn’t figure it out for 2 weeks since we started working here, proves my point. This conversation is done Phil.”

“You’re just mad because Ana rejected you on the ride here.”

“I’m not mad about that! Drop it already!”

“Heh. Whatever you say Shou.” Phil sneered.

A third worker came over to the two men.

“What are you two talking about while the rest of us are suffering?”

“Hey Ana….”

“We were just talking about how you rejected----“


Phil didn’t finish his statement but Ana already realized what the subject matter was about. An awkward look appeared on her mousy and cute face.


The three quickly straightened up and got to work. Ana sighed after being caught up with the two and hoped this didn’t ruin her chances for future development in this company. Phil made a mental note in his hammer head to make sure not to slow down his work while chatting or he’ll get crap for it. Shou was looking at Ana apologetic and hoped she wouldn’t try to bring up her rejecting his coffee date.

Antoine continued to watch over the workers for a while longer before walking off to head to a different area. His company has expanded from their starting point of being a tech company and headed into a more diverse type of company. Something that resembled Google and Amazon in how they have so many different focuses but technology being the main and most important focus for them. Although his company was far too small in comparison to those two right now. Expanding his company was good and all but he needed to make sure his origin was the best and safest it could be. But the thing is, Antoine didn’t have a base.

He simply made any electronic store item he saw other companies selling and with the system, it added stats, passives, and sometimes actives to the items. Making them better than the competitors and more likely to be bought by customers. Although the price factor did draw away from some customers. Antoine increased the prices of his products more than those in his local surroundings due to how superior they were. He absolutely refused to sell his crafted works at a price that didn’t reflect how amazing they are.

This action caused his store to stagnant heavily in the beginning along with some other factors. No reasonable adult would really trust that a kid is able to make or sell anything that is better than the hottest items on the market. Especially not at the prices he was selling them at. Most people just took him as a dumb kid trying to make a quick buck. Antoine didn’t really care how well or badly his company was doing.

His goals didn’t need for him to become a world famous business tycoon. His true goal was always to become the #1 hero. The most toxic hero this world has ever seen. And force them to love him and his terrible behavior. Because they will have no choice because of his status as #1! This whole company thing is just a current hobby for him.

A slight chuckle escaped from Antoine’s mouth as he saw more and more of his employees helping throughout the city. Tearing down buildings, fixing buildings, giving comfort to the survivors or particularly scarred locals, handing out food and drinks, and free toys and such for the children. It would be quite the enjoyable sight for anyone that liked such a peaceful atmosphere but Antoine wasn’t such a person! And since Yuga and Toru were busy at UA, he had free reign to do whatever the hell he wanted.

‘But sadly I can’t do it here. I am somewhat the cause of this due to the satellite shit, it would be a little too much if I decided to fuck around here after causing so much trouble. I’ll just make sure to improve this city 10x better than it was before to make up for it and make sure no one knows I’m partially responsible for the loss of multiple lives all across the world and technological attacks on multiple governments and… hijacking the undestroyed satellites....’ Antoine started to realize.

‘Now that I think about it… I kind of caused a lot of trouble trying to make sure my loved ones were safe.. I guess becoming a worldwide hero is inevitable now if I ever wanted to make up for what I’ve done.’ Antoine said with a serious look on his face.

  The corners of his lips slowly started to turn up after a few seconds.


  Now that he was momentarily free from his duties as both a hero and a CEO. Antoine shapeshifted himself into a completely different person with one of the many quirks he’s had his nanites record. He had to get himself quite a few distances away from Niigata just to be safe and once he spotted a perfectly innocent city down below, he hopped off his glider. His glider continued flying off into the sky as he landed in a dark alleyway void of people.

“Hmm.. the sound of crime already!? Are you fucking kidding me?” Antoine muttered to himself as he heard the sounds of a fighting and crying.

  He was considering ignoring it due to the pain in the ass timing it had, but ultimately decided against it. Maybe he could have some fun beating the shit out of these assholes nearby. Antoine walked over to the sounds and watched as three shitheads were beating the crap out of some costumed kid bawled up in fetal position, sobbing.

‘The fucking kid tried to be a little hero huh…’ Antoine figured.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!” Antoine burst into laughter, confusing the three delinquents and the weak “hero”. “NO GET SOME MORE LICKS IN! BEAT THAT IDIOT’S BRAIN IN! MAYBE IT’LL TEACH HIM NOT TO BE SO STUPID ANYMORE! HAHAHAAH!” The delinquents were put off by Antoine’s behavior and were about to walk away from someone they collectively designated as a psycho old man.

  But before they could walk away, Antoine kicked off the ground and appeared in the middle of the trio.

“Hey hey hey…. When I tell you shitheads to do something…. You better----” One of the delinquents suddenly swung at Antoine and cut him off in the middle of his warning.


  A yellow liquid squirted out towards Antoine and effectively splashed on the fist coming his way. The yellow liquid did nothing to stop the fist’s speed and it almost landed on Antoine.

“HEY YOU FUCKING LITTLE IDIOT! YOU ALMOST PISSED ON MY FUCKING OUTFIT!” Antoine yelled as he effortlessly dodged the fist and kicked in the teen’s shin, causing him to fall over and fall on his face.

  The other two delinquents moved in to strike Antoine who was posing as a disgusting old man currently.

“Seriously. Teaching a bunch of youngsters like you some manners isn’t my plan here. I just came to this city to have some fun.” Antoine muttered as he dodged both attacks and grabbed the arms of the two before slinging them into the wall.

  The three groaned in pain and Antoine looked at the young vigilante in the making. He crouched over him and assessed his injuries.

“Fucking kid… Trying to be a hero when your only quirk is shooting piss out of your hands… Drink this and you’ll be fine. And i swear to god if you try to follow me with your body like that, I’ll kill you myself.” Antoine threatened him.

  The boy’s heart shivered at the tone of his savior. Even if he looked quite ugly, gross, and smelled like horses dung, he still saved him…

“Seriously what a waste of time… At least join a fighting class or something if your quirk isn’t a combative one..” He finished as he vanished from the area, unknowingly gaining a new admirer in the process.

  Said admirer just finished drinking the strange juice given to him by his savior and felt his injuries disappearing somehow.

“Wha?!” He felt his body all over and didn’t feel any pain from that beating those thugs gave him earlier.

  He raced out of the building to try and thank the mysterious old man but couldn’t find any signs of him through the sea of bodies currently on the street. Not knowing that the old man didn’t leave at all and was standing on top of the building above him, watching him.

‘Is this fucking kid some kind of mc? Do people just not listen anymore? Who the hell would try and chase down some stinky gross looking hobo? Fuck…’ Antoine thought as he looked at the kid.

  Antoine took off and ignored the child. It didn’t matter if there were more main characters besides Midoriya, he’d just have to make sure to stay on top of his own shit. Even if there was an army of main characters after him somehow, it wouldn’t bother him in the slightest. Not with his tech.

‘Now… To find a the perfect spot....’ Antoine thought while looking down from a roof at a sea of people down below.

  A smile slowly creeped itself onto his face. He reached into his inventory and pulled out 4 items. One cane, one plastic nose, one murky green liquid inside a test tube, and one perfume bottle. He swallowed the green liquid with a satisfied look on his face and sprayed the bottle on his outfit. He then quickly placed the plastic nose on his nose and wielded the cane in his left hand. Antoine then dropped down below into the crowd.

“Sorry no entry. There was an incident up ahead.” A hobo said stopping anyone from passing.

  Everyone who was on their way somewhere or just enjoying a leisurely stroll all collectively crinkled their noses once they took a whiff of this old man.

“Mommy, he stinks!”

“Sir… Do you mind letting us through?” A beautiful school girl asked the old man.

“No can do sweety. But maybe if ya give me a sloppy kiss, I’ll make an exception for ya.” The old man said, smiling widely with his discolored teeth filled with holes and spots of green inside.

  The young girl nearly hurled along with some others who managed to see the sight. Her skin paled as she took a few steps back defeated. Another youngster followed up after her attempt and tried to barrel through.


  The boy was whacked three times and forced to retreat backwards from the crazy hobo’s attacks.

“ARE YOU CRAZY OLD MAN!? YOU CAN’T HOLD US HERE!” A particularly busty red-headed woman yelled as she stomped towards him.

“I ain’t holding no one. No entry allowed. There was an incident up ahead. Can’t let you all hurt yourselves.”

  Up ahead laid nothing at all. No incident or any signs of anything besides more shops and people.

“I DON’T SEE ANYTHING!” Busty Mctits screamed.

“Who said you had to see it? Just know there is no entry past this----”


  The old man vanished and whacked the back of the head of someone trying to get past him on the far left.

“OW OW!” The man cried before turning around angrily at the old man and raising his fist.

  The crowd looked on slightly conflicted. Although they didn’t like the stinky geezer, they didn’t wish for him to be injured. He was most likely just some mentally ill old man who got away from his keeper or something.

“WAIT! DON’T HURT HIM!” Someone screamed.

  But it was too late. The man threw his fist at the stinky senile paitent and the crowd was stunned into silence.


  The hobo’s cane seemingly blurred as it rapidly hit the man all over. It looked like the old man hit him 20 times over in basically a second! Leaving him a weeping sobbing mess in the middle of the street.

“Hmph. Youngsters these days…” The old man muttered with a huff. While inwardly, Antoine was laughing his ass off being a dick to these people. He returned back to his original spot with his cane.

“Let’s just go a different way. This isn’t really worth the time guys…” A young man said.

  A smile appeared on Antoine’s face.

“Let’s go around then…” They agreed while looking quite sullen and angrily at the hobo.

  Antoine waited until they all dispersed away and grinned widely before vanishing from his spot and disappearing from that part of the city.

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