Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 38

Page 38

The stall owner hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically.

“What’s the name of the little master, what do you need!”

“I’m Meng Chuan, the chef of Yangquan Restaurant, here to buy!”

Meng Chuan didn’t hide too much.

When the stall owner hears it, great customer!The smile on his face got even bigger.

“Come on, Master Meng, let me introduce you!”

“No, I can see for myself!”

Meng Chuan raised his hand and refused.

The rice stall is divided into five or six grids.

Meng Chuan stretched out his hand, took out a few grains of rice from a grid, checked it carefully, and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it!

“This is Jiangnan’s fragrant rice!”

Put the rice grains in your hand and put them back in place.

He scooped up another grid of rice.

“This is Xiaozhanmi in Tianjin!”

“Yo, Master Meng is an expert!”

When the stall owner heard this, he immediately said in awe.

I originally thought that the little master in front of him was so young that he could still fool around.

Who knows, he just glanced at it quickly.

Judging the origin of the rice at once, this eyesight is amazing!

“Well, the size of the rice grains is very consistent, and there is no broken rice!”

“It’s also impeccable in terms of fullness and color!”

“Boss, the quality of your batch of rice is good!”

Meng Chuan raised his head and said with a smile.

Hearing the connoisseur’s praise, the owner of Mi Tan was extremely proud and couldn’t help boasting.

“That’s right, who doesn’t know my name, Xiaomi Lei, in this street!”

The boss said that you were fat, and you were still panting.

“Okay, boss, you will weigh [*] catties of Jiangnan fragrant rice later, and send it to Yangquan Restaurant!”

Meng Chuan raised his hand and said.


At this time, Tang Sanjie was staying in front of a stall selling vegetables.

Looking curiously.

“What are you looking at?”

Meng Chuan came over.

“Master, look, this vegetable is so beautiful! It’s all red, it’s the first time I’ve seen it!”

Tang Sanjie grabbed the vegetable, very excited.

“That’s a tomato, a vegetable from abroad!”

This tomato has only been introduced into China for a few decades.

Far from being as widespread as later generations.

This Guangdong Province is a port of trade and trade.

So there are many foreigners living there.

This tomato has also become popular.

Just as Tang Sanjie was scrutinizing the tomato carefully, a lightly picking voice came.

“Get out of the way, kid!”

Immediately afterwards, a slap came over.

Before Tang Sanjie understood what was going on, he was knocked to the ground.

The tomato in his hand was also smashed.

“what are you doing?”

Tang Sanjie got up from the ground, burning with anger.

He raised his head and saw a group of people in black came.

Most of those guys are foreigners.

They were surrounded by a fat blond and blue-eyed man, very respectful.


Tang Sanjie was a little confused.

“Hey, this market is really dirty!”

The dead fat man took out a handkerchief and put it in front of his nose.

“Mr. Bajaru, don’t mind, these guys always do! Are you in?”

A young guy next to him quickly said with a smile.

“Because of the consulate’s request, I came here to see the ingredients of Chinese cuisine!”

“I didn’t expect… hum!”

The dead fat man smiled contemptuously.

The contempt in his eyes is very unpleasant.

The remarks of this dead fat man made the surrounding people talk about it one after another.

“Who is this foreign dead fat man? There are so many people around him!”

“I recognize that guy. It’s an Enamel chef! It seems that his name is John Bajru!”

“People from Faguo, what is he doing in Yuezhou?”

“The new Enamel consul, nominate him to be his executive chef!”

“This guy seems to be very famous in Enamel, and many big figures or gourmets often taste his craftsmanship!”

At this time, Yuezhou was the only trading port in China.

Therefore, the various powers of Europa have sent their own consuls and businessmen.

Among them, there are also many chefs who flew across the sea and came here.

That dead fat man, Bajaru, turned a deaf ear to everyone’s comments.

He walked to a meat stall on his own, and fiddled with it twice.

“Hmph, see for yourself…!”

“Vegetables covered in dirt, messy cuts and piles of meat!”

“There are even disgusting things like frogs and snakes!”

Bajaru was stunned, his face full of disgust.

He put on an aloof look and continued.

“This country has no concept of food at all!”

“Every time I come to this market full of fishy smells, I am disgusted!”

Bajaru raised his orchid fingers and said proudly.

He will walk to a stall that sells sauces.

Lift up one of the jars and throw them away.


The jar shattered, and the hot sauce inside was dripping all over the place.

“Ah! My sauce!”

The stall owner looked at the puddle of sauce on the ground and wanted to cry without tears.

“Oops! I’m sorry, this market is so chaotic!”

Bajaru said arrogantly.

“You bastard! Do you know how long it took me to make this jar of sauce!”

The stall owner chased after him, trying to find Bajaru’s theory. *

【29】Terror broke out!Demon Dragon Shadow! (2 more, please collect!)

Then, his valet stopped him.

When Bajaru heard this, he laughed.

“This kind of rubbish sauce will still last for a few years!”

He threw out a stack of enamel and smashed the stall owner’s face heavily.

“For this money, I paid for it at the time, get out of here!”

The stall owner immediately turned blue with anger.

This is what Bajaru wants.

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