Chaos Fiend

Chapter 29 - Refining ice sha

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

When Ye Chen was forced to rush to the dark ice, he knew that it was bad. — End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

He wanted to control the body, avoiding the ghost ice, but the impact was too strong, his body was not under his control at all, and still rushed to the ghost ice.

Just as Ning Bingsha prepared his chest, under this flutter, Ning Bingsha’s unhindered integration into Ye Chen’s chest.

An extremely cold chill came from his chest, Ye Chen only felt that his heart stopped beating instantly, and at the same time, other parts of his body were frozen.

And the surface of his body also quickly formed layers of ice crystals, wrapping Ye Chen, just like the ice crystals in the previous ice crystal cave. Soon, Ye Chen was frozen in the ice crystals.

Although his body was frozen, his consciousness was extremely sober.

This is the benefit of cultivating mental strength. He is too powerful.

Moreover, although Ningbing Sha is strong, it is not yet strong enough to freeze Ye Chen’s consciousness.

After all, the Ghost Bingsha here is only good for the three brothers of the Wang family and Bingyu. They are all in the junior blue general level, so the corresponding level of Ghost Bingsha is actually not high.

And Ye Chen ’s mental strength is already in the middle and late stages of the quadruple, and it is in the middle and late stages of the green. In addition, his tenfold spiritual meditative thoughts have been practiced by the strong man who destroyed the devil. It is a powerful spiritual practice in itself. Ye Chen is more powerful than a spiritual practitioner of the same level, so now the ghost ice can’t hold his consciousness.

However, Ye Chen also knows that this situation will not last long. Even if his mental strength is strong and he has his own consciousness, his body is completely out of control, and if the body has been frozen to death, his consciousness will also be Slowly towards death.

Although there is a theoretical possibility that he was frozen here, and his physical skills still have the potential to recover later, it is a matter of reason that people and animals frozen in the 10,000-year-old glacier may come back alive after an electric shock, but Ye Chen obviously will not be like this Sit and wait.

Relying on his own mental power, he forcibly controlled the body with his consciousness to practice Xuanbingjue, refining the ice-shaking power of the ghost ice into the body.

Although he lost control of his body and did not know if Xuan Bing Jue was working, he was still so refined.

Ordinary people take a rest a day, practitioners can rest a few days, and Ye Chen has not rested since he was frozen.

His consciousness was beginning to feel tired, and his consciousness was muddled.

And Ye Chen has always maintained this muddled state, both resting and partially conscious.

I don’t know how long the time has passed, it may be only a few weeks or months.

His body finally felt a touch, because he felt the heart beating.

‘Bang, bang’, finally excite Ye Chen ’s awful consciousness, and he woke up completely.

Afterwards, Ye Chen fully operated Xuan Bing Jue. Slowly, his body recovered a little bit, first the heart, and then the other four internal organs.

With the recovery of parts of the body, his refining speed became faster, and after a few hours, he was finally able to control the whole body.

After taking control of the whole body, Ye Chen’s first thing was to look at the ghost ice.

But what made him speechless was that Ningbing Sha completely integrated into his heart. Ning Bingsha beating with his heart beating, and each beating was accompanied by a fierce Bingsha force into his veins. in.

Ye Chen tried to wave his fist, and found that when he punched out, he also carried the power of Bingsha, the ghostly ice.

With a bang, the ice crystals surrounding Ye Chen were broken into pieces, and Ye Chen emerged from the ice crystals.

“I rely? So strong?” Ye Chen was a little unbelievable. This punch was at least dozens of times stronger than before, and it felt like he had at least the strength of a great martial artist, but during this time he was in a low level of consciousness. In addition to not being in control of your body, you do n’t know your strength at all.

But there is another way to confirm the strength, and that is the Yuanli badge on the back of the hand.

Ye Chen glanced directly at his Yuanli badge and found that the original yellow four-star Yuanli badge has now become a four-star martial artist, and has been upgraded by a large level!

Ye Chen couldn’t help getting excited, Nima, my talent was so great!

However, Ye Chen was then poured with a basin of cold water, because he found himself in his current state.

He was actually trapped in an ice crystal cave, all in front of which were ice crystal fragments.

I don’t know if he was lucky or bad luck. When the ice crystal fell, no ice crystal buried him, but he was blocked in it.

Ye Chen remembered that the location of Ningbingsha was at least 20 meters away from the exit.

Looking at the large ice crystals that were stuffed, Ye Chen could only carry them piece by piece. He could carry ice crystals more easily than the ice maggots.

When encountering a huge ice crystal, Ye Chen couldn’t move at all. He could only use Xuan Bing Ju to break it, and then move it.

Ye Chen also found his own disadvantage, that is, his Xuanbing Jue is a cultivation practice method, which is still weak in attack power. It seems that he has to cultivate some attack methods.

However, Ye Chen is really in a difficult position, because he has to practice tenfold spiritual thoughts, animal sound tactics, and Xuanbing tactics. These are very strong exercises. At the same time, he also needs to study the pharmacist and the chemist. Chen finally felt that time was running out.

Forget it, forget it, these are all future things. Let’s go out and talk about it. As for time, I’m still young and I still have a lot of time.

“Grumbling.” As Ye Chen moved to a position about ten meters, his stomach cooed.

Before he was frozen, his body functions basically stopped, and he did not consume energy at all.

When he was just recovering, he was practicing and moving ice crystals, which caused him to consume a lot of energy and his body became hungry.

But looking at all the surrounding ice crystals, there is nothing to eat, Ye Chen can only clenched his teeth and insisted. It is said that after the Purple King Wu, you can break the valley without eating, but now, Ye Chen is still mortal.

The further he moved, Ye Chen felt more hungry. Just like a person who is already hungry and has to work constantly, the hunger will become stronger and stronger.

Child Ye Chen could not help thinking, I would not starve to death here, right?

He did not die in the hands of King Kadar Wu, Wang Sheng, not under the Vulcan shell, nor did he die in the hands of Ningbingsha, would he starve to death here? Ye Chen is really too bad to think about it.

Moreover, he is still a virgin. He doesn’t seem to have even pulled a woman’s little hand, and he also has a little girlfriend of the King of the Oriental family.

Wuwang-level girlfriend, if you say that there is more face in going out, more wind, more pretense, how can you starve to death here?

Thinking, Ye Chen took a sigh of relief, intensified, and carried the ice crystal frantically.

Finally, two hours later, Ye Chen got all the ice crystals, and he came to the original ice crystal cave.

“Hoo.” Ye Chensong sighed, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, at this time he was really hungry, and he didn’t want to move a finger.

But Ye Chen just sat down, and a white behemoth floated out of the water.

At this point, Bingyu was looking at Ye Chen, and his eyes were all kind. Before that, he regarded Ye Chen as a kind of voice who could say a kind of voice. In addition, Ye Chen also killed Wang Sheng, and Bingyu told Ye Chen has quite a good opinion, although Ye Chen seems to have lost its ‘treasure’.

Ye Chen was frightened by the sudden appearance of Bingyu. Now he is so hungry that it is estimated that his strength is only half or even less. If he fights with Bingyu, I am afraid that it is still the same as before and not enough. I slapped it.

But when I saw the good feeling in Bingyu’s eyes, I knew that Bingyu would not attack himself.

‘Gulu Gulu’, Ye Chen’s stomach screamed again.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly at Bingyu and pointed to his belly.

Bingyu saw Ye Chen’s movements and seemed to understand something and dived into the water.

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