Chaos Fiend

Chapter 22 - Underestimate Kadar

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

However, Ye Chen was locked by Kadar, and he couldn’t move. You must know that the blue martial arts leader of the bandit leader could make Ye Chen unable to move, let alone Kadar, the purple warrior. — Complete copy of Yanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance )))

King Wu and Shuai Shuai are a huge watershed, their strengths are so different, Ye Chen is normal without resistance.

Ye Chen’s heart became more and more eager for strength. Ever since Tianqin Witch retired from his house, he has been passive. What’s the reason is that he has no strength!

Kadal saw that Ye Chen didn’t respond all the way, and didn’t act rebelliously. In his mind, he thought that he had made some minor problems, after all, Ye Chen was just a yellow two-star warrior. As for yourself, the purple king of warrior, warrior and king of war, have four big differences in the middle. Even if Ye Chen has a hole card, can he still fight with himself across four levels? ?

Even though Ye Chen had been very arrogant before, he did not have the strength to compete with himself at all. I am afraid that Ye Chen intentionally stimulated himself. Perhaps he just didn’t want to be tortured by himself and wanted to kill him.

Since you want me to kill you in the second, I do n’t want you to be happy. When you think about it, Kadal ’s action is slowed down. His original 100% shot strength has also dropped to 10%. The attack on Ye Chen’s head was also biased towards Ye Chen’s arm.

Well, first seriously hurt Ye Chen, then grab him and torture it slowly!

“It’s this time!” Chaos Orb has been waiting for a long time, and now Kadal finally relaxes, it is the moment when he shot!

Chaotic magic beads appeared in front of Ye Chen, and the dark ink beads shot at Kadar like a marble.

After Kadal saw it, it was too late to dodge.

Because the chaos orb had hit Kadar’s chest in an instant.

“Good boy, there really is a shadow trick!” Kadal could only withdraw with all his strength, because he felt that the Chaos Bead was not weaker than his power, and knew in his heart that once the Chaos Bead hit him, he was finished. , Either serious injury or death!

However, Chaos Orb has been waiting for a long time, how can Kadal retreat easily, coupled with Chaos Orb has its own consciousness, Kadar retreats, will Chaos Orb not chase? So Chaos Orb stared at Kadal, and was about to kill Kadal in one shot.

All this happened between the electric light and the flint, Kadal seeing it seems unable to retreat, because even if he retreats, Chaos Orb will attack him, anyway, this time it was overcast, the serious injury is sure, Kadal’s look also changed It became ruthless, the result of serious injuries could not be acknowledged, and he had to use his hole cards!

“Fuck, you forced me! Jiufengtian fired up!”

Kadal’s hands suddenly wore a flame the size of hair, exuding hot heat, and seemed to burn the surrounding air.

Ye Chen felt the temperature rise instantly, and her heart was extremely hot.

The Chaos Orb saw the hair the size of a flame hanging in the air.

At the same time, a voice was transmitted to Ye Chen, saying, “Master, it’s bad. This is the Jiufeng Heavenly Fire. It is the third Heavenly Fire among 36 fires. Although there is only a trace, it is enough to kill the purple King Wu. I’m afraid it’s Kadal’s last card. We seem to underestimate him! My current attack power can’t break through Jiufengtian’s fierce attack. “

“What now!”

“Master, be careful yourself, as long as you touch it, you will die.” Chaos magic bead said, “We first seek reconciliation. If he does not agree, I will look for another opportunity. After all, although there is only a trace of this nine-phoenix flame, But it is not something that the Purple King Wu Qiang can refine. “

Sure enough, Ye Chen found that Kadar’s forehead was sweating, and controlling the nine-phoenix beacon, which ranked third among the thirty-six days of fire, was already overloaded!

“Boy, why don’t you continue to shoot?” Kadal saw that Chaos Orb stopped and thought it was Ye Chen’s control.

“You have all released the thirty-nine days of the fire, the nineth of the nine days of the fire, and of course I have to stop, I haven’t been stupid enough to find myself dead.” Ye Chen said.

“Boy, are you very knowledgeable, you actually know thirty-six fires, and you know the ranking of Jiufengtian’s beacon fire. No wonder you can control this stuff.” Kadar did not expect Ye Chen to be so knowledgeable, and then to think of Ye Chen It’s normal to be able to send a shock that scares you all.

“Kadall, I see that it is very difficult for you to control the fire of Jiufengtian. How can we reconcile this?” Ye Chen said, “Besides, there was not much hatred between us.”

“You’re right, there is no hatred between us.” Kadar’s triangle eyes narrowed into a slit, and when he looked at the chaotic orb, a flash of light passed away.

When Ye Chen saw the flash of light in Kadal’s eyes, he knew that Kadal had bad intentions, and he also wanted to understand. Kadal knew that he had the chaotic magic beads, and he also knew that Kadal had the Nine Phoenix Heavens. Fire, there must be one between the two to die, so Ye Chen said to the chaotic magic pearl, “Xiao Hei, must kill!”

“Know the master!” Chaos Orb also noticed Kadal’s look and understood that the contradiction between the two sides had reached an unsolvable level, because both sides had treasures that were unthinkable by ordinary people. As long as it was passed out, it would cause madness Siege.

“Then let’s leave each other?” Ye Chen said. Now Kadar’s ninety-nine attention was on the chaotic bead, and Ye Chen could move.

“Yes, you can.” Kadar agreed with Ye Chen.

Both sides are on guard to keep backing, but Kadar is not backing straight, but backing around.

“Master, I’m afraid he’s going to hit you.” Because Kadar retreated, Ye Chen, Chaos Orb, and Kadar became a triangle. If he receded straight, there would be a Chaos bead in the middle. .

“It’s okay, we couldn’t let him go, and since you know his mind, will you let him attack me?” Ye Chen laughed.

“Relax, master, he may not know that I can attack on my own.” Chaos magic bead said, “Compared to him, you think that it is the same reason that you control me and he controls Jiufengtian Beacon. It is very difficult. There is a circle. “

“Ha, you’re right, I think so.”

When Ye Chen communicated with Chaos Beads, Kadal was always looking for opportunities. He found that Ye Chen seemed to have lost his mind. He didn’t know where the opportunity had come, and killed Ye Chen again. However, this time Kadar was remembered by the chaotic magic bead and still controlled the Jiufengtian beacon. Although it was difficult to control, it was powerful. As long as he touched Ye Chen, Ye Chen would die. As long as Ye Chen is dead, isn’t that Chaos Orb becoming his thing?

“Xiao Hei, it’s up to you.” In the face of Kadar’s attack, Ye Chen could only rely on the chaotic magic beads.

“Relax, master!”

But this time the Chaos Orb has not moved.

Kadar had killed Ye Chen, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. “Boy, you’re still tender with me, really thought I would let you go? You know Jiufengtian’s fire, you should understand yourself In the end, let me die! When you die, your treasure will be mine too! “

And at this moment, the Chaos Orb moved and exploded at a speed ten times earlier, as if a meteor hit the earth and hit Kadar!

“Boy, insidious!” Because Kadal is facing a difficult choice at this moment, one is to directly kill Ye Chen and face the chaotic magic bead. It is estimated that the end will be the same as Ye Chen or seriously injured. With this blow from Chaos Beads, Ye Chen was the fish on his board and let him slaughter.

In the end, Kadal chose the second option, facing the chaotic magic beads first!

Kadar controlled a ray of nine-phoenix flames burning toward the Chaos Orb.

“Zila,” the two sides collided together, like a war without gunpowder, thawing each other.

At the same time, the surface of Chaos Bead showed an abnormal black, as if burning.

Ye Chen and Kadal both stared at Jiufengtian’s beacon and chaos.

Although the Jiufengtian beacon ranked third among the thirty-sixth-day fire, it is only a flame on the Phoenix continent, but the chaos magic ball is different. He is a chaotic object. Even if the strength is greatly reduced, it is not Jiufengtian Beacon can be countered. Eventually, Chaos Devil broke through the defense of Jiufengtian Beacon and killed Kadar.

Kadal’s complexion changed greatly, and he was struggling to control Jiufengtian’s beacon. He was already struggling. Now he could not dodge in the face of the attack of the chaotic magic bead.

Because Ye Chen was by his side, he just felt as uncomfortable as he was roasted.

‘Bang’, a fierce clash sounded, and Kadar flew out like a rag and fell to the ground.

But the next second Kadal twitched like a rabbit and ran away.

At the same time, Chaos Orb also flew into Ye Chen’s mind. “The master is going to chase Kadar. He was hit hard by me. Now I am afraid he has only the strength of a martial artist. He just released a big move and increased the speed tenfold. I am afraid that only the samurai has the strength. As long as the master finds him, he can definitely kill him! Also, here is the secret of swallowing the sky. The master must remember that you must not practice unless you are the king of war. “

“Okay, master, I ca n’t do it now. I could n’t break through the nine-phoenix flames, but I forcibly increased the power of attack. This time, I may really wake up for more than ten years, unless the master can find that. A kind of heavenly treasure that can restore a lot of power … “

As the sound became smaller, the sound of Chaos Beads disappeared. But Ye Chen knew that the Chaos Bead was in his mind.

“Relax, Xiao Hei, I will definitely kill Kadar. And the treasure you said, I will find it for you!” Ye Chen said firmly.

After speaking, Ye Chen went to kill Kadal. Although Kadal had run away for a moment, he left a lot of traces, just follow the traces and follow.

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