Canon Fodder


I pulled us out of the Genjutsu. On him instantly I felt his bones creak as I grabbed his throat. Lifting him into the air I pushed him hard against the cement wall. He began to pant, still not recovered from the torture room. 


“Tell them!” I yelled. He struggled to breathe. Dropping him to the ground he folded like a chair. “Tell them, or you go back to the room.” 


He looked up at me. Terror in his eyes. “I did it,” he said. “I held her back a grade.” 


“Not that, who gives a shit about that,” I spat. Letting spittle hit his face as I said it. My eyes didn’t blink as I stared at him. “The other shit. Say it.” 


“I started the rumors about Shizuoka sleeping with students,” Shidou let out. She gasped behind us. I raised my hand to slap him, but he kept going. “I ran Miss Kikuchi over.” 

“The old English teacher?” 


“Yes, she was walking home and I hit her. Leaving her there. And and I’ve been selling information about girls that don’t do well in school to a local prostitution ring. And letting a loan shark know of people with financial trouble.” There was a stunned silence behind me. 


“Tell the really important shit,” I said. “I left you with 30 kids. What did you do with the others?” 


“They didn’t want to be a part of the bus anymore,” he said quickly. 


“That’s not what you told me,” I said. Grabbing his neck he tried to stab me with a knife but I broke his wrist easily. Picking him up, my grip tightened around his neck. “You kicked them off when they didn’t want any part of your orgy bus. You, a teacher, someone they trusted pushed them off one by one to let them fend for themselves.” My hands gripped tighter. His face turning purple. “I knew you were no good. But I didn’t know you were that bad. So bad, you don’t deserve to live.” 


“Don’t!” One of the girls from the group said. “He saved us.”


“How? How specifically did he save you?” I asked. 


“He was leading us,” a blonde kid behind her said. “He kept them back. Got us the bu-” 


“I got you the bus,” I reminded. “I pulled you out. And those kids you let him kick out. Those you helped force off the bus. Yeah, he told me that you helped as well.” They at least had the decency to put ashamed looks on their faces. “I tell you what. You can have him,” I said. Never loosening my grip. “I’ll break his limbs. Cut out his tongue. I’ll let him keep his eyes and ears. Then you can take him and leave. You can provide for him. Save him like he saved you.” That quieted them. I looked back to Shidou. He was limp in my grip. But not dead. “No takers?” I asked. No one said anything. Twisting my hand, his neck broke. I dropped him boneless to the ground. 


Letting out a long sigh I closed my eyes. Running my hands through my hair I ignored the shocked look of the others. I forced my heart rate down as I walked. “I have to save them,” I said with a frown. “You, where did he kick them off the bus?” 

Blond guy didn’t answer. A girl at the back did. “3 miles East,” she said. “Next to a block of restaurants.” 

“You can stay,” I told her. “The others, you will have to give very compelling arguments to stay alive when I get back.” I didn’t look at my party. I knew I may have ruined my chances of sticking to the canon, but I was done with the playing. For 2 days I had saved people. I felt good knowing I had saved those on the bus. I didn’t mind saving them, but sticking around to help wasn’t in my job description. I regretted it. Taking my anger at myself out on Shidou. 

I began to run East. Channeling chakra I didn’t slow as I ran at the wall. Jumping the 10 feet up, I jumped to another building roof. I had tried to hide my skills before. Leaving like this at night, during the day I would find somewhere secluded to do it. 


My brain was a muddled mess as I ran and jumped. Awake for so long even I was having trouble staying focused. I had used a lot of chakra. Making clones to distract zombies as I saved people. Killing a horde of them to practice my water chakra as I took out my anger for not being able to save someone. 


Pushing it all out of my mind the city was ignored as I moved. The zombies were a distant problem to me. Saeko was a distraction. I simply focused on the chakra as I kept coursing it through my body. Faster and stronger as I let the body take over. I felt no anger anymore. Just existed. I had killed my first man, and felt nothing. 


I remembered training I had gone through when first entering ninja school. They talked about killing, and how it would be needed of us someday. But it was always talked about in an emotionless state. Part of the job to keep people protected. They gave us training over the years. Training to cut yourself off emotionally as your friends died around you. 


Right then I really wanted to be in One Piece. There was barely any killing in that world. A feel good story that put a smile on my lips. I had so many things I wanted to do. Save Ace’s life of course. Try to talk Robin into not abandoning the crew like I had with Nami. And Nami. I wanted to see where things went with her. Things hadn’t moved nearly as quickly with her as they did with Saeko. Saeko was in a life or death situation though. It was understandable to want to not die a virgin. 


But these kids would. They all would if I didn’t save them. I refocused my mind as I got closer. Finding the set of restaurants all lined up my heart sank as I noticed all the zombies. One out front was one of the kids I had saved. He had his throat ripped out, but he still walked around. 


Jumping to him I kicked his head in then was looking for more. My eyes scanned for the white/green color of the girl’s uniforms from school, and the male black uniforms. I found another 5. All dead. All no longer moving after I hit them with the Jitte. 


I began looking through the restaurants. Finding another 8 over my time there. It took an hour, but I eventually gave up. They were dead, and it was my fault. I should have moved from the canon. Pushed for them to join me. It would have been more work, but my guilt wouldn’t have been so bad. 


I wiped my eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I asked. “These aren’t real people. I shouldn’t give a shit. Why do I?” I didn’t know the answer. 


After one more look I turned around and headed back. My mind blank, I ran. The bad mood moving through me only got worse as I heard the gunfire. Speeding up I was soon on the compound wall looking down onto the giant horde of zombies pushing their way in. 


People yelled and screamed. Some were bit. My friends were nowhere to be seen. Only those in the compound were left. They fired guns, fought with swords, screamed and kicked as they were piled on by the dead. 


“I’m not ready,” I whispered. I wasn’t ready to save them all. I had treated the world too easily. But when met with so many, I couldn’t save them. And I wasn’t sure how I would take it if I didn’t do everything I could to save them all. 


“World Escape,” I said. My vision turned black instantly. The red room came into view around me. “That sucked,” I said. I sat down in the room for a while. Thinking. What was my goal there? I had no idea what my purpose was. Why I was brought there. But I could have a goal. I could get as strong as possible. I could save them all. Speedrun it as I moved from quest to quest. 


When I was more calm I stood. One Piece was still out of the question. Only 3 days in High School of the Dead, I had learned a little about the sword, but not enough. But I didn’t know what the other doors held behind them. 


The North walls held a lot of death. But it had normal human protagonists. Which I felt was the theme. Normal people stepping up. Gantz allowed some gear to make you stronger, but they were still human. 


The West wall was more…comic book strength. Impossible techniques and foes. They were around the same level of strength as well. People could pick up buildings and keep fighting for days. So that’s what I decided was the theme for the doors. Similar levels of strength. 


I was tempted to check the last door on the West wall, but High School of the Dead had taken it out of me. I was stronger than I was before leaving Naruto. It was time to suck it up and go back there. Take the Chunin Exam until I felt strong enough to take out all the zombies and save the Kuja Pirates from the sea monster. 

Not much for hesitating I opened the door. Waking up next to Reika and Hina the girls were naked in my arms. Immediately horny when seeing them I was too tired to do anything about it. I remembered I had worn them out anyway. There was always tomorrow to have them. 



“Young master,” Hina said, shaking me awake. I groggily opened my eyes. My mouth moving to a smile as I remembered where I was. Pulling her down to me she giggled as I kissed her face. My hands moving to her waist she began to moan as I used chakra. “We-we can’t,” she said. 

“But I want you,” I said. My hands grabbing her ass as I turned us over. Kissing her neck I smelled her deeply. “You smell so good.” 

She giggled again. But forced herself to frown. “We really can’t,” she said. Trying to push me away a little. 


“Sick of me already?” I asked. 


“No,” she said quickly. “I um started my…flow.” 


“I don’t care,” I growled. “I want you.” She blushed, fighting me less as she opened her legs. Kissing me back we grunted into one another’s mouths as we explored. 


“You were supposed to wake him,” Reina said walking in. 


“I did,” Hina said quickly. I turned back to my head maid. 


“No,” she said, putting her finger up. “I started my…period as well.” 


“Don’t care. I want you,” I said. She frowned but walked over to us. 


“Don’t you dare,” Mika said walking in. 


I groaned as I deflated. “Cockblocker,” I mumbled. 


“What was that?” The maid of the house asked. 


“Nothing,” I said sitting up. Hina blushed, straightening her clothes as she sat up as well. 

“That’s right, don’t think just because you’re a Genin I can’t whip your butt still,” she said. Staring down at us. “You have been working too hard lately. And working these girls too hard as well. You’ve been asleep for 2 days straight.” 


“What?” I asked looking to the maids. They nodded. “Why didn’t you wake me?” 


“Because you’ve been working too hard,” Mika said. “You obviously needed the rest. But you have a guest. It’s time to get up. You have 2 days till the Chunin exam. So no more training. Simply rest for the time being. There has been a lot of drama going on while you were focused on training.” 

I stood slowly. “Fine,” I said. “Lead the way.” She nodded and left. I grabbed the 2 girls' hands. “We aren’t done here.” They blushed but nodded, a smile on their lips as they kissed my cheeks at the same time. I followed them out. Reina shaking her ass to give me a nice view like I asked her to. 


We got to the front of the house to see Hinata there. “Hinata, I’m so sorry I haven’t been to see you,” I said. “You know Reina, this is Hina, my new maid.” 


“Nice to meet you,” Hinata said with a head nod as Hina bowed more deeply. “I was wondering if you wanted to go see Naruto.”

“What happened to him?” I asked. 


“He trained too hard, like you. He’s been asleep for a couple of days,” she admitted. 


“Perfect. Are you 2 coming?” I asked. 


They were about to say yes, but Mika cut them off. “No, they are busy. The girls have lots of work.” The duo frowned but didn’t protest. I had forgotten that Hinata was supposed to be my potential fiance. 


“Shall we?” I asked. The almost purple haired girl nodded. Turning around we walked in silence for a time. As we did I wondered if the engagement was real. I had taken Takashi’s girl, Saeko, and received the Protagonist's Path. What did it do? Was it because Hinata was potentially mine as well? I wanted her of course. Of all the possible girls in Naruto, I knew Hinata would look the best. But I liked Naruto. It wasn’t his fault he was oblivious. 


“Recovered okay?” I asked. 



“From your fight during the exam,” I said. 


“Oh right. Yes,” she whispered. “I feel bad for not doing better.” 


“It’s okay, I know you have a thing for Naruto,” I said bluntly. That caused Hinata to stop in her tracks. Her gray eyes stared at me, blushing as she did. “It was obvious, Hinata. You would get all quiet when he was around.” 

I started walking again. Hinata soon ran after me. She was quiet for a long time as we headed to the hospital. I let her stew for a bit. I wasn’t sure what she had to go through to approve the possible engagement between us. I wasn’t completely convinced she knew about it. But I wasn’t about to go through with it if there were lingering feelings between them. 


She led us to the hospital. We walked through the hospital halls in silence. I was surprised to find Shikamaru in the room. He and Naruto were talking as we walked in. 


“Weston, how’s it going!” Naruto said loudly. He was in the hospital bed as Shikamaru sat in a chair next to him. “What’s up?” 


“Nothin much,” I said walking up. “Hinata said you got found unconscious outside the bath house again. Peeping again?” 

“Wh-that didn’t happen,” Naruto said nervously. 

“What? Hinata, why did you lie?” I asked, turning to her. Her pale face was completely red. 


“I-I-” She tried to say. 


I laughed loudly. “I’m joking,” I said. “Hinata is too cute when she gets all flustered. I can’t help it.” 


“You were laid up that one time Sakura caught you outside of the bath house,” Shikamaru mumbled. 


“That was one time,” Naruto said. “No, I’m too mature for that now. I’ve been learning amazing techniques for our tournament. When is that, anyway? I’ve been asleep a few days.”

“2 days,” Shikamaru said with his typical monotone voice. He was a short kid, black hair tied in a spiky bun. He had pale skin and bags under his eyes. But honestly one of my favorite characters in Naruto. I felt a little bad fooling around with Temari during the exam. They were supposed to end up together. I ignored that. For all I knew she wasn’t interested in me anymore. 


“I’m so excited,” Naruto said. Jumping up on the bed he began punching in the air. “I really want to take on those sand ninjas. They were so confident in the last fights.” 

“Yeah, for good reason. They’re pretty strong,” I said. “Guess we will have to show them we are too. You ready for your fight, Shikamaru?”


“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he said. “I’m going to visit Choji. He ate so much his stomach got damaged.” 

“Sounds like him,” Naruto laughed. Jumping off the bed we left the room. Shikamaru leading, Hinata finally spoke. 


“I heard Rock Lee is here too,” she whispered. 


“Oh, right. Let’s see him too,” I said. “I hope he’s doing okay. Gaara hurt him pretty badly.” 


“His leg might not work the same anymore,” Hinata whispered. 


“What?” I asked, stopping in the hall. 


“That’s what I heard. His leg was so damaged they don’t think he will recover fully. He will always have a limp,” she said. 

“Fuck,” I mumbled. I had forgotten that was one of the reasons they got Tsunade. Known as the best medical ninja, she was the only one that could save him and Kakashi. I guessed that meant the 3rd Hokage had to die…or get severely hurt. I didn’t want to live in a Naruto world without Rock Lee. 


“What?” Naruto asked. “That bushy brow guy is at least alive.”

“That doesn’t matter to him. He can only use Taijutsu. If he had to walk with a limp he would have to quit being a ninja,” I said. “Where is he?” 

“This room,” Hinata said, pointing. We walked in to find Gaara standing next to him. The red haired man did not appear to be there for a friendly visit. Sand leaving his gourd I knew how deadly it was. Rock was asleep on the bed. The pale Gaara had murder on the mind. 


“Step away from him,” I said. A shadow moving toward him Shikamaru trapped Gaara in it. Unable to move his feet as the shadow ninja held the man he was still able to look over his shoulder to see us. 


“Don’t bother me,” Gaara said coldly. 


“What were you doing to Rock!?” Naruto yelled angrily. 


“I was going to kill him,” Gaara said with a serious tone. His head bent down a little he looked at us with a creepy gaze. I knew the guy was supposed to be a good guy later, but he still sent shivers up my spine. 


“What the hell, psycho!” Naruto said. 

“Well said, Naruto,” I commented. 


“Get in my way, I’ll kill you too,” Gaara said, an unwavering tone in his voice. I believed him, but knew he would struggle. This guy was no Orochimaru. I felt I could take him, especially since I had water chakra. His sand chakra wouldn’t move nearly as fast soaked in water. 


“Try it!” Naruto challenged. 


“Right, it’s 4 on one, you red headed step-child,” I spat. “Soulless daywalker, begone.” 

“Whatever he said,” Naruto said, agreeing. 


My taunts didn’t phase Gaara. “I’ll give you one more chance to leave. Before I get angry.” 


“Try it!” Naruto yelled. “You don’t want to meet the monster inside me.” 


That quieted Gaara. “A monster eh?” He asked eventually. “It’s the same for me. As a man born from a dead woman I became the ultimate shinobi when my father attached the incarnation of sand to me. I was born a monster. A monster trapped inside of me, I now live as one as well. Shukaku lives and whispers at me to end you,” Gaara said. His hand going to his head as he stared at us. 


“Fucking fucked up family,” I said. “Doesn’t give you a license to kill who you want.” 


“No, but when my own father tried to kill me. I threw away all ideas of family out of my mind,” Gaara said. His eyes moved to me for the first time. “They feared what they had made of me. To them I am an object reminding them of the past. A past they want to hide. Then why do I exist? Do you know the answer I came to? Nothing. There was no answer. But you need a reason to live to keep going. It took time but I eventually came to the realization that I exist to kill every human.” 

The room was deathly quiet as he spoke. I was sure I wasn’t the only one with goosebumps moving across my skin.  


“With that goal I continued to live. Killing all assassins that went after me. I began to enjoy it. And it was the only joy I felt. I strived for that feeling. I live for it.” 


He finally shut up. I noticed Naruto having an existential crisis. But this didn’t match up with what I knew about the Naruto story. “That’s bullshit,” I said. I drew everyone’s eyes, even Gaara’s. “Are you sure your dad, the Kazekage, sent assassins to kill you? I mean, you have the one-tailed Jinchuuriki in you. One of the tailed beasts. If you were to be killed, the Jinchuriki would die but then resurrect.” The others had a stunned silence as they looked at me. Not fully understanding my words. 


I decided to keep going. This wasn’t making sense at all from what I remembered of the story. “But there's a reason the hidden villages have Jinchuriki’s. It’s like a warning so no one will attack. Because if you wipe out the village they can send the Jinchuriki after them to destroy their village. Like a…” I almost said nuclear bomb, but they wouldn’t understand. “Like a billion explosion tags blown at once. The Jinchurikis can destroy everything around them.” 


“What?” Naruto asked. “What are you talking about?”


“I’m saying…why would your dad try to kill you? I mean, they want the Jinchuriki in you. If anything they would have captured you and moved it to someone else, right? Or is it locked by blood?” I asked myself. Naruto’s mom moved it to him. 


“Yeah, sorry dude. This doesn’t hold water. Did you ask anyone why people kept trying to kill you? Or were you like buying ice cream, and the salesman was an assassin so you killed him? Then people are like, oh crap, Gaara’s killing random people, because the ice cream man was such a good assassin, people had no idea.” 


Gaara appeared very confused for a moment. I thought his eyes widened a little. Maybe mentally going back and realizing he might have not told anyone the assassins tried to kill him. If so I thought it would be hilarious. 


“Maybe your dad actually likes you?” I asked. “I mean, your sister does. And your brother too.” 


“What do you know?” Gaara asked. 

“She told me,” I said. “When we were back in the Forest of Death. She was scared of you, which I can’t blame her. You’re creepy as fuck. But she still loves you. You’re her brother before you’re a murderer.” 


Gaara grimaced, unsure what to say. I saw the first real emotion on his face besides rage. Confusion. 


“Weston!” Temari snapped. She was in the doorway staring daggers at me. 

“Speak of the devil,” I said. “Sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk before you left.” 


She glared hatefully at me. “Gaara, let’s go,” she said. Gaara walked over to her in a daze. The blonde Temari gave me another look then turned around, walking with her brother. I chased after them. 

“Will I see you before the tournament?” I asked. She didn’t answer. “Fine, I’ll kick you and your brother’s asses at that point.” I chuckled as they walked away silently. 


“What the fuck was that?” Naruto asked as he walked out. 


“I don’t know. That guys weird,” I said. 

“Not that, that Jinchuriki stuff you were talking about,” Naruto said. I looked to Hinata and Shikamaru, they had the same question.

“How do you not know this? Thought it was like a fairy tale or something,” I said. “Okay so long ago there was a 10 tailed beast. But it was too strong so they split it into 9. Each animal had a number of tails. That guy had the one tailed beast….” I explained as we walked to Choji’s room. 

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