Canon Fodder


“Your form is better,” Saeko said as she watched me swing the Jitte. “You are putting too much strength into your grip.” Moving beside me she noted. “Looser, looser, better. If you grip it too hard you’ll have more force applied to your muscles and bones. Damaging them. There has to be a little give.”


“You’re very good at teaching,” I said. My eyes drawn to her. In the T-shirt and skirt she had sadly taken off the apron and put some real clothes on. 


“Not too long ago I didn’t know how to instruct,” she admitted. “But with amateurs like you, I can see right away what your problem is.”


“Jee thanks,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Would you mind sparring me?”


“I doubt that the undead will be challenging you anytime soon,” she said with a wry smile. 


“Who knows. Maybe they evolve into samurai zombies if we leave them alive long enough.” 


She smiled wider. “Fine,” she said. “But if I win. I want a favor.”


“You’ll obviously win,” I said. “But deal. Least I can do for your help.”


She nodded. Grabbing her wooden bokken she stood in front of me, a pace away. My Seastone blue Jitte against the brown bokken, crossing as we stared at one another. In an instant she closed the gap. 


My weapon turned with her. The fork of the Jitte catching her training sword she moved to the side. Her footwork flawless she twirled around repositioning the weapon to twist it out of my grip. The Jitte flew through the air, the rounded tip stuck in the grass behind me. 


“Your grip was good, but your reaction to strengthening or weakening is slow,” Saeko said. “And you’re not using the fork of the Jitte correctly. It is made to lock blades in. You should be turning it when a weapon is trapped in the protrusion. Forcing the blade wielder to put more strength and effort into dislodging it.”


“I understand,” I said. Turning around to grab the Jitte I felt the danger. Ducking down I immediately kicked her in the abdomen. The bokken whizzed over my head and she went flying a few feet back. 


Grunting from the force of the blow she stood back up. A small smirk on her lips. “Testing me?” I asked. 


“Yes. You are more skilled than you’re letting on,” she said. 


I was trained as a ninja. Not a swordsman. Hand to hand was more my style so far. I was simply trying to broaden my horizons. 


Nodding, I picked up the Jitte. We started sparring again. She gave me more pointers. By the end she wasn’t making fun of my stances. Only scoffs until I shifted my foot slightly here or there.  


“So what favor did you want?” I asked. We sat on the stairs behind the apartment. The cement walls around the yard kept the few zombies out. 


“I want to know the truth,” she said. “What are your skills? You’re hiding a lot. I want you to tell me.”


“Mighty big ask. Why should I tell you that?” I asked. “And not because of a favor.”


“You said if I told you my secrets, you would tell me yours,” she said. 


“Ah, I was truthful. But secret for a secret? Do you think you have enough to cover me paying you so many of mine? I assume you want all of them?”


She bit her lip, but nodded. 


“Then I will need more than that,” I said. 


“How about I tell you mine, and you tell me an equivalent? We can go from there?” She asked. 


“Fine,” I said. Letting out a sigh as I leaned back on the stairs. 


She was quiet for a bit. Leaning back as well we both laid on the stairs. Looking up to the stars as we did. “I grew up in the Busujima dojo. Trained to hold a blade for as long as I can remember. At first I trained because I was told to. Hours on end I prepared and trained. It was expected of me and I didn’t complain.” She let out a sigh. Growing nervous. 


“Last year I was attacked,” she said. “I was leaving practice. The man on the street did not have good intentions. My training kicked in. I broke his arm and femur with 2 quick moves.”


“I left him there. Scared by the situation, I panicked. He was found and unfortunately there was some CCTV that saw it all. The video did not paint me in a good light. His knife wasn’t shown at the camera angle. No audio. It simply looked like I attacked him for the fun of it and ran away.”


She was silent for a time. I turned to look at her. Smooth skin, angular features, I could see the muscles in her neck writhe as she struggled to say the next part. 


“I was arrested. Charged with assault. I spent weeks of last year in prison,” she said. “It was scary. I explained my innocence but only my father believed me. Prison was easy, but the fear of ruining my future was there. The man was a foreigner. It took time but my father hired an investigator to look into him. Turns out he had done this to other women back in China. I was let go and he was arrested.”


Letting out a sigh she finally looked at me. “Things went back to normal eerily quickly. But rumors at school spread. I’m sure you heard them.” I had. But I didn’t respond. “Through it all I had my kendo. As the drama died down I threw myself into it. I made captain easily this year. I learned something about myself then.” She let out a sigh. “I liked it.”


“I liked putting him in his place. I liked using my strength to defeat a foe. The real world use of my skill was so much better than the practice sessions I did.”


“I thought I was a freak because of it,” she said. “I hid it as best I could. But then this happened. This world ending event. And for the first time I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I want to fight. I want to grow stronger. I want to stay out here. And take on harder challenges. I want all of those…I think you do as well.”


Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. A large fire to the south caused her eyes to appear red as she stared at me. 


“Maybe,” I said. “I am having a little bit of fun.”


“It’s more than that,” she said quickly. “I know it. I’ve seen you bashing them without end. You don’t stop. Nor hesitate. But unlike me, you’re trying to protect people. People you don’t know. I saw you going out of your way at the school to help those left behind.”


“Is it wrong to want to save people?”


“No,” she said almost a little too fervently. “No, I’m simply jealous. I-I’ve only been helping myself and those I care about. The group upstairs. They are people I believe I can protect. People that I’ve grown to care about. You are much more willing to take risks for people you don’t know. Something I wish I had the confidence to do.”


“Yes,” I said. “I have strength. More than…most. Why not help?”


“See that is what I am lacking. I have only worried for those around me. I have trained all my life but I still feel I am lacking your confidence. I wish to know how I can get that strength that you hold.”


“I don’t know if you can,” I said. Biting my lip I turned to her. “Thank you for telling me your secret. But mine are bigger. I want to tell you. I do. But I can’t tell you everything.”


“Tell me the secret to your strength. Just that then. Please,” she said sitting up. Turning to face me she had fear in her eyes. I decided she could handle that much. 


“You know of chakra?” I asked. She looked at me confused. “Chi?” She nodded. “I can access mine. Where I originate from. We call it chakra. It is an energy in your body that allows you to do amazing things.”


“Like what?” She asked quickly. Accepting my words, easily. 


I lifted my hand. Channeling water chakra I made a ball of it appear in my palm. Her eyes wide, she slowly moved to touch it. Saeko caressed the ball. Smiling. 


“How is this… what is this? It’s tingly but feels like water,” she said. 


“This is my chakra. Usually there are 5 elements. Earth, air, fire, wind, lightning, and water. Each person has different ones they can control. I have water. With it I can control water or make it. This ball is tingly because it’s really my chakra simply changed to resemble water.”


“Amazing,” she said. “So when your Jitte shimmers?”


I lifted it. Releasing my water chakra I channeled it into my blade. “This is Seastone. I recently got this. When I push my chakra into it water chakra pours out.” Showing it to her, Saeko's eyes sparkled as she touched the flowing blade. “Since I can control water and this is my chakra. I can make this into what I want.” I made the water into a cylinder then sharp edged like a sword. 


“But I have trained in hand to hand combat. Not a sword. That’s why I asked for pointers,” I said. 


“Why? Why learn in the middle of all this?” She asked. 


“You know why. To become stronger. To challenge myself. There is someone I want to beat. And I need every bit of strength to beat them.” I didn’t know who my Chunin opponent was going to be, but I knew they would be tough. 


“Okay,” she said. Nodding as she turned back to me. “Teach me, please.”


“I don’t know if I can. Honestly I would love to. But I don’t know it well enough to teach.” Since chakra was in One Piece I assumed it was possible. But one of my quest rewards was chakra. I didn’t know if that meant it was because it only existed in Naruto or I was able to keep my chakra like I could keep my physique with another skill.  


“But you’re learning right?” She asked. “You might be able to in the future?”


“Maybe. I would like to learn how to teach everyone. But right now. I’m the only person I know that has it,” I admitted. 


“Fine. Then I will stay with you,” she said. “Stay by your side.”


“What about your friends?” I asked. 


She bit her lip. “I will worry. But you said you will go where we go. If we can leave them somewhere safe, I would be fine going with you.”


I rolled my eyes. “What do I get out of this?” I asked. “Saeko, I’ve only shown a little of what I can do. I don’t want to be blunt, but I don’t need-“


She moved forward, kissing me. Her purple hair black in the moonlight I didn’t stop her and was quickly into the kiss as well. Our tongues meeting she moaned in my mouth as my hand moved to her back. Pulling her to me I could feel her legs shake. Either excitement or fear, I couldn’t tell. 


She was soon winded. Pulling back she stared me in the eyes. “I’ll be your woman,” she said. “You said you have a girlfriend. I don’t care. Use me. I will do whatever you want. Everything you say. But I want to become stronger. I will do anything to reach that end.”


I saw the truth in her words. A big part of me was tempted to take her up on the offer. The stoic woman was strong. It didn’t help that I couldn't get the image of her in an apron and panties out of my mind. 


“I want you,” I said. “But not if you want this out of some desire to become stronger. I don’t want some mindless slave.”


“I want this,” she admitted. “Because you and I are the same. We are in this world and we are two of the few prepared for it. As much as I don’t like to admit it. You are stronger than me. You are someone I have been searching for. Someone worthy of giving my everything to.”


I understood then that the shaking in her body was from fear. But she wasn’t scared of me. She was scared of telling me her truth. Of showing her true colors to me. 


“I would teach you this if I knew how. With or without you giving yourself to me,” I said. 


“I believe you,” she said. “I-I don’t care. I still want to give you it all.” 


I began to pour Lust chakra around us. Touching her skin it wasn’t long until she began to grow wet and pant. I felt all the words that needed to be said had been. Standing up I grabbed her hand. She shook a little but stood. The upstairs apartment was out. So I looked to the downstairs. 


Going down we were quickly at the door. Pushing in with a little strength the door splintered open. Moving through the dark we found the bedroom. Turning the light on there was a large bed at the center of the room. It appeared to belong to a married couple. I began looking through the drawers. 


“Wh-what are you looking for?” She asked. 


“Condoms,” I admitted. 


“We um don’t have to,” she said. I looked at her. Wondering if she was having second thoughts. “I’m on the pill. With my intense training it helps to…regulate things.”


I nodded. My dick hardening as I studied the woman. She was about 5 foot 9 inches. So only a little shorter than me. Long purple hair down to her waist she wore loose shorts that ended at mid thigh and a tight T-shirt. 


Walking toward her I kissed her. The lust aura making it easier for her as she became more and more heated. “We stop when you want,” I said. 


Saeko nodded. “Have you…ever done this?” I nodded. “I have not.” She blushed deeply. 


“We don’t have to,” I said, lowering the aura. “We could go slow.”


“No. If we somehow face insurmountable odds tomorrow. I don’t want to regret this moment. I have found someone worthy. A promise I made to myself a long time ago. So we will do this,” she said. Almost calculating in the way she said it. 


I frowned. “You are far too…business oriented with this it seems.” She gave me a confused look. “This isn’t business or promises or a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is pleasure, plain and simple.”


I was done talking. As she processed my words I picked her up in a Princess carry. Dropping her on the bed she gasped but didn’t fight as I laid on top of her. Using my chakra I cast Lust around us and Pleasure on my hands. 


Moving over her body her legs widened as I laid on top of her. My mouth on hers she wasn’t experienced at kissing, but she was willing to learn. Our tongues soon in one another’s mouths my pleasure coated hands touched her sides, causing her to shiver. 


She didn’t appear to know what to do with the sensations running through her body. Her hips pushing up into mine she panted loudly as my hands moved to her breasts. Saeko gasped as her pleasure built up. Moving my hands inside her shirt I squeezed her C cup breasts. Pinching her nipples the blue haired woman grunted and began to cum. 


She cried out before I could seal her mouth with mine. Our tongues entwining her whole body shook with the orgasm. Her lower half pushing up into me harder, the orgasm extended for a long time. Then with a sigh she dropped back down to the bed. 


“Huh huh huh,” she said, catching her breath. “What was that?”


“An orgasm,” I said. Kissing her lips. She kissed me back. 


“From that?” 


“I um can do more than make water with my chakra. Would you like to see?” She nodded quickly. Her eyes as big as saucers. I moved down. Sliding her shorts and panties off I found her dark purple pubic hair rather cute. Very exotic. 


I then moved off the bed. Taking my own pants off I got a great view as her eyes bulged. Seeing my fully erect 11 inch dick for the first time her brain short circuited for a moment. 


“I uh thought I saw something earlier. But I did not expect that,” she said. Her eyes locked on the one eyed snake. “Can that…go in?”


“It can,” I assured. “I will be gentle.”


Moving back over top of her, our eyes met. There was fear there, but also excitement. I felt like this was something she had dreamed of. A secret hope deep in her heart that someone stronger would come along. 


Our line of sight never faltered from one another as I guided my dick toward her lower lips. Parting the tight vulva, Saeko bit her lip but didn’t say any word of protest. Moving my Pleasure chakra to my dick her heart rate sped up and eyes dilated as her slowly opening entrance parted for me. 


When I was an inch in I felt her hymen. Breaking eye contact I kissed her lips as I ruptured it. She grunted but was soon gasping in pleasure as I continued to move in. 


My chakra overriding the pain she felt she began to widen her legs, accepting my full intrusion. She was tight. As tight as Reina and Hina. But she was strong too. The muscles in her cunt squeezed me as she learned the pleasure my dick made her feel. 


When our crotches finally collided she gasped and came. Her head shooting back as hands gripped the blanket. Her chest swayed as her body orgasmed for the 2nd time, for what I was guessing was ever. 


My lips moving to her neck she wrapped her legs around me. “You feel so good. Is this normal?!” She grunted. Her legs holding me still so she could ask the question. 


“With me, yes…but this is only the beginning.” I nibbled her neck as I moved up to whisper in her ear. “I’ve changed my mind. You feel too good.” My dick pulsed inside of her. Stretching her virgin insides. Saeko shivered. “Stay with me and I will do what I can to teach you what I know.”


“Good,” she said. Her own head lifted up to kiss me. “Now, enough talk. Take me.”


“You’ll regret saying that,” I growled. There was real fear in her eyes as I began to pound into her. The pain turned to pleasure as I only sped up. Cumming loudly she tried to move away but my strong hands pulled her back. 


Jackhammering into her I was going all the way out and in. She raised her head to watch me impale her over and over. After half a dozen thrusts she came again. 


“Slow down,” she grunted. “Too much.” Gritting her teeth she locked eyes with me. 


“You’re strong. You can take it,” I teased as I moaned happily. My hips moving back and forth she put on an angry look as if taking it as a challenge. But her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came again. With Reika and Hina they knew how to extend the pleasure out. Saeko was a normal girl. She took the full pleasure and her body reacted. Gushing out liquid, causing her body to feel sensation she had never felt before.


Too tight, I didn’t bother with Endurance. Joining her in the orgasm her legs wrapped around my ass again. Our mouths colliding, she moaned happily as I sent ropes of cum deeper than she thought possible. 


Her body shivered in aftershocks as my hips pushed into her more. Grunting when I released the last small deposit she let out a sigh when I relaxed on her body.  


We were quiet for a time. She ran her fingertips along my muscular back. Humming happily as I nuzzled into the nape of her neck. 


“That was…unexpected,” she whispered. Looking into her eyes they were half lidded as if she was about to fall asleep. 


“Good or bad?”


“Amazing,” she said with a sigh and another shiver. Looking around she asked. “Should we go back up?”


“I uh was hoping we could go again,” I admitted. 


She blushed. Grimacing but nodding. “Can I um take control?”


I nodded, rolling us over she scratched my muscular chest. Biting her lip she lifted her shirt up. Revealing her breasts in all their glory. I locked my eyes with them. 


“I know they’re not big like Shizuoka, but-“ she said shyly until I pinched the nipples. 


“They’re perfect,” I said. “You are the whole package. Muscular,” I ran my hand along her abs. “Greatest ass I’ve ever laid my hands or eyes on.” Pinching her ass with the other hand. “Amazing everything.”


She smiled shyly. And as thanks for the compliment she began to rock slowly back and forth. “Can you make it not hurt again?” She asked. I nodded, channeling chakra in my dick. Saeko shivered happily. “I can feel you. In my stomach.” Her hand moved to her abs. “You are so big. Strong. And feel better than I thought possible.”


I groaned as she sped up. Keeping my dick hard as a rock she moved her body to take it where she wanted. Rotating she searched her insides where I felt the best touching her. When she found the spot she liked, Saeko began to cum again. 


Sitting up I began licking her nipple as I pulled her hips in. Hitting that spot she enjoyed over and over. She came loudly and often. Crying out as my dick stayed hard and filled her insides. 


I didn’t bother to quiet her. If anything, the others would think she was some victim. Her cries of pleasure sounded much like pain. I was pretty sure no one would suspect what we had been doing.


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