Caelus Online

Forums – 2 (Part 2)



[Thread - Interesting occurrences]

[Views - 27]

This thread is for discussing interesting things you encounter in game.



[58. Adventurer Passing By]

Sadly, I have only seen normal things, well, normal for a fantasy game like this.


[59. Gashly]

I shall start by posting about the mysterious bloody maiden that was mentioned in the forums earlier today.


[60. Adventurer Passing By]

Oh, you mean the player that was seen by a party at the front gate, covered head to toe in blood? I heard they did not see much else.


[61. Gashly]

Yeah, that’s the one. She was named The Bloody Maiden by chat and was last seen in the market square walking into an inn. Apparently, according to the players who could make out her face, she was very pretty under her blood-soaked hair, but had a somewhat lifeless gaze. It's honestly some serious horror movie content from what people said.


[62. Adventurer Passing By]

That sounds preposterous! I thought the game was supposed to kick people out if they managed to fall into such a state?


[63. Gashly]

That’s exactly the thought we all had, but after some debating the other players concluded that she was some sort of horror themed race unavailable in the normal race options.


[64. Adventurer Passing By]

Dude, what the hell, that’s insane. Who would want to become some race covered in blood the whole time.


[65. Adventurer Passing By]

That’s quite something, did anyone see the player's name?


[66. Gashly]

Nobody seems to have mentioned it, you would need to ask around.


[67. Adventurer Passing By]

That’s a shame, she seems to be the first player to create some sort of commotion.


[68. Adventurer Passing By]

Today I encountered a bear, the thing just swiped at me and I died.


[69. Adventurer Passing By]

Dude, a bear is just meh, we are talking about a full-on horror movie ghost here.


[70. Adventurer Passing By]

Sorry dude, I’m not a fan of horror so tried to change the conversation.


[71. Adventurer Passing By]

Lol what a wimp


[72. Gashly]

Well, at least he admitted it, no need to be so mean.


[73. Adventurer Passing By]

Lol shut up, nobody cares what you think.


[74. Adventurer Passing By]

That’s quite uncalled for.


[75. Adventurer Passing By]

Lol, shut up nerd.


[76. Gashly]

He is one of those brain-dead idiots who are just rude and act all nonsensical when you pull them up on it. Ignore him.


[77. Adventurer Passing By]

I thought the age rating for this game was 18+, how did some little brat get in here?


[78. Adventurer Passing By]

Fuck you, you look like a donkey.


[79. Adventurer Passing By]

See what I mean? What a clown lol.


[80. Gashly]

Would this kid's yo momma level insults count as an interesting experience?






[Thread - Viking Fan Club]


This thread is for discussing the Unknown Viking.



[1. Adventurer Passing By]



[2. Adventurer Passing By]



[3. Adventurer Passing By]

*Kicks goblin* THIS. IS. NORWAY


[4. Adventurer Passing By]

I’m laughing so hard rn haha






[Thread - PvP Fight Club]

This is a thread for discussing PvP in the Haligrad Arena



[1. God]

So, there is an arena outside of Haligrad’s south-western gate. I shall be having duels with anyone interested after 9pm game time.


[2. Adventurer Passing By]

Oh, someone is already starting out a pvp group huh? What about pvp penalties?


[3. God]

I tried it out with my friend and players suffer no penalties within the arena. Seems like it was an especially designated area for pvp with a spawn point right next to it.


[4. Adventurer Passing By]

Wait, there are pvp penalties?


[5. God]

Yes, have you seen the karma stat on your status page?


[6. Adventurer Passing By]

Oh, that, I wondered what it is for.


[7. Devil]

Well, if you attack another player and kill them, you will lose karma. I don’t know what happens when it hits 0 though.


[8. Adventurer Passing By]

Do players drop gear when they die then?


[9. God]

No, not that I can see. It might happen if your karma hits 0, but nobody has tested that yet. Players just lose 5% xp per death.


[10. Adventurer Passing By]

That does not seem like much.


[11. God]

At the moment, yes, but in the late game it might be worth a whole day's worth of grinding. The developers never really told us much, so we just have to figure things out as we go.


[12. Adventurer Passing By]

Hey, God, what level are you? Is it not too early to PvP?


[13. Devil]

We are both Lv 5. And to be honest, getting used to your classes seems more beneficial right now. It means you can grind faster.


[14. God]

Exactly. We are both quite experienced so we can teach you a few things. Feel free to drop by.


[15. Adventurer Passing By]

Sure, why not. I am almost at Haligrad so I will drop by.






[Thread – Marketplace]

This is a thread for discussing the player marketplace and trading.



[1. Adventurer Passing By]

Has anyone visited the player marketplace yet?


[2. Adventurer Passing By]

Wait, there is a player marketplace? I thought this was for the npc marketplace?


[3. Adventurer Passing By]

There is, it’s in a building next to the church. It seems to be some kind of extended system function that can be accessed from these crystals in the marketplace.


[4. Adventurer Passing By]

Oh, why don’t they just allow us to access it from the system directly?


[5. Adventurer Passing By]

Don’t ask me, I can only imagine it's likely a design choice.


[6. Adventurer Passing By]

Oh, are there any items listed?


[7. Adventurer Passing By]

Yes, just a few weapons so far. I’m surprised I’m not the first one here.


[8. Adventurer Passing By]

Anything good?


[9. Adventurer Passing By]

There is a green robe, some random common light cloth equipment, and apparently someone is trying to sell a rock.


[10. Adventurer Passing By]

A rock?


[11. Adventurer Passing By]

Yes, a normal, off the side of the road, stone rock.


[12. Adventurer Passing By]



[13. Adventurer Passing By]



[14. Adventurer Passing By]

Alright then. What's the asking price?


[15. Adventurer Passing By]

100 gold.


[16. Adventurer Passing By]



[17. Adventurer Passing By]



[18. Adventurer Passing By]

A completely insane madman. Who would buy a rock for 100 gold?


[19. Adventurer Passing By]

There is likely someone who will buy the 100 gold rock just for the novelty or clout. People can be weird at times.


[20. Adventurer Passing By]

Haha, no kidding.


[21. Adventurer Passing By]

That’s likely what they were going for to be honest, especially since it is the first item ever listed.


[22. Adventurer Passing By]

I can confirm from the feed in the marketplace that shows the items that are being listed, the rock is the first item.


[23. Adventurer Passing By]

Wow. So the rock has some clout then, huh?


[24. Adventurer Passing By]

I guess so.


[25. DemonicGold]

I am the head merchant for the Lex Divina guild, if there is anyone interested in learning the ways of trading in Caelus Online, please feel free to message me directly for details. Joining requires vetting and testing, so please be prepared in advance.


[26. Adventurer Passing By]

It sounds like you know a lot about the marketplace already DemonicGold. Care to enlighten the rest of us?


[27. DemonicGold]

Well, it’s simply a marketplace. Not much else to say, it follows the same format as many MMO’s previously released. However, what I am offering is knowledge about items, various connections with merchants and nobles, as well as a stellar guild reputation.


[28. Adventurer Passing By]

Lol, keep speaking nerd, nobody has heard of Lex Divina, nor will they. Just go back to being a nobody.


[29. DemonicGold]

Is that so? Well, for anyone who has a keen eye for business, they will certainly take this opportunity. For someone who is too blind to see the value in my words, then this offer is definitely not for them.


[30. Adventurer Passing By]

Oooo, look at Mr big shot over here, acting like he is a master trader.


[31. Odila Seidel]

I assume you are new to MMO’s right?


[32. Adventurer Passing By]

Yeah, why.


[33. Odila Seidel]

You should be able to see where this is going. DemonicGold is a well-known top ranked merchant guild leader. If he is joining a guild, that means something massive is going down. He works with very few people and has never joined a guild he does not lead. He is far from being a nobody, and if he is joining Lex Divina, it’s a guild to keep an eye on.  


[34. Adventurer Passing By]

Wait, seriously? This guy is actually relevant?


[35. Adventurer Passing By]

Yes, ‘this guy’ is more relevant than you, that’s for sure.


[36. BigZ]

Man just got roasted.


[37. DemonicGold]

I am surprised that my reputation precedes me, I usually only talk with high-ranking guild officers and merchants so I was now aware many knew my name.


[38. Odila Seidel]

Well, you are well known due to always being in the top 10 richest players in whatever game you play, so you are still quite well known.


[39. DemonicGold]

Oh, I see. I forgot that I was on the rankings haha. Well, my offer stands anyway. The vetting process will take place in 7 days, in the capital of the Calesian Empire to the south.


[40. Odila Seidel]

Wait, 5 days?! You expect people to travel somewhere they don’t even know where it is, and likely through very dangerous places?!


[41. DemonicGold]

Yes, well I am only after the top merchants, and for them, something like this would not be an issue. After all, collecting knowledge is important, and being able to get somewhere in time is essential.


[42. Odila Seidel]

True I guess. Well, I might give it a go then, if nothing else it will be interesting to travel around.


[43. DemonicGold]

That’s the spirit, best of luck!





Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void


Caelus Online New Cover




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