Broken Night

Chapter 5 - ──Reading concept pattern

Chapter 5 – Reading Concepts

There is no doubt that Xu Yan is a genius.

If it weren’t for this, he would not have become the first blacksmith of the Great Six in the previous life.

In addition to his talent for forging, his observation and memory are first-class. He is not a genius to remember, if it is accurate, he is a genius of hard work. For things that he is interested in or determined to do, he will abandon everything in the world and put his heart into it.

Over the past year, in order to conquer the big monster “Book”, Xu Yan has not been to his own studio for a full year.

The only thing he didn’t forget, apart from eating and sleeping, was the exercise to exercise his body. After a year of uninterrupted practice, he successfully extended his intense exercise time by two minutes.

On this day, Xu Yan finished reading the book [The Architect of the Quanqing Palace – Weir’s Biography], and he was confused?

He looked around carefully.

The whole room is centered on the dining table, almost full of books.

The ground is full of books, and you can even see some shoe prints. These shoe prints are big and small, the big one is Xu Tian, ​​and the small one is Xu Yan himself. Every time Xu Yan finished reading a book, he casually threw the book on the ground like garbage. The unread books are still at the dinner table.

Every day, Xu Tian conjured up a pile of books and put them on the dining table for him to read, like a never-ending homework.

But Xu Yan’s patience is naturally far more human, and he persisted for a whole year on such a boring thing.

During this year, apart from exercising, eating and sleeping, I only read books.

But when he saw that there were no more new books on the table, it made him feel as if he had lost his goal.

He didn’t believe in evil, and took out book after book at random from his feet.

[Is it really a fantasy]? This is a travel diary about a forbidden place in the south, Illusory World, and I have read it.

[Explore at the end of the Red River]? It’s an exploration of the gloomy place at the end of the Red River in the north, and I’ve read it too.

[Legend of the God of Tattoos], oh. This is talking about an ancient legend. According to legend, countless years ago, there were no tattoos in the world. It was a **** who descended and passed the tattoos to the world… I have seen it.

Are you really finished?

“Don’t look for it, it’s all finished.” Xu Tian’s voice came. At some point, Xu Tian sat opposite Xu Yan. He held a stack of papers in his hand: “This is the last one.”

“That night, I took it all in my head and burned it. No one can see it’s there.”

“Pack up tomorrow morning, you have somewhere to go.”

Putting the stack of papers on the table, Xu Tian turned and left.

During this year, Xu Tian kept observing Xu Yan. At first, Xu Tian was also puzzled by Xu Yan. It’s not how fast Xu Yan watched, but how long Xu Yan watched. This is nothing like the reaction of a child who is disgusted with books. It even made Xu Tiantian ask “Is this kid entertaining himself?” So within the first two months, Xu Tian would pick out books that Xu Yan had read, and then test him with questions.

After asking for a full two months without answering any question incorrectly, Xu Tian did not test him again.

Over the past year, he didn’t know how many times he sighed at Yue Chang, and said with worry and pride: “As expected of our son…”

Worrying is worrying about the future of his son; he is proud of his son, who is probably more talented than his wife.

Xu Yan curiously reached out to the stack of papers in front of him, just as he reached out to the scrolls or books this year.

When his eyes turned to the first blueprint, he couldn’t move his eyes away.

What comes into view is a pattern.

The ink on the paper was still wet, and it was obvious that some had just been painted.

Cold snow pattern.

On the top of its drawing, the name of this pattern is written.

Golden Horn Pattern, Ascension Pattern, Spiral Pattern, Wind-assisted Fire Pattern…

Xu Yan was thirsty and kept looking at the blueprint in front of him. He’s smart and doesn’t force himself to understand. This is because when he saw the wind-assisted fire pattern in the third picture, his head was already dizzy. So the method he is taking now is exactly like the method he used to read thousands of books – hard memorization.

Instead of comprehending, comprehending, and savoring the changes, he forcibly memorized the tattoos one after another in his mind like an endorsement. He knew that he only had time for this night. In addition to having the memories and experiences of the previous world, the greatest benefit of his two lifetimes is his spiritual strength. Although it has been reincarnated, its soul-based spirit has not weakened because of it.

Once as the first blacksmith, Xu Yan also needed to engrave the magic circle on the weapon, so he is no stranger to the existence of similar patterns of the magic circle, and has never been dizzy. But just seeing the third tattoo, he began to faint.

On the way of rote memorization, Xu Yan faintly felt that the blueprint in his hand was no trivial matter.

He knows best that, just like a blacksmith’s blueprints and ideas for weapons, it is a priceless treasure for every blacksmith. The ones that can really be widely circulated are mostly weapons drawings that are popular but not powerful enough. And the production maps of those real weapons and weapons will not be discovered by others. They are often collected in the treasure house by some major forces, and are tightly hidden and tucked away.

Perhaps the drawings in front of you are a treasure trove.

The ink is not dry…

In other words, these drawings were all drawn by Xu Tian?

Xu Tian… who is his father?

The next day, Xu Yan opened his eyes, but it was still dark.

“Are you up?” Still the voice from the stove.

Xu Tian held a bowl of hot soup: “Drink it first and then talk about it.”

Xu Yan responded, got up and drank. A hot soup is my favorite fish soup. He only felt so warm and uncomfortable, and he couldn’t help shouting out, “Ah, I’m saved. How long have I slept? Why is it still dark?”

“You’ve been unconscious for a day and a night.”

“Ah?” Xu Yan spit out the soup in one gulp: “One day and one night?”

Xu Tian frowned and looked at the soup that was splashed on the ground with distress: “Don’t waste it.”

However, Xu Yan ignored it and looked around: “Where are the blueprints? Where are those blueprints?” Xu Tian said, “It’s all burnt.”


Still chanting?

Seeing that Xu Tian didn’t feel bad for those precious drawings, but some ordinary soups looked extremely painful, he almost grabbed Xu Tian’s collar: “I haven’t finished it yet!”

“Which one you see is the limit you can accept right now. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be that far. I’ll see the rest later, it’s all in my mind anyway. As long as I want, I can draw it at any time. So you’d better be polite to me from today.” Xu Tianyou said, he is now learning how to get along with the ghost in front of him.

It’s useless to look like a father, this guy is a typical unprofitable person. He sneered when he didn’t see the two years of study, but after hearing about the price of the tattoo artist, he read the book for a whole year?

In this regard, Xu Tian is speechless, how could he give birth to such a strange child?

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