Broken Night

Chapter 13 - ── Tattoo doctor

Chapter Thirteen – Tattoo Doctor

The next moment, Xu Tian was stunned as he watched a hardy horse approaching. The coachman shouted, then laughed and said, “Little guest! It’s here!”

Then a little boy jumped out of the huge carriage comically, saying politely, “Thank you old coachman! Goodbye!”

“Hahaha! Such a polite child!”

Saying that, the old coachman looked at Xu Tian. Seeing the similar look between the two’s eyebrows, he said with a gentle smile, “This gentleman, you have given birth to a good child! Hahaha!” The old coachman laughed as he rode a durable horse. pedal” to leave.

Only Xu Tian who was stunned, Xu Yan who swaggered into the house, and a group of villagers who were talking about it.

You must know that the villagers here do not often enter the city. At best, they only go in once a month to buy some necessities and trade crops, and some do not enter the city once for several years. Therefore, they naturally do not drive the Nair horse so extravagantly. The cheapest durable horse-drawn carriage costs 10 taels of silver to visit the village! Ten taels of silver may already be the total income of an ordinary farmer for a month.

Xu Tian and Xu Yan sat at the desk to eat.

Xu Yan was still devoured, and his eyes were full of joy.

This is the meal!

This is food!


While sighing like this, he mercilessly swept the food on the desk. The piece of fish that pitiful Xu Tian picked up just now was also ruthlessly plundered.

Xu Tian’s eyes twitched slightly.

I wanted to make this little guy suffer, but why does it seem to be more nourishing?

Thinking of this, Xu Tian showed a smile: “How can you have money to sit on a horse and come back?”

“Humph!” Xu Yan snorted coldly, but his face was full of pride. You guy trying to kill me? When Lao Tzu became famous in Canghuang University, you were still in swaddling clothes!

Then, while eating, Xu Yan “inadvertently” put the squad leader’s wooden token on the desk at his waist, and said “free meal token” as if “casually”.

Xu Tian was a little stunned, monitor? Is this kid doing so well?

He tentatively said, “The squad leader can eat for free?”

Xu Yan made a noncommittal “hmm”, and there was no need to say more about the smugness in that voice.

“Oh.” Xu Tian slowly took a mouthful of rice and put it in his mouth, and said with a smile: “That means, the money for the meal can be saved.”


The chopsticks in Xu Yan’s hand fell on the table, and he looked at Xu Tian with his mouth slightly open.

As if feeling Xu Yan’s gaze, Xu Tian’s smile grew even brighter: “What a good boy, he can save money for his father. Come on, eat more. Oh… Or is it that you eat too much free meals from the academy, and you can’t eat me? Did you cook?”

After dinner.

Xu Yan felt that the world was spinning, and returned to the room after finishing his daily training in a daze.

He just wanted to slap his mouth hard.

Make you arrogant! Arrogant!

If you hide it and don’t say it, you will have pocket money every week…


The night was spent in endless guilt.

“Homura, come here.”

After the morning exercise and breakfast, Xu Tian called Xu Yan over.

Xu Yan’s little face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he almost didn’t engrave the word “unhappy” on his forehead. If there is such an “unhappy” pattern, Xu Yan really studies it to see if this anger can kill the **** in front of him.

“Now, I’m going to teach you medicine.”

“Why do you want to learn?” Xu Yan was still unhappy.

Xu Tian’s face was straight, and he said solemnly, “What do you think is a doctor?”

“The one who heals people is the doctor.”

Xu Tian nodded slowly and continued to the next question: “So, what if the sick person is a tattooist?”

Hearing the “pattern”, Xu Yan’s expression became serious. He vaguely guessed what Xu Tian wanted to say: “You mean…”

Xu Tian smiled, and he was very satisfied with his child’s intelligence: “Yes, there are also problems with tattoos. Some people with tattoos will collide with the tattoos after getting tattoos, and some are due to the exercises and their tattoos or their integration. The material of the pattern collides with each other, and some problems are caused by excessive driving of the pattern during battle, causing the pattern itself to undergo unknown changes… etc. The pattern is a means to break through the limits of the world’s power, but relatively, it is very Danger.”

“For the study of tattoos, even though the tattoos have been in existence for thousands of years, there are still new and new problems.”

“Ordinary people get sick, as do tattoo artists and tattoo artists. The tattoo doctor is responsible for solving their illnesses.”

“Tattoo doctor, is a very old title. Because there are almost no real tattoo doctors in the big 6 now.”

“Because you want to treat tattoos, you must be a tattoo artist. Only tattoo artists are qualified to treat tattoos. As time goes by, there are no specialized tattoo doctors in the big six, and most tattoo artists will have some tattoo treatment. Some of the tattooists may prefer tattoo doctors, but the number is still very small.”

Xu Yan frowned, then pointed at Xu Tian: “You mean, you are a tattoo doctor?”

Xu Tian blinked, but did not answer his question: “I didn’t say that.”

No acknowledgment, no denial.

“A tattoo doctor has a deeper understanding of lines and textures than a tattoo artist. So a tattoo artist may not be a competent tattoo doctor, but a tattoo doctor must be a top tattoo artist.”

“So in the process of studying medicine, you are actually accepting the learning of tattoo artists.”

“So…are you still interested in learning?”

Xu Yan didn’t speak, just stared at Xu Tian.

Xu Yan faintly felt that he had fallen into this guy’s trap again. Xu Tian knew the answer just by looking at Xu Yan’s eyes. He was not surprised by this, and he was even prepared for it. He casually threw a notebook at Xu Yan: “Back it up.”

Xu Yan looked at the cover of the manuscript: First Notes on Medical Techniques.

I flipped through it casually, but I found that it was no different from a normal medical book, and there was no information about tattoos.

“How can there be any knowledge about tattoos in this?” Xu Yan threw the handbag back to Xu Tian, ​​shouting.

Xu Tian dodged in a flash, then stood up and took the tea set and started making tea. He said lazily, “Learn to fly before you learn to walk, how can there be such a reason?”

“Whether you want to read it or not, it’s up to you.”

On the desk, Xu Yan seemed to be back in the days before—an endorsement again.

Beside him is a cup. The cup is emitting light smoke, and the aroma of tea is overflowing. Xu Tian sat aside and smiled slightly as he watched Xu Yan seriously looking at the medical book.

This kid is too cunning.

If it wasn’t for the tattoo artist as bait, this little guy would definitely not want to study medicine.

As for the tattoo master and the tattoo doctor… Xu Tian is not worried.

Xu Yan has a strong memory.

Even if it was me back then, it took five years to read those books. Although he had fully understood and familiarized himself with it in those five years, and Xu Yan had only memorized it by rote, it was already amazing enough. For genius, there must be a teaching method for genius.

Xu Tian wanted to see if his son had a so-called limit?

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