Bow and Arrow

Chapter 38 — Suspicious Beings Onlooking The Mysterious Hidden Grounds

Suspicious Beings Onlooking The Mysterious Hidden Grounds


In the dinning room, around that of 6 pm, there were Natalia, Nora Béart, Tarn Diana and Tongqiu sitting around the big, large table as they were somewhat silently awkwardly having their very first meeting together. Natalia and Nora Béart were already 'in the known' while Tarn Diana still had an 'ignorant' face about the whole situation. Tongqiu instead, was stupidly smiling around while looking at each of them from time to time. It was truly a somewhat embarrassing scene to even watch, let alone be part of it.

Finally, Nora was the first to speak out and towards Natalia at that: "Ah, this must be the famous and great, great sweetheart of Tongqiu, Miss... Natalia, it's a true pleasure to meet you!"

To which Natalia genuinely politely responded her: "Mm, a pleasure! You must be the most amazing woman in the Crestfallen Industry if I'm not mistaken, ah tell me, how did you and Tongqiu meet?"

What followed next was a nice, little relaxing and calm chat as they engaged in some of their histories from meeting Tongqiu and 'dealing' with him. Through all that chatter, Diana and Tongqiu were playing like stupid children, giving each other a not-so-really sneaky glances before smiling in 'knowledge' of each other thoughts. Maybe they only managed to have some brief touches here and there in between their training sessions but, they however didn't went forward than that, such as not even holding hands let alone intertwining their fingers or even kissing. Even then, they still 'ignorantly' continued their playful advances.

Natalia and Nora chose to be the bigger person, a matured individual, and decided to ignore the extremely obvious couple of idiots flirting around like teenagers. Diana was unaware that their antics had been long discovered by the pair of 'big sisters', hence there was no embarrassment or shyness, otherwise, if she was aware she might even feel great shame from being discovered by her true Big Sister Natalia. As for Tongqiu, how could he have not noticed they already knew? He just kept on acting like the animal he's always being and even started to play along by kicking her feet. Of course, with his still feeble yet now increasing in volume body, his 'assaults' were merely teasing from a baby for Diana.

"Ah, tell me Miss Diana, did Tongqiu bully you more when you guys returned to the villa? Or... do you still feel uncomfortable around me from that 'kiss' of mine? Hehe~." Nora Béart suddenly dragged Diana to the conversation as she then suddenly jolted before composing herself.

"I- ah... well, it's just th- uh..." As Diana was babbling on all over, Nora took notice of it quite easily as she then explained herself with quite the tempting smile: "I'm not a player, you silly girl! I naturally am not doing so- so freely just because you were a woman. It was rather my form of showing respect for a future, eh- uhm... 'sister', you know? I was merely being a bit touchy with you in a tender way, I swear! Hehehehe~."

In the beginning, Nora wanted to comfort and coax this 'little girl' to ease up when around herself but, at the middle of her speech she saw the blushing Diana ogling around as her eyes no longer revealed a bit of fear but instead had an interesting spark between them while looking between Nora's lips and then Tongqiu's as well as becoming incredibly flustered once the suggestive 'sister' word came from out Nora's lips. Hence, at the end of her little speech, she couldn't help but become the devilish Nora Béart she is already so known by those in the same room and table, to be.

Natalia had a sweet smile as she also blushed before interfering so as to not let it escalate further any more: "Alright, alright. Mi- N-Nora then... I'm thankful for these GT you've brought us today, I heard they are extremely special and that there won't be any other GT's coming close to them in the near future except for a few other individuals, this means a lot to us and to Diana which is now getting into Rising Essence, hehe. But is already too late, how about... you sleep here for the night?" 

At the end of her words, Natalia smiled sweetly again yet suggestively as she looked towards Nora.

When comparing the 23 years old Natalia and the 26-27 years old Tarn Diana with the mid to late 30's Nora; there was rarely a way to differentiate their age by appearance. The biggest differences between them and Nora was her being quite taller than them, even almost half a head taller than Tongqiu, and the way her every action was like that of a wise individual meddling in the youngsters' daily life. 

This was probably the reason why Natalia wanted Nora to sleep in the same place, or rather -more suggestively- in the same bed, to have an actual nice 'talk' to form their bonding without scruples.

Sigh. After Nora sighed a little, ignoring the wide-eyed and actually forlorn expression of Diana, she calmly answered with her voice showing obvious signs of a matured woman: "That must be so. See you in bed, then?" 

Then she calmly glared at Diana before whispering to her: "Don't worry, since he actually got closer to you before me then I naturally will have it after you, is that better, little girl?"

Diana, seeing her doting smile and tilting head of Nora, somewhat understood as she kept on her act with a face full of 'what do you mean though?' and a silly 'thanks' right afterwards.

Nora Béart smiled contently before speaking to Natalia once more: "Ah, I heard you like silly masks of bears. When you go inside the game, you may find something funny, hehehe, don't worry it's also pretty badass so I'm sure you won't dislike it." With that, she winked at her before leaving for her luggage at the hall for guests in the villa.

And so, their awkward and noiseless meeting ended being wrapped up nicely and calmly.


Somewhat around 10 and 11 pm, at the request of Diana's training, Tongqiu had to sleep and wake up at certain hours to properly invest time in eating, training and gaming since she understood how impactful his life became after it was released thanks to Natalia's sweet and tender brainwashing.

In Tongqiu's room.

It was dark, dark and quite a bit hot. Tongqiu had his body only wearing white boxes as he was facing the roof of his bedroom. Though his body was emaciated, the natural composition of such was truly a magnet to anybody in love with the human body and art alike.

Natalia had red colored light lingerie on his left. Nora Béart wanted to be at his left but nu-uh, that's Queen Natalia's spot, can not do. And so she reproachfully accepted his right side in his bed, after all, she wouldn't have the chance to be with him in a long time after this...

Nora instead wore a blue colored light lingerie thong and a black colored light lingerie brassier. It didn't look much before with her dresses covering her legs but she was quite... meaty in the most perfect preamble of the word. Thick wasn't enough to describe her juicy thighs and meaty hips, she was really Tongqiu's biggest challenge this night, in his bed, in the darkness, and almost naked. In really short words, big challenge. The contrast of such figure with such delicate and slim body, not an ounce of fat anywhere and instead seemed to have a difficult to discern fit to it, one that denied having the aesthetics of someone like Diana.

Not that it was more beautiful or how it was supposed to be, Diana herself is a goddess with no possible denial but; Nora's unique appearance was really new to his eyes, such a thing may be possible in certain kind of drawings made for the 'entertainment' of the people but there he was, looking straight at the live action of such art and heavenly-like type of drawings.

Her plump bottom wasn't being pressed down by her light lingerie but it only made her butt cheeks look more firm and soft at the same time. Her small and perky c-cup breasts were like a slight direct tease at him whenever he looked at her half-naked figure on the bed, it was as if they were looking straight at him in the eye, trying to enchant him into misbehaving.

Tongqiu, as if noticing something, turned his head to the left. Now looking at the wide awake eyes of Natalia and their watery starry state which made his heart pound at an insane pace, he had the premonition of something- no, rather, he already knew what was in her heart, he only needed to read hers to find out.

Natalia's heart was gently and piteously speaking to his': 'She looks so lonely, having her status at work must be really solitary... accompany her.'

Tongqiu's heart responded: 'Oh well, if you insist, my lady... join us if you can't hold yourself back.'

Natalia's heart: 'You perverted villain!'

Meanwhile, Nora Béart herself was feeling something strange in her heart, and didn't know why.

Nora Béart: (• ε •)

She was positioned with herself laying side-ways to her left, in the direction of Tongqiu, but not completely. She was also half-facing the roof, and such position of her allowed Tongqiu to easily see her breasts fully as well as her tummy. She had her legs folded so Tongqiu only saw the enticing skin of her thighs being lewdly pressed against each other without being able to see them completely. A pity he couldn't see her plump lower back which was yelling out to ostentatiously be grabbed by him whenever he wanted. Pity for the yet ignorant Tongqiu.

Suddenly, she felt the sides of her waist being softly grazed by two kinda small yet smooth hands. Her eyes jumped open as she stared directly at Tongqiu, who had a sleepy countenance but was blatantly greeting her with a two parts devious and two parts gentle smile.

After a few seconds of basking on his image, Nora lifted her right hand to tenderly graze his left cheek with the back of her fingers before tracing her cheek bone and close to his ears with her fingernails. Then she retracted her hand before sticking her body to Tongqiu's and having her arms in between them, basically fervently saying with both her pose and eyes 'I'm in position, now touch me'.

Receiving Nora's 'indication' Tongqiu first brought his hand to the sides of her jaw as he inclined her head upwards to his before saying with a magnetic voice: "I want to see you."

Nora's eyes visible trembled before she closed them, afterwards she used her index finger from her right hand to 'pop' at her nose. Instantly after, Tongqiu saw a rhomboid-like mechanism that was half the size of the tip of her finger appear before some blue colored patterns  flashed for a second through her whole body, instantly provoking a visible change around her whole body. 

Her hair became even smoother and much more heavenly-like as it was also enlarged, it probably no longer reached half her plump bottom but now went all the way down to her popliteal fossa. Her skin turned, shockingly, slightly shining under the dark in a moon-like glint, giving Tongqiu a much better sight of her whole flawless body. Her face was no longer of that of an adult and ripe exotic fruit but of a 16 year old instead! 

Tongqiu: (ʘᗩʘ')

He was extremely shocked! What kind of fucking mechanism was that? So fucking unbelievable!!

Smiling at Tongqiu's clear and utter astonishment, Nora's voice was extremely sweet and hoarse as she spoke in a low volume and deeply, but but with an irresistible young touch to her voice: "Mm... you can take it as a hologram being overlaying on my skin when activated, it goes through every millimeter of my body. Flawlessly putting on a fake image on my entire being... do you not like me? I assure you I'm not as young as I seem-

Her incredible true devil-like voice was cut off by Tongqiu as he hastily answered: "I believe you! If someone was able to do that, that'll be the Crestfallen Industry, and seeing how highly-regarded you are, I don't doubt you have such incredible identity."

Nora Béart smiled contently, then her uniquely with colossal levels of seductiveness- voice sounded out again so infinitely close to his face: "Ah, I see then~. Then, touch me Tongqiu, satisfy me."

Immediately after, Tongqiu held tight her chin as he ducked his head to fervently feast on her lips, he would suck on them before holding them fiercely with his teeth while the tip of his tongue would madly dance about on them. Her mouths would be completely tied together as they let their tongues do the 'dirty work' without a stop for dozens upon dozens of minutes, and while she only had to direct all her mind and strength towards her mouth to entangle with his', Tongqiu's hands began crazily conquering all over the rest of her body. Not even sparing her abdomen as he would pinch at her tender skin before rubbing around them in a way she couldn't help but feel an incredible sensation impossible to explain. Tongqiu had some 'training' himself with Natalia.

Tongqiu unbuttoned her brassier as he then cupped her small breasts before playing around her areolas as they were completely ignored by his thumbs while the rest of his fingers would mold her small chest in many shapes.

"Ah, ah~ no, no, Tongqiu~!! D-do-do it well! AH~~!" Nora couldn't resist the intentional torture towards the core of her breasts as she scolded devil Tongqiu with her still shockingly tempting voice. Natalia at this point, was hovering with her head over Tongqiu's waist as he was playing with her to peek at their play. Tongqiu had already noticed her, but merely continued tormenting Nora.

In truth, Tongqiu had to be using most of his willpower to not wake his dragon up, if he did then it was all over, he would faint in minutes from the pressure. Now that is a reason to avoid having bad health.

Finally, he decided to hear her scream while Natalia was sucking on her left thumb, looking at the no-longer-her being tortured to no ends at Tongqiu's hands. So it happened, Tongqiu sharply pressed against her harder than steel buds, his thumbs ruthlessly bending them over while the rest of his fingernails were somewhat buried around her mounds giving her an extra sharp pleasure besides having her buds fiercely pressed against her own meaty small breasts.

"AAAHH~! Hnngg~!!! Gyaaah~!!" Nora's eyes were no longer as bright and indomitable, but watery, lost and entirely infatuated.

Tongqiu went for her ear as his bit on her earlobe before having his tongue trace around the perimeter of her right ear. However, seeing how Nora was still playing around with her own tongue and lips ever since he left them alone, Tongqiu couldn't resist anymore as he went back to her mouth to maintain her utterly occupied in that regard as now, his index, ring fingers and thumb were ruthlessly twisting while pulling on her swollen buds without a rest. It finally came to her:

"Aeh,eh-eh-aaaaaah- gggGGYYAAAAH~~!!!!" Nora involuntarily screamed until her voice went aphonic for a few seconds.

After resting less than half a second, she recuperated enough to talk normally -extremely seductive- yet with traces of tiresomeness as well as euphoria. "T-to... huffhuffhuff. Tongqiu~ huff, m-m-more... hehe- huffhuffhuff, MORE hehehehe."

'Ok, you may be crazy about it... but so am I.' Tongqiu didn't even speak before taking his time to passionately kiss her. Then he moved towards her red and swollen perky breasts before feeding himself on them. Not before long, another devilish prolonged moan resounded from his room all across the nearby residential areas...

"T-T-Tongqiu, how- huff, huff, huff... how much I'd like to eat you up right now, huff, but... huff, huff... you'd best... eat me up right now, before I really lose control, T-Tongqiu~~!" Nora short-breathily devilishly spoke towards Tongqiu while opening her mouth wide and licking all over her lips from inside her mouth as well as doing cylindrical ups and downs with her right hand and suctioning on the fingers of her left hand.

In Tongqiu's eyes, she was the embodiment of Tongqiu's unparalleled libido made only for the sake of satiating him.

Without even giving half a though, he gave Natalia a glance, and she, as attentively watching as she was managed to react fast as she went besides the lying down Nora, taking her hips in her embrace before lifting her lower body up...

Tongqiu began to work on her honeyed to the utmost garden, as he was staring with his wolf eyes at Natalia who was mere inches from the area he was 'working' on. She was resting the side front of her head on Nora's pelvis, as she blushingly, shyly and erotically watched her darling thoroughly and absolutely dominate a woman in both body in mind without even using his manhood. Extremely proud.

Meanwhile, a completely inexperienced Tarn Diana was having the crotch of her 'pajama' shorts totally drenched as she never even had the 'interest' to reach such nether areas before nor now... unless certain person did so for her. She slept just as much as they did for this night.



In the morning, Tongqiu, now in better shape; was accompanying Nora who was now exiting the villa dressed formally with a dark-red hat which had a veil tied to it since she didn't wanted to go back to her disguise in front of them. Diana had now seen her true face and blushed every time she threw a glance at her or even whenever Nora talked to her, which was quite often. As for Natalia, she had already even 'played' with her and Tongqiu last night all she wanted, so.

"Mn, I'll meet you whenever you're free..." Tongqiu spoke to her, somewhat in anger. If he could, he would visit her all days or at least most days every week, but he has already been advised by her to only do so when she's told him she's free. And that she'd be free of work some time in the future anyways, so he shouldn't feel depressed before it happens. Only after coaxing her little 'baby' did Tongqiu calmed down.

Nora smiled in satisfaction to his well-behaving gesture. She was about to speak to him in comfort but was then suddenly assaulted by Tongqiu's tasty mouth before she could even breath in some air.

Tongqiu separated after half a minute of 'eating out some more' before saying resolutely: "Mn, we can always leave messages for each other every day anyway. Until then, sweetheart."

Hearing his words, Nora blushed like a young maiden before gently nodding her head in confirmation as she then spoke to him: "Get healthier sooner, my love."

Then they both embraced once again before Nora Béart departed from the villa's entrance, Tongqiu watching over her departure. He still had to grow his body to an at least acceptable healthiness before embarking on heavy interactions unless he wanted a possible relapse.

'Well, time to go back to Rising Essence.' Tongqiu muttered, of course Diana dragged him to his morning training first before allowing him to enter into any kind of games.




Author's Note: Yay... finally put some things in place, ah.

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