Bow and Arrow

Chapter 36 — A Glimpse to the Future, Reading of Heart

A Glimpse To The Future, Reading Of Heart


When most workers were whispering among themselves, even going as far as to 'interrogate' the receptionist about the reason why the most treasured polished jade of the Crestfallen Industry standing right in front of the reception desk. The always stoic and workaholic independent woman who all alone can deal with many decisive actions, choices and in certain ways, even manages who stays and who's fired for whatever reason she might have.

Of course, ever since she was given such power, Crestfallen Industry had also improved exponentially in not only the effort put in by the remaining employees, but also in decreasing the 'unfavorable' issues between each other to an almost negligible degree. Almost of course, because human nature is what it is. Needles to say, she wouldn't bother to break her back at striving for perfect communication and behavior since her aim was towards that of improving the Crestfallen Industry efficiency and quality of work and not that of the struggle for human rights or the like. She was a truly dedicated woman to her own obligations that gave no face towards foolery and stupidity, one may commit a mistake but one shouldn't be the cause or reason of it.

Not more than 15 minutes passed, which shocked every single one of the onlookers. Who is it that is able to make the most renown 'noble' hardworking woman wait for more than 15 minutes?! 

It was right then that multiple well-uniformed guards came in from the outside as the doors to the entrance was then held opened. Not even half a minute later, a guard who was obviously an outpost guard at plain sight walked first before moving a little to the side as he made way for an area of 2 to 3 people to pass through easily.

What the eyes of the onlookers were now looking towards to, was a couple consisting of a man and a woman. What was noticeable right away was the horrendous health of the man with his body clearly emaciated and unhealthy. The woman was the whole contrary to it, as she was not only really fit looking with those arms not being the typical delicate or slim one would always see on a woman her age, with those exquisite, elegant and ever adorable features.

In deeper words, the man had a really ordinary black long sleeved t-shirt, a black jacket of a cheap material as well as slightly loose black pants. Nothing remarkable yet still made a huge contrast compared to the walking beauty right beside him.

As for the unavoidably attractive woman, she had a long shift type dress with a light emerald as the main color. She obviously didn't wanted to  stand out at all and even seemed to have had 'considered' to wear something nice which was out of her habitual dressing style. It was obvious by how she frowned in a somewhat hopeless manner as she subconsciously brought her body closer to Tongqiu, directly touching.

Such inattentive act made many of the onlookers to feel disgusted, if she was to stick her body against someone, let it be one of their bodies, right? Since they obviously were more appetizing than that repulsive body of his.

'Mmmm... alright, you can't say I'm taking advantage of you later. Besides, these motherfuckers...' After such thoughts traveled around Tongqiu's head, he simply -like before- clawed at her waistline in an obvious way, it was even possible to hear the sound of meat crashing against meat even though Diana's dress was quite of a thick layer.

Her body jolted at the moment their bodies did that extra contact but, strangely, she instead felt how her body began to be surrounded by a non-existent barrier that started from his hand at her waist-line before heading towards her entire body. Such a feeling was like being embraced by a light warmth as she felt her confidence and sense of security not only go back to herself but also in an increased level. Tongqiu's support was her deary anchor in this new found horror of hers.

At this moment, already sensing some bastards getting close to his side, probably to make a retarded number of drama; he was already prepared to lash out until things were about to go crazy, he was still the idiotic anti-social Tongqiu in the end.

Right before anything could actually unfold, as for events, the treasured matured gem from the Crestfallen Company finally arrived in front of the couple.

"Ah, Mister, you're finally back, do you rem-" and to the extreme shock of the onlookers, Tongqiu cut her off, not rudely nor heartlessly but rather in a polite hastening as he quickly explained: "W-w-wait! You ah- you may call me by my name, it's... alright."

Such kind of words would make anyone saying them blush in embarrassment, Tongqiu however, though embarrassed, he simply spoke awkwardly. 

"And yes, I wouldn't be able to forget such a formidable woman even if I wanted to, I'm afraid. I've even missed you, Miss Nora." Ah, but Tongqiu really couldn't be himself if he didn't right away went playful on such a friendly female, so of course he continued with a smile two parts devilish and four parts polite.

As for Nora Béart herself, she responded with an equally playful giggle before speaking to him: "Mm, seems you've really taken my advice to heart. You have no idea how content that makes me, I'll properly greet you, I won't ask for permission."

Then, she astoundingly proceeded to walk forward, she for some reason covered her lips as if she was really glad of meeting him at last, until both their feet were touching tips, as she effortlessly extender her captivating exotic neck, with the aim of obviously planting a kiss on his lips.

On Tongqiu's point of view, he saw how her bright red lipstick was unnaturally slightly wet, something easily recognizable as her own saliva. She probably licked her own lips right when she was walking towards him, which merely provoked Tongqiu's incessant thoughts, making it easy to 'assault' him while unprepared.

It happened, Nora's lips made contact with Tongqiu's while she seductively grasped his chin with her fingers, namely her index, middle and ring finger. In response, just as she was about to depart from her playful antics, Tongqiu instead lifted his left hand to hold her right cheek as he held the little wooden box with his right hand before bringing her head towards him once again for another moist, provocative peck which easily showcased how shocked Nora was as she subconsciously closed her eyes for enjoyment and slightly blushed with a trace of anger in it.

Diana's eyes widened before relaxing, though in clear pain and confusion.

Tongqiu then seemed to notice something, as he separated from her and hurriedly asked Nora: "Uhm, could we go meet Kleus as fast as possible? It is urgent."

Then his right hand reached for her left hand, once held it he firmly grasped on it, not allowing her to have the slightest though of running away.

At this time, Nora Béart obviously had an understanding of the situation as she also spoke in a haste: "Mn, but he isn't in the little room anymore, I'll take you both to the lab he's currently at. Here let me take your hand." 

When she finished speaking, she took Diana's right side as well as her hand before leading the way for them both. Still in a confused state, however, Diana had her head slightly lowered as her left hand was still firmly grasped by Tongqiu. 

As they were halfway-or-so through there, her eyes turned resolute as she lifted her head before turning to look at Tongqiu. Somewhat choking, she slowly and spoke with a trembling voice: "Is it true, then...? What you told me, in your... room. I-I...what should I- what am I supposed to feel?"


Tongqiu spoke a mere word, then their gazes were wholly focused on one another as no words were any kind of worth right now. They may be clueless at some point but they aren't robots, they understand their thoughts and longing. They stopped moving, Nora herself was still looking in front, as if all this wasn't even happening. She patiently let them have a moment for as much as they needed.

Then Tongqiu moved forward by taking one step towards her, his chest was now a couple inches away from her breasts. He didn't try to say nice words, put a concerned face or a pitiful appearance. He simply looked at her, at the every single millimetre that consisted of her eyes as he let her see his without an ounce of hiding, as he would always do, whether jokingly, playful or even in a serious talk. He let her look through him all she wanted.

Gradually, her breathing was placated. Her face relaxed, no longer in pain or confusion, rather, despondent and sorrowful with a trace of anger within her eyes. Her head slightly lowered, her eyes turned up as she could slightly see her own eyebrows. She took a few breathes chaotically before closing them, as she put her arms in front of her chest while her hands held each other and then, she leaned side ways from her left side to his body.

Diana softly murmured in a husky/coarse voice: "Mn, mn. Time."

Calmly standing without acting to touch her, Tongqiu responded: "Time."

Diana, now composed, separated from Tongqiu's body before grabbing his right hand before putting it on her waistline. She looked at him briefly, as if to look for any sight of inconvenience on his face, only after ensuring there was none did she spoke again with her polite and a quiet tone: "Then let us proceed."

'Phew... at least it did not end there. She must feel furious and played with, I'd have to change that right away.' With this 'mental sigh' of his, Tongqiu and company proceeded to head in Kleus lab's direction.


"Ah! Youngling, you've returned, huh? And what the hell did you do to your gauntlets?! What is this nonsense about them having broke apart AH?!!"

Finally leaving the previous gloomy atmosphere from his unavoidable fuck ups, Tongqiu smiled in relief at this old fart's constant yelling, just how he remembered him.

Diana's countenance went into that of a surprised and unbelievable one 'can an old man yell that much without problems? can't be!' then she remembered this was probably someone really high up in Crestfallen Industry and merely brushed it away, who know what other kind of absurd medicines they hid in the dark.

Nora, however, rolled her eyes helplessly as she then did the honors for Tongqiu taking the little wooden box from his hands as she grazed at them with the palm of her hands before slowly making her way towards Kleus.

After a little hypnotizing from her rear, Tongqiu answered reproachfully: "Well, to be honest, ENTIRELY honest... they broke themselves, or do you think I'm powerful enough to move as I wish while connected to the game?!"

Tongqiu didn't notice but sly old Kleus was opening his mouth to retort in annoyance towards his 'obvious' stupidity before stopping by abruptly closing his mouth as his eyes also widened slightly as he also glanced between Tongqiu and Nora.

"Cough-kefgkefkef- ehem... What nonsense are you speaking?! Agh, you mentioned something else, young one, something about the system being 'fucked up all the way in'? What does that even mean?"

'Attempting to change the subject, old man? Alright then!' 

"Indeed, more often than not, the system actually doesn't even know what some really weird things with multiple question marks are in the game, how could you explain that to me, oldy?" Tongqiu challenged Kleus with a provocative glance as he was talking about what caused him headaches for days already.

"Oh?... That! HA HA HA HA HA. It's a feature, a feature! Hahaha! It supposedly triggers such a reaction when a player has discovered new things that they weren't supposed to have access to before the first update came, haha. Talking about the first update, it's gonna be soon so you better prepare to not be left behind, kiddo, cough cough."

Everyone: "..."

Then Kleus simply added: "Tell you what, you should just go check these documents over here, may have something that interest you."

Tongqiu didn't refute as Kleus was handing over some documents that he had around in one of the desks at the lab. Then, after looking around for a while, he asked Kleus: "Where is Cindy? I thought she was supposed to be your pupil or something like that? Also... I don't really have a way to contact her, so..."

"Oh, her? She is been busy with her two jobs, one of them is already here at Crestfallen Industry, while the other is probing the game herself- it's a... well, it's difficult to explain. You'll know when you meet her. Which I'm sure you will once you've gone through some necessary changes inside the game, as for in dear real life, she's too busy, too busy!"

Downcast, Tongqiu simply took the documents before taking Diana's waist as well as hinting Nora to come with them. As for Kleus Shark, he was already completely fascinated by the actually broken gauntlets! In fact, he was even entranced, as if entirely enchanted by it that he almost reacted too late as he yelled at Tongqiu: "HEY KID, THESE WILL BE SENT TO YOU IN THREE DAYS SO NO GAMING HEHE- kegfkgefkcough cough! Ehem, ALSO, GO WITH NORA BÉART TO THE LITTLE ROOM FOR SOME EXTRA TESTING~!!"

Tongqiu blinked a couple of times at the old man's really powerful and sustainable yelling, before nodding in affirmation as he turned around while waving 'goodbyes' at him. Kleus surprisingly waved back, probably out of reflex since he was really deeply engrossed at the gauntlets still.


Once arriving at the little room, Tongqiu first lead the ladies to a table before speaking out loud: "Alright, why don't we altogether check this stuff before Nora Béart here starts robotizing me with the strange little electronics hidden around... somewhere, yes?"

Diana had her big eyes stare silently at Tongqiu, he took it as a yes. And Nora genuinely smiled kindly in response.

"Alright..." Tongqiu didn't wanted to overdo it, it was already enough for him that these two extremely wonderful women were already silently cooperating on his behalf...

There were merely 13 different pages in his hands as they all sat around a table before starting to read through them all. The first 11 pages or so were all information dumps of names, big names and abbreviated names having done this, investigated that, discovered these, built those and so on, and so boring.

Tongqiu and Diana appeared indifferent to the information while Nora herself was surprised and genuinely interested, it was as if it was something really important, but had nothing to do with her, something which was simply marvelous to others but 'meh' to her.

Finally, though not the entire page, the 12th one had some notes about a very attention gathering subject:

Spacecraft Design #0417.017

-All essential modules of the ship have been confirmed to operate at perfect condition and without sudden failures. The following essential rooms are:

Engine. Power subsystem. Steering system. Communications system. In addition to specialized instruments.

-Engines have been boosted by the brand new discoveries. S Team A and S Team B have become somewhat experts at handling these resources and can already be confirmed to be part of the main crew from the first large combat spacecraft. They've also been heavily trained in the military style and are adequate to follow a good Leader's command.

-Weaponry successfully equipped. Information given is extremely short, as per White Crow's orders.

-Special "Gun's" have been successfully equipped. Information given is extremely short, as per White Crow's orders.

-Caged Void Mirror has been successfully installed at the Spacecraft. Information given is extremely short, as per White Crow's orders.

The highest and complex procedures have been completed, awaiting orders from Red Crow.


And that was it.

'Spaceship? No, spacecraft... whatever! They are finally coming into being...' Tongqiu and Diana were finally shocked at the comprehension that the previous non-ending amount of info dump was all about. Meanwhile, Nora was rather completely calm and merely had a glint of approval on her face.

The notes may be really, really little. But they 'teased' Tongqiu from what the near future awaited for him.

Having a hunch with another set of words that Kleus said to him, he expectantly flipped the current page with those unexpected spacecraft notes to the next page and began reading it.

Rising Essence, First Update, 

-The second half of the game's foundations have already been successfully implemented. Confirmation needed to such advances make public. 

Confirmation needed to effectuate advised changes along with the first update are the following:

1.- Gore settings terminated. Gore taking precedence in every single player settings.

2.- Allow players to seek guidance from the system in normal and special quests, mild assistance.

3.- Allow players more freedom to come into intimate terms, but add heavy sanctions if use of this feature is manipulated into exhibitionism.

-Sightings on player's behavior: No reinforcing of punishments needed.

'Mmm, second half of the game's foundations... shit that must be big. Next month, was it? There must be something else that it's not in this paper. Oh well, gives a fuck.' Tongqiu thought, then he saw that Diana and Nora didn't had that much of an expression on it, so he asked them: "Eh, girls. Do you not play Rising Essence, then?"

Diana was the first to respond, by this time she already deducted Tongqiu's passion for this game so she unconsciously had an ever growing interest on the it, as she said: "No, I've been working hard previously and now I have to work for you too, I don't think there'll be enou-"

Then, right as she was speaking, Nora cut her off gently as she added: "Actually, it's not that time-consuming, well, unless if you play like this little trickster over here who likes to cause trouble all the time, all-the-time. Mm, tell you what. I'll go get a GT just for you in a couple of days- oh! I got it, when I go deliver Tongqiu's brand new gauntlets in three days, I'll also give you an updated GT just for you! With Tongqiu's new testing, it'll be beyond incredible results!"

They thought she would've end there but then she continued with a 2 parts playful voice and 4 parts good natured: "Oh Tongqiu! Almost forgot, that- eh, woman... will also receive a newly upgraded GT too! So be sure to tell her, it is also very specially made for her, from my part. As for me... well, I'll only be able to enter the game after the first expansion comes but... there is still a long time before that happens, sigh."

Then Nora, still speaking, turned her head to look at Tongqiu with a smile that was both, elegant and 'meaningful': "Well, we can always meet in person whenever we can, can we not?"

Before any of them both could actually join in to say something, Nora ever so slyly spoke once again, 'not letting the kids talk before the adults' kind of way: "Oh, speaking of testing... time to test your progress as well as... your body, get naked!"

Boom, a grenade of silence detonated right away, as Diana's eyes sparkled. Sure he was emaciated and it wasn't gorgeous to look, but she had the feeling his body alone is already tantalizing without any working... at the same time though, her eyes moved ever so firmly and aggressive towards Nora Béart, as Nora also did the same.

Sparks flew about when their gazes met.

Tongqiu: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ



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