Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 38 - Part 38

In the subsequent attacks, the players who tested the first test and the second test became extremely active. They were originally from suicide and resurrected. They also lost a piece of experience. If the world boss surrendered directly and did not fight, would n’t they lose !

Originally, the income of this world boss should cost them a few deaths, but the premise is that the world boss was killed, not surrendered.

Sardin was startled by the anger and perseverance of the Bickers who wanted to avenge Eagle, and immediately frowned, sweeping his eyes to the guards in the manor.

Compared to this group of seemingly “loyal” Bickers, the guards in their manor including Ikabod, Aken and himself are too calm and far less loyal than this group of aliens.

After all, these are the people who have assassinated Eagle!

But in fact, the assassination was just that Eagle wanted to lead the snake out of the hole. The other party would just count it, but even Sardinian did not expect that the other party’s action was a fatal blow.

If it were n’t for the Bix clan ’s disruption that day that blocked the lich who did n’t know where it came out, and was almost extinct in the Kingdom of Esmea, maybe that day ’s situation would be more thrilling.

However, in the end, Eagle didn’t suffer any harm.

Therefore, although Sardin also has some negative emotions towards these assassins, he definitely cannot reach the level of “hate”, but this group of Bix ethnic groups are very angry and seem to hate these assassins.

… just because they assassinated Eagle, even if it was unsuccessful.

Sardin doesn’t like Payson, but he has to admire the guidance of the clan. How did he do it? Not only did these aliens obediently obey, but did they really have this level of loyalty to Eagle?

“If we don’t do anything again, it is indeed too cold by comparison.” And it will become increasingly loyal to the count, which is not a good thing.

Ichabod is different from Sardinia. Sardinia is a Burke Angel, after all, but Icarbode is the old man of the Lanno family. He still has to follow Igle.

In particular, Eagle, in the traditional sense, is already an adult.

Originally they intended to accept the surrender of the group of people in front of them, at least grab the people back, how to deal with it is another matter. Perhaps Viscount Frei summoned it and wanted to redeem these people, Sardinian would agree.

At this moment, it was inexplicably embarrassing.

He thought in his heart that he might be able to promise the redemption of Viscount Frey, and what he saw was that the Bixites would rather die than avenge Eagle.

… this gap, even he felt a fever on his face.

“In this case, kill them all.” Sardin said lightly.

Everyone on the scene knew that Sardin said this sentence, which was equivalent to the death sentence of the assassin in front of him.

If he really tried his best, whether it was Delin or those high-level swordsmen, they were all scored in minutes.

I have been paying attention to the face of Sardinia’s lich hidden under the cloak, and things have really changed in the worst direction!

He gritted his teeth, and finally took out a small and exquisite crystal skull from his arms. This skull has only one head, about the size of a fist, and the whole body is black. So that Jack standing beside him couldn’t help but glance at him.

At this moment, Jack still seemed calm, almost calm.

He was originally a slave, a **** slave, but now it is just giving back his life to Viscount Frey, and he doesn’t think so.

Among these assassins, only Jack has the lowest strength, but when he looks at the group, the first one to see is necessarily Jack.

His temperament is really outstanding.

Sardin saw him first and didn’t even plan to shoot Delin first. He is a cautious person. Even if everyone in front of him is not his opponent, he still keeps his habit of caution.

In order to eliminate possible future troubles, the first Sardinian to kill is Jack.

This young man who looks the weakest, but most like the leader of this group of people.

It must be said that Sardin’s judgment is very accurate.

However, at this time, the lich was already cruel, and shattered the black crystal skull.

When a thick black mist enveloped him, the young lich was so heartbroken that the whole person could hardly breathe. This expensive disposable item was really unaffordable. He was about to die.

“This time it was really a heavy loss …”

Not only did not make money, but also lost money, suffocated.

At the last moment, the lich looked at Jack beside him, grabbing him in spite of the danger, causing Sardin’s sword to fall on the half of the lich’s body, causing him to stumble and almost fell For a moment, the dark mist wrapped him and Jack disappeared, and the others stayed in place for a while before they reacted—

The lich actually took Jack away!

At this time, Sardin’s face had completely condensed. He had just ordered all these people to be killed and ran two. This was undoubtedly another face-slap.

He didn’t expect that black robe, there were such magic items.

Aken on the side had been staring at Delin to prevent him from teleporting with magic, but he didn’t expect the lich to take advantage of it.

Delin’s face was very ugly. As a senior mage, he was originally the one most likely to escape. Now he doesn’t have to think about it. Sardin stares at him and he has no hope of escape.

“Jack …” He gritted his teeth, even if the lich took the initiative, but he could only see that Jack had escaped, but they couldn’t escape.

At first, if he didn’t want to take Jack to run with him, would he have run away with a senior mage?

Then he began to despair, he had no way out of the deadlock in front of him.

At this time, in the depths of the Moon Tree Forest not too far from the town of Arzi, two figures suddenly appeared in a dry underground cave, and another black crystal skull placed on a velvet cushion shattered in an instant. .

Jack looked at the situation around him, and felt the lich fall down softly the next moment. He hurriedly supported the lich, knowing that it was Sardinian’s previous blow that had already caused him serious injuries.

The lich was originally wearing a long cloak, and also used a special method to cover his appearance. This time he was injured and the hood of the cloak slipped down. Jack found that the young lich looked … not quite like a lich.

He has curly black hairy hair, beautiful appearance, and even some baby fat on his face, and the ruddy and slightly cheeks look childish.

To be honest, Jack feels like a lich than him.

Jack was because when he was a slave in the early years, something permanently hurt his body, making him always look sick, pale to no blood, similar to the legendary lich. But in fact, Jack’s health is not good, and he was barely piled up to the level of a second-level swordsman with drugs. This is not to let him fight, but to strengthen his physique.

If you don’t become extraordinary, with Jack’s old injury, I’m afraid he will be killed. So apart from a few magic items in his body, his combat effectiveness is really low.

He can help Viscount Frey, never relying on force value, but his brain.

“Thank you.” Jack knew that if the blow fell on himself, it would be worse than the lich’s current situation.

The lich gritted his teeth and sat down with his ass. This cave is his foothold, and he has his layout inside and out. It can be said that it is very safe. . “

Most of the things he did before did not get the final payment, although, er, all failed.

Besides, this fixed-point sent magic item is so expensive that he can’t afford it now.

Look at the living standard of other people’s lich, and then look at his “home” is such a broken cave, you know how miserable this young lich is mixed, so poor that it clinks. A very expensive “professional”, without money, he can’t even make up for the loss of the skeleton army.

He did n’t save Jack, of course, because he wanted to save him or had a good impression on him. It was purely for Jack to pay him, at least to make up for the loss of the black crystal skeleton.

“Although I know why you saved me, I still want to tell you that I have no money now,” Jack said frankly.

The lich was not angry, “I know you have no money, but that Viscount Frey has money!”

“My mission was completely defeated this time, and I lost those manpower. Even for others, Master Derin was a very important person …” Even under Viscount Frey, Delin’s level Masters are also very rare.

The lich’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“I mean even if I go back to Viscount Frei, I won’t be able to reuse it anymore, and I have no money myself.”

If Viscount Frey did not pay for him, the lich could not get the money.

Lich: “…”

No, he cannot save this man in vain!

Jack sighed, “Otherwise, you should go back and see with me first, maybe Viscount Frey needs me.”

The lich is very wronged, must he continue to protect Jack back to the domain of Viscount Frey?

I always feel that I have been working in vain.

Here Jack decides to return to the domain of Viscount Frei, where the Sardinians have already killed all the remaining assassins-with the help of the Bixians.

Even the normally noble mage like Master Delrin was cut down to the ground, and he didn’t know how many swords he had shot, and he died quite disgracefully.

However, they all agreed to be assassins, and they did not do anything glorious in themselves.

The players are very happy, the world boss is solved, and indeed the task prompt jumps out of the task to complete, they have found that the rewards for participating in various large-scale tasks are the most abundant, such as this world boss task, a large number of players at a time The white light that started to jump on the body, but also because those “npc” people can’t see the white light of the upgrade, otherwise this huge flash of white light will definitely be amazing.

This task is actually the most profitable player in the three test. Their level is low. They get a reward and they are upgraded several levels at once, let alone the comfortable feeling.

“It seems that next time such a large-scale mission, you have to participate anyway.”

“Yes, there is no way to compare this kind of large-scale event to rewards.”

“The tasks are all done, let’s go, everyone continue to move bricks to build the city.”

“Building a city is also quite good.”

“It is reasonable to say that the game is too real. In reality, I am not allowed to move bricks to build a city like this. I can work without sleep in the game for a few days!”

“Hahahaha, you can’t do it without sleep.”

“Yes, you can’t go online for more than 20 hours a day …”

The players were happily discussing that Sardinium had n’t left. He glanced at these Bickers. In fact, it ’s not just him. Everyone is very concerned about this group of interracial people. Ambiguous, perhaps because the language was different from them?

Sardin doesn’t know, but it’s very easy for these people to speak intermittently, and then they don’t understand what they are talking about.

However, just after a battle, there are still many bones of the same race piled up on the scene, but they look very happy. It was them who roared to avenge the count, and now it is them who are having fun …

This is a confusing group of people.

The game system will not be suitable for all the words heard by “npc” to be silenced. Those in Sardinia will certainly feel choppy and inexplicable.

But now players are really not very comfortable with talking to “npc”, don’t use those words that they shouldn’t hear. By a few years, players will probably understand this rule and need to talk to “npc” When it is still able to avoid being silenced.

But the player is the player, they talk, and most of the time they still want to say what they say, so that they can easily become difficult for the “npc” people to understand.

In the manor, as the publisher of the mission, Payson received a richer reward than the players. The Arzi incident plus this assassin incident provided him with a full level 5 experience, and let him Payson broke through the level 30 mark.

“Is … Is Bix’s Cube encouraging me to release more missions?” Payson was sensitive to this.

The assassins were all cleaned up. Pei Sen told Eagle, Eagle thought about it, “Let Sardin bring them all back, put them in a good coffin, and give me that one Uncle sent it. “

Viscount Frey dared to assassinate him, and he dared to send him back these assassins.

Peisen thought about the picture, which was really ironic.

If he was Viscount Frey, he would definitely be mad.

“Person, can you take me out now?”

Pei Sen sighed, “Master, you still want to go out, where are you going this time?”

Eagle tilted his head, “Aren’t Xuo missing? Let’s go to Adrian to see it.”

I did n’t go to Adrian, but I only saw it in the screenshots of the players on the forum. I was also curious for a while. Just when I wanted to agree, the maid came in to report. The owner of Adrian, Lakoli, asked for Ig Yeah.

Uh, what a coincidence? They just said that they wanted to run away to Adrian, and the city owner just came.

Rakoli stood outside and pulled his clothes nervously. The reason why he didn’t come the first time was to sort out the things in the warehouse, and then … all the things were brought to the Golden Rose Manor, hardly for himself What is left.

After Eagle agreed to let him in, Racoli was so nervous that he walked a little awkwardly.

Pessen saw that the city owner, who seemed to be smooth and calm at Eagle’s birthday party, became very respectful after seeing Eagle, and was almost fearful.

“I’m willing to dedicate everything to Lord Lord and allegiance to Lord Igor Llano,” Rakoli tried to make his voice no longer tremble, “please don’t–please don’t kill me.”

He originally thought that the situation was not good. He rolled up his family property and ran away directly. Unlike So An, So An didn’t dare to run, because even though he was the mayor, he didn’t actually have a knighthood, but he was just a civilian.

Racoli has a knighthood, and even the lowest baron is also a noble. If he flees to other places, there is a high probability that he can live well on his rich family.

On the Asian continent, nobles and civilians have a very clear distinction.

However, Racoli was terrified by the Bixes who committed suicide collectively on the street. He really did not want to go against the Lord Earl, who had such a strange power, he felt that it was the most severe warning to him.

If he really ran away, he might be chased to death.

As a result, Rakoli held his last hope and ran to offer everything, including his property, as well as his life and loyalty.

Eagle stood up and walked in front of Lako on one knee. He understood that as an ex-knight, Lakoli ’s allegiance was not a joke. Before that, he might be able to run away, but he had sworn allegiance as an oath. Once the nobleman of the country ran away, as long as Iger ordered it, he would not shelter him anywhere, but would hand him over to Iger.

This is an unspoken rule between nobles. Although Eagle is young, he is very clear about these.

“I accept your allegiance.”

He had already killed Wallis and Soan, and this time-conscious Rakoli could keep it. After all, he did not have so many people sent to manage those cities.

Ms. Mary has already gone to Casey City, and until now Eagle has not considered who to send to Archie.

Arzi is in a special position. Even if so many adventurers and mercenaries have been killed, because of the geographical location, once settled there, there will certainly be adventurers, mercenaries and some caravans assembled there.

This kind of place is actually very difficult to manage. If the managers can’t hold it down, it will soon be confused, and if one fails to do so, it will give a second heart to Suo’an who was raised.

“If it doesn’t work, let Ajin go.” Iger thought about it and didn’t need to block him. Aijin had always lived in the Golden Rose Estate, and Iger saw that he was also uncomfortable.

It’s strange that Ekin can get free by eating and drinking here, letting Eagle keep it.

Give him something to do, which is better than it is now.

In addition, Ai Jin’s men have some good knights, who can completely suppress those adventurous and mercenaries who are not so happy to come to this realm.

Dealing with Lakori’s affairs, Pessen pretends to have forgotten the previous Eagle’s request, not mentioning the things that Eagle previously said about going out.

But he ca n’t escape anymore. As soon as he wiped the black, Eagle stood up and said, “I ’ll change my clothes.”

Payson: “…”

“Do you still use the magic scroll as you did last time?”

“Master, that kind of teleportation scroll is very expensive.” Pei Sen said gently.

“Then run from the garden.” Eagle said calmly. “I have been turning in the garden these days, and I can definitely recognize the direction and path of the garden even at night. If I pass the garden, can I bypass the big one? Part of the guard? “

Payson: “…”

You are really well prepared!

But in fact, there is no loophole in the defense of the manor, and the layers of security cannot be bypassed from the garden. However, if you walk to a remote place in the garden and turn over the fence, you can indeed find the weakest defense.

Especially when taking advantage of the change of defense, most of them can really slip out.

The young master seems to be really determined to run, even thought about it.

There is no reason for Pei Sen to refuse anymore, and fortunately, the assassins are now dealt with, and it should not be dangerous if they go out.

Moreover, he can take the young master to go to the copy again, and then brush some skill books and the like.

“Okay, let’s go tonight.”


They had already negotiated, and the Pegasus next to it would explode.

go? Going away again?

Cats do n’t go, cats do n’t go, cats stay in the manor, and cats do n’t go anywhere!

The black cat’s fat body began to move cautiously, and the four short feet did not make a sound when they landed.

It began to slowly approach the door, trying to slip out of the door, and then find a place to hide.

Anyway, it does not want to go out, absolutely does not want to!

The last experience was enough for cats. It did n’t understand that the manor was so good. Why did the former owner want to go out wholeheartedly.

The frightened cat saw that the door was already in front of her, and was about to pluck it away with a paw, and felt that the back of her neck was tight and was lifted.

In terms of its weight, it would not be comfortable to carry it even if it didn’t hurt. In addition, its weight was too high. It was actually a bit painful to mention it, but it did not dare to call or complain.

Woo, I was caught running away!

“Meow?” It screamed happily, trying to please the present owner.

It is a pity that Pei Sen does not eat this set at all.

“If you run again, you will be thrown into the pet grid.”

The cat wants to cry without tears.

“And, the last time you exposed the whereabouts, if you are found because you cannot hide the shadows this time, you will have to double your training the next time you come back, at least half your weight!” Pei Sen threatened.

The cat clamped its tail and felt that the cat was hopeless.

As a shadow cat, it should be his best at blending into the shadow, but it is not the normal shape of a shadow cat at all. When this ability is exercised, there is almost a probability of failure.

The cat is very sad, it is not that it does not want to hide, then what should it do if it fails.

It seems that this time when going out, we have to work harder to hide.

Cats really hate hard work!

After it got dark, Pessen and Eagle once again put on the black cloak they used last time. Perhaps it was for the maids to re-wash it. The cloak became much cleaner and exuded a natural and fresh fragrance.

Eagle was wearing more clothes this time, and the faces of the two were hidden in the shadow of the cloak, and they quickly passed through the quiet garden at night.

When he reached the wall, Pei Sen jumped up easily. He had already broken through the second-level swordsman, and he had mastered the extraordinary power even if he could not magic.

“Master, give me your hand.”

Under the moonlight, Eagle looked up and looked at the hand that Pei Sen reached out.

He entrusted his hand to the palm of this man, with a smile on his face.

In this world, it really is that Pei Sen most likes and trusts him.

As long as he went out with him alone, Eagle felt very happy.

This time there was no teleportation scroll, but Pei Sen felt that it was much smoother than last time. They didn’t alarm anyone at all and soon left the Golden Rose Estate.

Now that he has decided to go to Adrian, he will go to Arzi and hit the copy first. There is no need to go a long way. The two of them went to Arzi again according to the last path .

“Eh, there seem to be two npcs there!” Several players who moved bricks online late at night saw two figures wearing black cloaks.

“This figure looks familiar.”

“Ask for a screenshot on the forum?”

“Uh huh.”

In a few moments, the posts on the forum will soon have a reply.

Lilith: “Ah, did my little count go to the starry plains with the housekeeper again to see the stars? It’s so beautiful. Woooo.”

Everyone: “?????”

See what a ghost the stars are!

But everyone said that, is this not the little count who fled the house and the personal butler?

The investigation task of the pit father last time was a direct failure. So far they do not know what the two people were trying to escape.

“Would you like to follow up?”

“Uh, it will be discovered.”

“Be careful, maybe you won’t be found.”

“Okay, let’s follow up quietly.”

They said on the forum that they decided to follow the past and look at it. After all, the last task, many players felt as if they were in the throat. The reason for the failure was still an unsolved mystery.

Pei Sen glanced at the forum and wished to roll his eyes.

Follow me? !

Ha ha, when I can’t see the forum?

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