Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 422 Abnormal Slytherin

Hermione had given up on Divination like Solim a long time ago, so only Ronald accompanied Harry during the Divination class.

Apart from Potions, Divination is probably Harry's least favorite class. This is mainly because Professor Trelawney has a habit of predicting Harry's death every few classes. Starting from second grade, Harry has done this almost every week. Can hear different ways of dying.

Professor Trelawney was a thin woman, wrapped in a thick shawl and wearing strings of shiny beads. Her glasses magnified her eyes several times, always reminding Harry of some kind of insect. The light from the lamp covered with a cloth and the moderate fire that gave off an unpleasant smell in the Divination classroom was very dim, and Harry fell asleep as soon as he entered.

If Cuthbert Binns makes people sleepy because of his voice, then Professor Trelawney makes people sleepy because of the atmosphere of the divination classroom. The light and smell here can make people start to feel confused just by being in it.

The classmates in the class came one after another. Ronald poked his head out of the trap door, looked around carefully, saw Harry, and walked directly towards him, or walked as directly as possible, because he had to carefully bypass so many tables, chairs and a There was only a bulging little cushion.

"You will find on your desk a copy of "A Guide to Dream Interpretation" written by Inigo McGonagall. Dream interpretation is a very important method of predicting the future, and it is also likely to appear in your 0.W.Ls exam. A question. Of course, I think compared to the sacred art of divination, whether you can pass the exam is really unimportant. As long as you have a discerning eye, any certificate or level is a trivial matter. However, the principal is willing Let you take the exam, so————”

Her voice gradually lowered, which convinced her classmates that Professor Trelawney really believed that her class was much more important than mundane matters such as exams.

"Please open the book to the introduction and read what English McGonagall said about dream interpretation. Then, divide into pairs and use the Dream Guide to explain the dreams that the other party has had recently. Let's get started~`

One good thing about this course is that it is not two sessions in a row. By the time the class finished reading the introduction to the book, they had only ten minutes to interpret their dreams. At the table next to Harry and Ronald, Dean and Neville were grouped together. Neville immediately began to explain a nightmare in great detail, while Harry and Ronald just stared at each other with a sad expression.

"Harry," Ronald put the book up, blocking Trelawney's view, "I know you're in a bad mood right now, but it's not my fault that Snape and Seamus are angry with you.

Harry was a little ashamed. After calming down, he naturally knew that it was wrong to yell at Ronald and Hermione just now.

"Perhaps you didn't notice in Potions class," Ronald said softly, "While Snape was gesticulating about your potions, the Slytherins were working quietly... You know , I'm not questioning you, but this is abnormal. It's not the first day Snape has ridiculed you. You know very well how those poisonous snakes usually react in that situation, but today is different, they didn't laugh at you... …”

Seeing Harry's strange look, Ronald said hurriedly: "Of course, I'm not saying those poisonous snakes should laugh at you, but... you know what I mean, they didn't react at all, which is really strange. .

Harry understood what Ronald meant. In fact, he also noticed the abnormal behavior of the Slytherin students in Potions class. After thinking about it for a long time, Harry could only blame it on the Slytherin students who finally got tired of laughing at him... ...After all, the fifth graders have to face the ordinary wizard level exam, which is not easy, right?

Looking up dreams one by one in the "Dream Interpretation Guide" was really a tedious task. Later, Professor Trelawney assigned them to record their daily dreams for a month as homework, and Harry became even more unhappy after hearing this.

The bell rang, and he and Ronald led the way down the ladder. Ronald complained loudly: "Do you know how much homework we already have? Binns asked us to write a foot-and-a-half long paper about the Giant War, Snape The paper we want is a foot long and talks about the uses of moonstone. Now, Lawney wants us to write down a dream we never had when using electricity! I can only pray that the woman named Umbridge will stop causing us trouble. .....”

"I don't think so..." Harry said pessimistically, "She came to Hogwarts just to cause trouble."

When they entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, they found Umbridge already sitting behind the podium. She was wearing the same fluffy pink cardigan she had worn the night before, with the black velvet bow on top of her head. Harry had another strong and vivid thought of a large fly foolishly landing on an even larger toad.

*`Harry, look at the Slytherin people..." Ronald whispered.

The distribution of Slytherin students is very interesting. Students like Goyle and Crabbe who are related to Death Eaters are now clustered together, sitting in the middle part on the left. Harry was already very familiar with these people. After all, he had met these people's fathers or uncles some time ago. These people had never sat like this in a classroom. From Harry's perspective, these students with Death Eater backgrounds sitting together didn't look like a declaration or a demonstration... but rather like they were hugging each other to keep warm.

"Good afternoon, classmates!" After the whole class sat down, Umbridge stood up - to be honest, if she hadn't taken two steps, no one would have noticed that she had already


"Good afternoon." The students responded unevenly.

"Tsk, tsk," Professor Umbridge said, shaking his head, "That's not okay, is it? I want you to answer like this: (Wang Zhao of Wang Zhao) 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' Please do it again. Good afternoon, classmates!

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." They replied in unison.

Solim and Draco sat silently in the last row, and I don't know if Umbridge noticed them.

"That's right," Professor Umbridge said in a cooing voice, "It's not too difficult, is it? Please put away your wand and take out your quill.

"I told you." Solim kicked Draco under the table.

Draco gave away the wand angrily.

"Well, you're right Fei."

Many classmates exchanged depressed looks. The command to "put your wand away" was never followed by a lesson that they found interesting.

Without a wand, "it just means quill, ink and parchment - a history of magic." Muggle Studies and Ancient Marks are such a class. .

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