Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 312 - 73: Of course, Fairies Must be Mischievousl

Chapter 312: Chapter 73: Of course, Fairies Must be Mischievousl

“Thank you.”

Link felt the good intentions of Boss Otis and sincerely thanked him.

This is the advantage of displaying your value.

When superiors or companions see the worth you carry, the benefits you can bring to them, they will value you, and, for their own interests, protect or support you.

Otherwise, even if Link carried the name “Genius Potion Master” and had accumulated two meritorious deeds under his belt, and even if he joined the Intelligence Special Team as an invited transfer, no one would have assisted him, no one was willing to stand up for him and stop Lokan, when he was clearly targeted for oppression by the Lokan Wizard.

Even Assad’s initial reaction was to watch and laugh.

Although this matter had passed, Link reminded himself of it from time to time to encourage himself to keep going.

If one does not strive for self-improvement, one cannot stand on their own.

Before becoming powerful, learning to use others’ momentum wisely can also be a temporary measure.

But it is only a temporary measure.

True power belongs to oneself.

One has to be tough to forge ahead!

After Assad had dealt with the Fairy King’s severed arm,

Link came forward again, taking samples from the blood stains on the bottom of the severed arm, and the soil that was stained with blood.

These samples, seemingly identical, are actually distinctly different.

Time played a role in this.

The same blood stains, the same soil, would result in different changes.

If these changes were thoroughly studied, there might be surprising findings.

In addition, the “seed” had a strong desire for the blood flowing out from the severed arm.

After Link extracted enough samples for his research and saw that the test results had yet to come out and that he had some free time, he extracted the residual blood in the soil.

“Is this blood of use to you?”

Assad, who had been watching this scene, raised an eyebrow and asked curiously.


Link did not avoid the question, but answered straightforwardly.

His actions did not affect other members of the special team, nor did it delay the mission, so there was nothing to hide.

“Just keep it under control and don’t affect the main business.”

Assad, accustomed to this sight, didn’t have much to say, and only kindly reminded him.

In the course of missions, if Assad found something beneficial for himself, he would also try to get it in his hands.

As he said, as long as it’s kept under control so it doesn’t affect the main business.

The same was true for others.

Everyone did the same.

After all, which wizard doesn’t need to do some research?

Otherwise, where would knowledge come from?

Only the purpose of some wizards’ research is extremely strong, it is specifically for the enhancement of strength.

For some wizards, like Link, it’s not just about enhancing strength, but also about hobbies and professional habits.

Before long, Link had extracted all the blood and the test results had already come out.

After carefully reading all the test results and pondering over them, Link’s brows furrowed tightly.

This unassuming cluster of flowers, indeed mutated because it absorbed the blood flowing out of the severed arm.

The key is not the small flower, but the blood flowing from the severed arm.

The test results from the severed arm’s blood led Link to a conjecture.

The Fairy King seemed to have undergone modification and strengthening before his battle with Sage Palo.

To put it another way, it has undergone biochemical modification and enhancement specifically targeted at the Fairy’s genetic abilities!

Link didn’t hoard this clue but directly reported it to the squad’s channel. “Captain, the test results of the Fairy King’s severed arm blood suggest that it seems to have ‘mutated’ earlier. I think this situation deserves attention.”


Boss Otis was immediately taken aback.

He took the brain Link passed over, reviewed the test results on the severed arm’s blood and compared it with the partial blood and tissue fluid test information in the autopsy report of the deformed fairy that Link had deliberately called up.

Upon comparing, it did seem possible that the Fairy King had undergone biochemical modification and strengthening before the second battle began.

Only, perhaps because the attacking momentum of the army was too swift, the Fairy King couldn’t wait for the completion of the modification and strengthening process on his body, and had to take action early to stop them.

The Level 4. Fairy King of Fairy World with a cap at Level 5, how could it withstand the Fourth Level Sage of Wizard World.

Sage Palo severely wounded the Fairy King with one strike.

In that battle, Palo’s Sage Army wiped out the Fairy King’s elite guard.

The Fairy King abandoned the main forces, fleeing with grave injuries.

Sage Palo chose not to pursue alone, so as not to invoke the direct attack of the world’s consciousness in the Fairy World.

That’s how the Fairy King barely escaped with his life.

Looking at it now, the large scale sudden mutations of fairies after the second battle,

It seemed like the Fairy King’s “salvation” act, which had to be pushed forward, even knowing full well that the plan for biochemical modification and strengthening was not yet mature.

It couldn’t be more tragic.

That was Link’s guess.

Furthermore, he even envisioned a scene.

A leader standing in front of a large, impatient crowd, delivering a passionate speech: “If we die today, we’ll die anyway; if we make a grand plan, we’ll also die, we’ll only end up anticipating death, can a dead country be saved?”

Even though he had crossed wires and the scene was not the same,

Link couldn’t help but use the Mind Closure Technique to block the feelings of shame and rejection in his heart that were born out of him being involved in an invasion and plunder.

The morals of his previous life were still deeply influencing Link.

What a person is.

Entering a rational state, Link began to think coldly.

There was no sign of zombification in the Fairy King’s severed arm.

This was in line with Link’s approach and final plan for refining a Fairy’s biochemical modification and strengthening.

He had enough sources of vitality to supply biochemical modification and strengthening instead of excessively consuming one’s vitality and potential for life,

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