Batman in the MCU

The court has decided

George was getting a headache it hadn't been long since he came captain yet he had to deal with an assasination attempt, A new guy in a mask running round the city with Batman and apparently they were fighting a...scorpion person.

George let out a sigh, the world was just becoming way too crazy(A/N: if only you knew Georgie)  to make matters worse the higher ups were asking for answers, answers he did not have.

And so that was why he was up here on the roof waiting to meet with his old friend the Batman.

"Captain." the familiar cold voice sounded behind him causing George to turn around coming face to face with the Bat. "You know you have caused a lot of problems for me. I thought you were the sneak around type not the make holes in the middle of the street type."

"there were certain complications" was all the Bat said, "what's going on?" George asked feeling really worried as if Batman considered something a problem it definitely wasn't a Small matter.

"Scorpion's suit..." Batman stated "Scorpion?" George asked with his brow raised showing his confusion. "the person I and the Black panther fought."

"Scorpion, Batman, Black panther... who comes up with these names. what's next huh a Spiderman." Batman remained silent at that which caused George to open his mouth in disbelief, "wait don't tell me there is actually a Spiderman."

Batman ignored his question and continued "...was made solely out of adamantium a rare and extremely powerful metal. I have a list of names of people who might be behind him and I already have some of my people investigating some of them, I need you to investigate the others." finished Batman handed him a folder.

Looking through the folder George rose his head, "how did you get..." only to see he was alone "I hate it when he does that" George muttered to himself as he left.

In a familiar room where a group of people were seated with serious grim expressions on their faces. Sebastian was seated amongst this men with a similar expression on his face but unlike the others he had a tinge of suspicion in his eyes.

Chris seeing everyone was present spoke up, "everyone, I know each of you is wandering why I had called for this meeting all of a sudden" his words causing the members who were whispering amongst themselves to stop and pay full attention to him.

"we have a problem, this board was founded so as to keep order but controlling the city's underbelly. For a few years now we have ignored an uncontrollable factor, the Batman."

Chris words caused alarm bells to ring in Sebastian's ears. "this masked vigilante has been parading round this city for a long time. We have ignored him mainly due to the fact his activities has had no impact on us but that changed." Chris slammed his fist on the table before continuing, " the bastard raided one of my factories today and then had the guts to blow it up."

Sebastian's eyes widened at those words, at this moment there was no doubt in his mind Jeffery was in trouble, big trouble.

" I think it's time we dealt with this uncontrollable factor" at this point all around the table all the members had broken into murmurs.

"All in favor" Chris spoke up once more. Sebastian watched as the room became deadly silent with the members seated around the table sharing looks with one another, in a few moments the first hand went up with all others following soon after.

Sebastian remained seated watching the whole thing in horror meanwhile keeping a calm outward appearance.  "The court has decided, from now on the Batman is our enemy."

"If I may" Norman Osborne spoke up drawing all eyes on himself, " I think I have a way to deal with our rodent problem." the smile on his face causing Sebastian to feel a minor shiver down his spine and be completely unaware of Eve who had her eyes trained on himself.

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