Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 37 - Life and death

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“Woo ~~!”, The bow string is noisy, the arrow is off the string, and the groan murmurs, and more than a hundred cold stars shoot straight ahead. At this time, I can’t see which soldier’s performance is specific, only to see the flood like a dike. The general Ming army stagnate for a moment, and then fell in front of it, but this was the last arrow that Tazi could shoot.

The Ming army was driven by a great force of survival. No one beat the drum of war, and no one ordered the charge. So the people could no longer stop, and the crowd stopped a little, and they moved forward without any recklessness under the push of the flow of people behind. Rushing away, a wave of servants succeeded, swallowing the front wave like an ocean wave, and slapping forward.

The **** that is stuck in the mouth of the valley is like a reef standing in a giant wave. The fierce blade cuts the human body. The shocking wave sets off the spray, but the spray is bright red.

On the hillside, the Tatar archers can no longer suppress it, because the enemy and the enemy have been crowded into a ball, and they are fighting at the mouth of the valley. They only drop the bow and arrow, take the knife and gun and rush down from the hillside bunker, from the wings and the Ming Bite together.

Immediately, the soldiers who could only be crowded and passively beaten started to recoil the bunker under the leadership of some generals, rushing up the hillside to kill the rear edge in depth. The opening of a gap is like the domino overturning, and the entire perfect encirclement loses its function. Tatars rush down.

Hulu Valley’s two semi-circular flat grounds also started a melee fight at the same time, and the two narrow valley roads were crowded and crowded. Everyone wanted to throw off their steps and quickly rushed to the mouth of the valley, but they were almost not The ground-covered man was carried forward slowly and turbulently.

The **** smell spreads in the icy air, the heavy snow is still flying, the acidic metal friction sounds, and the heart-warming metal sounds alternately sound, blood and meat in the flying snow to create a bleak picture .

There were a lot of people behind, but there were only over a hundred soldiers and soldiers able to fight in front. As soon as there were dead and wounded on both sides, there was a steady flow of vital troops, and the place where the two armies were glued began to gradually build a dividing line between dead bodies and blood.

There were soldiers in the corpses on the ground who were hugging and rolling. The people who continued to pounce did not have time to distinguish between the enemy and me, nor did they have time to help them, stepping on their bodies and blood, the new opponent had already pounced on it fiercely. Come up.

The spectacular tens of thousands of people began to fight, this is a real battle, the soldiers will not see the soldiers, the soldiers will not see the soldiers, everyone is clenching the weapon, looking for only a pair of hateful eyes, and then shouted fiercely Throw it up.

Front, back, left, and right are swords, halberds, and cold arrows flying from time to time. At this time, human life is absolutely equal. A general who leads a thousand troops may also be stabbed to death by a humble soldier. No martial arts skills can be used, and there is no room for evasion, just hacking, killing, killing! The valley is like boiling water, boiling blood-red water, and the only vent is at the valley mouth where Yangling is.

So far Lin Dada ’s men have been killing non-blinking warriors, but the power of the “flood” eager to make noise is too large, and their lives are being harvested by the other party. The opening of Taniguchi is a matter of time.

The shield hands protecting Ye Yushen and Liu Gonggong held a round shield and a short knife, and surrounded them like a gulf with due diligence. But the crowd was so crowded that Ye Yushen was just a stumble and fell to the ground, and immediately there were countless feet stepping on it, with the tatars, and the humble soldiers in his eyes.

No one has time to see if the meat trampled under his feet belongs to a lowly soldier or a noble adult. The knives and guns that plundered their lives flew in front of their eyes. They only had one instinct to wield their weapons in order to survive. .

The two shield players who tried to drag him up were just one waist lowered, and they were overwhelmed by the irresistible crowd, and countless feet continued to step on it, which made the other soldiers harden their hearts and never looked at them again. Regardless of the enemy, we were completely threatened by a huge force and moved involuntarily to Taniguchi.

Yang Ling is stupid. In such a chaotic army, no one can be brave enough for the individual. Moreover, his physical strength is not as good as a small soldier. His instinctive reaction is to go wherever there are few people. In the shadow of swords and swords, the only responsibility he can remember in the sound of shouting and fighting, is to tighten Ma Lian’s hand, she came with herself, and she could not escape by herself.

Everyone is thinking of rushing out of the valley, and rushing out of the valley is the way of life. However, Yang Ling knew that in this chaotic army he had no ability to escape to Gukou, even if he was not killed by Tatar, his thin body would be crowded by his own people and become a mass of trampled meat.

Yang Ling took Ma Li’er, who had no gods in the six gods, and gradually got out of this torrent, and ran up the hillside. As the Ming’s counterattacks and fighting areas expanded, they had to flee higher.

Tatar noticed the two people standing on the hillside, and immediately someone rushed over with a knife, reacting completely instinctively, eliminating all reactions to hostile life.

Seeing different costumes and dresses, their instinctive reaction was slaughter. Now people on both sides have become the most bloodthirsty and craziest creatures. Those blood-red eyes have no sense, they just instinctively search for life and then destroy it.

Yang Ling secretly groaned, and now he has only one instinct left, that is, escape. The flow of people in the valley is like a rushing river, rolling and impacting each other. As soon as the momentum is thrown in, it will be photographed into pieces, so he can only escape to a higher place.

Under the chase of a few beast-like horrors screaming, the two tried their best to escape to the top of the mountain. At first, Yang Ling dragged the panicked Ma Er’er to run away. Yang Ling, who was exhausted by more than 20 feet from the top of the mountain, began to be dragged and run up by Ma Lin’er.

This body is really lacking in exercise. Yang Ling felt his heart beating like a horse running, his ears roaring, and the muscles of his thigh jumped suddenly. The pain of suffocation made him almost give up his escape and would rather be decapitated.

But Ma Er’er obviously didn’t think so. Although her throat also made a gasp that didn’t match the appearance of a fairy, but she had been awake from the shock of the meat massacre and began to pull with all her strength. Yang Ling escaped.

If someone is sitting in another space watching them now, they must think that they are watching the movie in slow motion, the snow is dancing, and the two men and women in the front move slowly, and the others behind are holding a knife You can catch up by running a few steps, but you are also struggling with the same slow pace, glaring at a pair of biting eyes and chasing relentlessly.

The two of them finally ran up to the top of the mountain. At the sight of the situation in front of them, Ma Qinger couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The last hope of escape was shattered. The ridge is narrow, the other side of the mountain is a steep **** of nearly seventy degrees, and there is no way to escape. She let go of Yang Ling’s hand in despair, looked back at the lingering Tatar, and then darted her hand into her arms, and found out the golden hairpin she had put into her arms before she drove out of the city, and landed on her throat.

Yang Ling pointed at her panting, and he couldn’t even tell a word. Ma Er’er looked at him sharply with a crisp chest, and her bright eyes were very complicated. She turned her eyes and saw a few tatars with a smile, who was about to climb to the top of the mountain. She couldn’t help but smiled sorrowfully, and looked back deeply. Yang Ling glanced, then closed her eyes, and squeezed her hairpin into her throat.

Yang Ling’s muscles were trembling due to excessive force. He was tired and didn’t want to move anymore, but after seeing Ma’er’s movements, he tried his best to swoop up and waved his palm, hitting with a “slap” He tilted Ma Er’er’s arm, and five fingers scratched Ma Lin’s cheek.

Ma Lin’er was cut with a hairpin on the throat, and hairpin flew out of her hand. The five fingerprints on Qiao’s face appeared. She stood staring there, staring at Yang Ling in amazement. Yang Ling knew she was afraid of being spoiled by Tatar before she tried to commit suicide. At this time, she was powerless and had no time to explain. He stumbled to the steep slope. Although there was no road ahead, it seemed that this was the only way to escape if he wanted to escape.

Go back and fight with a few bare-handed Mongolian warriors? Needless to think that he also knew that the knife had passed, and his good head would immediately separate from his body. He looked at the nearly straight, dazzling hillside, while nervously calculating the possibility of life, beckoning to Ma Er’er and hissing, “Cough and cough!”

Two of the chasing Tatars have climbed the ridge, and they have just hacked in the valley for a long time. They have spent a lot of energy. Now they are exhausted and panting all the way to the mountain. Seeing the top of the mountain, I know that these two There was no way to escape. The two Tatars were relieved. They gasped with a knife, and now they also needed to restore their strength to lift the knife and cut people.

The two pairs of fierce eyes looked at the man and the woman in front of him. Slowly, the fierce colors in the eyes of the two tatars faded away, and began to put on a kind of wicked eyes. The two pairs of wicked eyes looked like a knife. “With Ma Liner’s clothes, the lost strength began to recover quickly because of the male instinct.

When Ma Li’er’s father was in charge of intelligence collection for Jinyiwei outside the Serbia, he publicly identified himself as a leather goods merchant and often dealt with the Tatar tribes. Ma Er’er has heard of the war between the tribal tribes for the survival of grasslands and rich grasslands. I heard that the wife and daughter of the conquered were degraded as slave girls and suffered various humiliations. The women fell into the hands of these barbarians, and their worth was not as good as that of an animal, and the end was worse than falling into hell.

Ma Lianer saw the two bodies standing almost horizontally and almost savagely like a savage. The eyes of the Tatar man burst into flames, and they could not help but cleverly fought a cold war, and her whole body was cold and bones. Her only choice was Running towards Yang Ling, she just thought, “Well, you can’t leave a whole corpse, so let’s jump down the mountain and wrap up the beasts. It’s better than being beaten to death.”

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