Aurora Scroll

Chapter 324 - Dragon Slayer

The elemental reaction that Dia and the other two displayed was not something that ordinary Pathseekers could do, a special formula was embedded within their technique. Unless it was with their reaction, Hydro plus Pyro wouldn't result in a Vaporise.

Considering how often he expected to fight alongside his familiars, the technique would be very useful to maximize their battle strength.

The battle with the berserk dragon raged on.

After losing his Gigadia Crab form, Viers still played his role as the tank. Unlike before, he was a dodge tank. When the dragon tried to target the three familiars, Viers drew its aggro by being a nuisance, such as targeting its eyes. Meanwhile, Arsène kept channeling the Aldebaran Shadow to suppress it with Abby giving support in her own way.

The pieces were in place, now they just had to keep at it until the dragon was defeated. As the dragon was originally a Rank 4, Viers had prepared himself for a long and tiring fight.

Three hours later, Viers was proven right. He truly hoped he was wrong but the dragon’s resilience was above his expectations.

On one hand, he was happy because the stronger the dragon, the stronger his dragon transformation would be, but the raid was taking a toll on all parties involved.

“Tanael, I can't hold on much longer!” Abby said.

“Neither can the big guy,” Viers said. Nor can we.

A beam of energy cut through the volcanic wasteland. It landed dangerously close to Dia. Good thing Viers had unbalanced the dragon moments before the release.

“Dia, you good?”

“Uuu,” Dia weakly nodded. The vibrant leaves on her head were now wilted.

The big snake is also in bad shape but its energy seems to be endless! It’s actually using more breath attacks than before! What to do… Think, think, think!

“Partner, I’ve got a plan.”

“Let’s hear it.”

And Viers did. He agreed. “You three, fall back!”

“I’m going!” Arsène dashed forward, tossing the monster core to Viers as he passed by.

The push toward the dragon was a cinematic one. Arsène evaded the dragon's claws and water currents as he climbed and jumped its serpentine body. When he was close enough, he extended a water whip that latched onto the dragon’s lower chin. As its head swung upwards, Arsène used the momentum to fly high above.

The grappling hook in action games provided extra maneuverability. He didn't have one so he made it.

Arsène couldn't fly so after he went up, he could only fall down, to the gaping maw of the dragon.


Arsène’s sound echoed, almost sounding happy.

“Witnessed!” Viers shouted back.

After gulping the little human whole, the dragon shifted its attention to Viers, who had been charging the silver claymore that he got during the shopping trip in Valkut with Rose and the others with an Arte. The silver sword was currently brimming with blue energy.

The dragon’s chest expanded as it too gathered energy before the destructive might of the dragon’s breath could be unleashed.

But unlike numerous times before, something was wrong. It felt something disturbing the energy inside its body, followed by a sense of pain.

Arsène used Dehydration Arte!

The blue dragon’s breath was of the water affinity. Arsène was unable to do anything from outside but it was different if he was so close to the source. The reason he wasn't obliterated by the violent energy, was thanks to his Unreality Field.

Between his palms, all manner of liquid such as blood from the dragon’s body was swiftly congealing. The Arte was deadly, but to the dragon, it was just a mild annoyance. Already the effect was beginning to be counteracted.

That was alright, he wasn't the big gun.

As Viers’ clone, Arsène was not graced by Viers’ Horizon boost so his Arte didn't break the ceiling of limitations.

Viers’ would.

Arsène made the dragon stagger but it would only be temporary. The chance for a decisive victory was now! Viers was clearly aiming for this.

Before Viers acted, the plan was for the three kids to soften up the dragon first. Futon, now a black cloud, let go of all the electricity he had built up.

Royal Thunder!

The correct spelling was Roael Thunder. Viers got a special lightning bolt from the Chevry House during the Valkut arc that he gave to Futon. After eating the Doom of Roael’s special lightning, Futon’s power increased. Futon misspelled but Viers didn't bother correcting it.

Royal Thunder it is.

Dia and Faiya followed suit. Unlike Futon, the two acted as one.

Dia made a big sunflower that grew from the ground, encompassing Faiya at the center.

“Flower, become shiny!”


A beam of focused light and fire shot forth from the flower. Faiya’s firepower was significantly increased by Dia’s energy.

Sunflower Beam!

The two big attacks hit the dragon’s thorax splendidly. The three were officially worn out because Viers told them to pack all they had left for this.

And it wasn't done. The elemental reaction occurred and the crisp secondary explosion resounded. The stronger the catalysts, the stronger the reaction, it was common sense.

The dragon’s loud howl was mixed with pain.

My turn!


Viers tightly gripped the handle of his claymore and put his back into swinging it. He injected so much power it felt like he was holding a bomb. He had to send it to the enemy before it blew up right in front of his face.

Horizon full power! 545%!

Hyper Arte - Mega Water Slash!

In the Fables, to kill a big dragon, the hero usually used a big sword.

So Viers created a BFG, a Big Fucking Sword, with his Big Fucking Arte.

Viers evolved a basic water Arte into something terrifying despite its simplicity. Usually, once an Arte got improved until it had a qualitative change, other Pathseekers changed its name. Viers just slapped Mega-designation in front of it. If it evolved again, it would be Giga next.

Viers’ claymore was big but the sword’s energy was twenty meters long. Just like in every decisive blow, Viers added his lifeforce into the mix in an already potent concoction of Horizon empowerment.

Viers had learned Max's parting gift. All his life-burning methods produced more energy and became more cost-efficient.

The terrifying slash was unable to be stopped by the dragon’s scales. Blazing with Victa and Unreality Field, Viers chopped the neck of his worthy foe.

As the dragon’s massive head fell down, Viers landed above it and let out a cry of victory.

He did it… Phew. Abby breathed easy.

“Kin did it. Ehehe.”


“Yaa! Yaa!”

With a tired but satisfied face, Dia hugged Faiya and Futon.

Viers’ exhilaration was interrupted by the sound of breaking metal.

Sword broken again! So soon after my Muramasa my Silver Claymore’s next? What is this? Breath of the Wild? You haunt me even still, accursed Weapon Durability? Kaaaah!!

He was assaulted by a crunching sense of pain from his hands next, gradually spreading to his whole body. It was so hurtful that Viers fell to his knees. He gritted his teeth and banged the scaled floor in reflex.

His hands were destroyed. Flesh lacerating and bones breaking. Viers had tried to block the pain using Numb Pain Arte but it didn't work. His familiars tried to help but it was no use.

“Stand back.” Arsène crawled out of the dragon’s body and examined his other self but it was no use. Viers endured pure agony until it slowly receded to the level he could think.

“Hey, are you alright? What is it?” Arsène asked.

“I think… The Arte became too strong,” Viers said with a weak voice.

“Too strong? Oh…”

The degree of strengthening that Viers could achieve was abnormal, to say the least. Horizon plus Hyper Arte was Viers’ bread and butter on final attacks. He had been improving it again and again.

Now, he got his wish a little too well.

At max settings, it became so powerful his body couldn't handle it.

Actually, at 500% boost, he could already feel the strain on his body. Multiplied with Hyper Arte, his body could no longer handle the amount of power.

Viers’ had yet to find the Horizon Aspect’s limits but it seemed he had met a soft cap of sorts. Although it wasn't to the degree of his soul, Viers also improved his body’s and mind’s foundation but it wasn't enough.

His healing factor was working at full gear but the regeneration process on his arms was very slow. The backlash of using so much power he suspected.

A power so strong it destroyed the user… This lands perfectly in the forbidden technique category. I should look into it more deeply.

His Fables were filled with people having something too powerful. Such as the early days of Izuku Midoriya; He would deal with it somehow.

“For now, let’s just enjoy this moment of triumph,” Viers said as he looked at the dragon’s corpse.

“Looks like you’re okay too. Excellent.”

“Abby~ What up?” Viers greeted. “As agreed, I’m taking the dragon, okay?”

“Of course. I won't go back on my word.”

Viers talked to the floating baby’s projection while Arsène and the three dismantled the dragon. None of it would go to waste.

“Now I understand why you fear the Incursion. It was… tough.”

“Well, there was a complication in the end but you got the gist of it.”

“When is the next Incursion?”

“Still a long time. Don't worry about it for now. And I’ve taken steps so next time it wouldn't be as… demanding.”

Viers wondered what she meant.

“There’s a lot to be done so I’ll be closing the Dungeon for some time. I don't need to tell you the bull’s shadow that your friend there summoned kicked the hornet’s nest outside right?”

“Right… We all gotta lay low.”

“I’ll contact you later.” Abby disappeared.

“See you.”

Viers would’ve waved but his hands were out of commission.

“Phew. What a day.”


In the skies of Ebon Wall City, there was a woman gazing at the dissipating dark cloud. The woman’s inquisitive gaze turned into a frown after she sensed an uninvited guest.

“Linda, how nice meeting you here. Seeing you again makes me feel joy.”

“Stay your forked tongue, Broderick. I’m not in the mood.”

The approaching man was sitting on top of a flying bull.

“Could you blame me? After such a grand presence here? I heard something unusual is going on here recently. I didn’t think it was worth my time but after earlier? Heheh… I think whatever it is would be better served in my hand, no?”

“You are not welcome here,” the woman said in a steely tone.

The man riding the bull seemed to be emboldened, grinning a devilish grin.

“By the way, how’s your son nowadays? Last I heard, he's not doing too well.”

Broderick defended a blow to his head while letting out a guffaw.

The skies of Ebon Wall turned dark again as the two Level 5 clashed. The small folk on the ground could only cower in fear.

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