Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

0039 – Intelligence Network

When the first Fire Leopard was successfully killed, Athena Ravencroft immediately removed all the earth walls.

Standing back on the flat ground, she raised her hand and massaged her temples, which were starting to ache. It seems that a quick battle is still necessary; using the moving earth walls is too burdensome for her mentally. Athena didn't plan to immediately use the acceleration scroll; she intended to rest her mind for a while first.

Three creatures nearby communicated with their eyes. Their owner is really terrifying. Yes, indeed. Athena turned to look at them, "If you don't move faster, don't blame me for not opening the door."

Inside the house, she finally opened the system panel.

The messages in the regional chat channel had already changed repeatedly, and now all she could see were people discussing the Fire Leopard. There was not a trace of anything related to yesterday.

Even if there were, it was sporadic and useless.

-- Wow, the fire leopard looks so cool! If it can be tamed as a mount, I'll be the coolest guy in the whole area!
-- I also think it's super cool! But its attack power is not cool at all! Ahhhh, stop chasing!
-- Air walls are so useful!
-- I built a ladder before, now people are hiding on the roof, and this guy keeps hitting my door, what should I do?
-- This speed of this monster is definitely cheating, system, I'm going to report it!
-- Spent 30 copper coins to buy a bow and arrow, now shooting it from the roof, but can't hit it at all.
-- Hahaha, a bunch of unlucky guys, I have an ice tower, what fire leopard? Instantly turns into a nut!
-- What happened last night?
-- Brother, are you on a 2G network? Why are you still asking about yesterday's events, without candles, just wait to die, it's that simple.
-- No skills, all about strength, first injure its legs.

Athena scrolled through for a while, then opened her friend interface and found a message from Ask-The-Heavens. But she found out that the other party had sent her a message this morning, but she had slept too deeply to see it.

-- Did you go to Sun City yesterday?
--> Yes

Ask-The-Heavens's question was definitely based on some source, but how did he know?

Athena was just about to continue asking about yesterday's information when Ask-The-Heavens instantly replied,

-- I heard that you explored 'part of the truth about the world' yesterday, I hope to exchange for this information.
-- If there's nothing we have right now that satisfies you, you can ask, and we'll try to accommodate.

Another instant reply. Do these guys stare at the system panel all day? But she also caught two key points: "you" and "part of the truth about the world", the other party actually knew about such information.

Athena became even more curious about their information network.

--> Can you tell me where you got this information from? It's okay if it's inconvenient.

Athena tentatively sent this message.

-- If we tell you, would you promise to exchange information?
--> Of course, it depends on your other sincerity.


The courtyard was filled with various types of towers, attack types, auxiliary types, and towers of various attributes, which Athena could not imagine to be so wealthy.

The Fire Leopard was locked in a cage on the side, as weak as a thread, unable to move. Its mouth and limbs were tied up, unable to harm anyone.

Sitting beside it was a gentle-looking man, his face pale, having been plagued by illness for many years. He was now holding a small knife, attempting to dissect the Fire Leopard.

[ Big Dream ] sent him a message.

Ask-The-Heavens rubbed his eyes, looking at the message sent by [ Big Dream ] with excitement.

That was the truth about the world!

He immediately sent this message to a group of only four people. He could create groups, and he could create more than one group.

The other two people in this group were running the information network with him, and the extra person had just joined a few days ago. He relayed Big Dream's original words to them, and in no time, all three gave their replies, unanimously deciding to trade, agreeing to anything within their capabilities.

While waiting for a reply, Athena played with her grassball panda cub, Paopao, rolling it into a ball and tossing it around.

-- We got wind of this from another region.


When the other party sent this message, even Athena was stunned.

As the top-ranked combat-based player in Region 004, she had access to additional privileges granted by the system, but they were limited to viewing the rankings of other regions. And now this guy was telling her that they could already establish contact with other regions!

-- It's also a coincidence. We added a fourth hand a few days ago, and his place of birth has more than one shelter.
--> What do you mean?
-- He happens to be at the border between two regions. Next to him is Region 005. Because they are so close, he occasionally chats with that person.
-- Now he's the one transmitting and trading goods and information between our two regions.
-- This incident was mentioned by the lunatic who ranks first in Region 005, but he only mentioned that he and others went to Sun City together and obtained part of the truth about the world.
-- Because he's the top-ranked person in that region, we speculated that you might have gone too.

Hearing what he said, Athena actually opened her permission panel and accessed Region 005.

-- Madman --
( Top 1 )
Region Number: 005 (Merged Region)
Attributes:  Not viewable.
 Introduction: An abnormal mental illness, usually causing people to refer to themselves as madmen.

"Wait... is he..."

After seeing that avatar, her really was the same as the 002 I encountered that day. In that case, the 001 and the little wizard from that day should also be the top-ranked in their respective regions.

Athena felt it necessary to find some time in the evening to check which regions these two guys were from. Maybe they could meet again in the future.

Ask-The-Heavens has initiated item list sharing with you

Athena once again opened the item list. Enough said, these information brokers are faster than robbers. Her own wood and stone were almost gone, so Athena first wanted these two things.

She may held some doubts to this guy and his pals but she will greatly benefit in this relationship as long as she is careful.

After pondering for a long time, she still couldn't decide. There were just too many good things among this group. It makes sense, considering that Region 004 plus Region 005, this merged region, probably only sent one of these lists.

Finally, Athena saw something that made her eyes light up.

[ Water Pump ]
Description: Place it where there is underground water, and it will naturally pump water for you, extracting 3 liters per day.

No wonder, these guys are wealthy just with selling information!

Athena was starting to feel like joining them now. But when she calmed down, ordinary person simply couldn't access these things. And people like Ask-The-Heavens and them, they had too many responsibilities to bear. Athena knew she wasn't cut out for that. It's better to maintain the current trading relationship.

She compiled yesterday's information into a report and sent it over.

You received 999 Wood Blocks, 999 Stone Blocks, 100 Ores, 1 Water Pump, 2 Bright Candles, 3 Lucky Bags and 100 Silver Coins

Besides these, Athena also received yesterday's information.

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