At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

“There is no difference between strong and weak stand-ins! My dear friend, I can finally understand you now! Father Pucci looked at the disc in his hand and said excitedly, indeed, people with a substitute world can indeed say this.

There is no difference between strong and weak stand-ins, because all of them were weak before the world!

The priest tightly held the phalange that Dior gave him, and directly inserted the disc of the world into his brain, normally everyone can only have one stand-in, but as the phalange slowly integrated into his left hand, the world’s stand-in disc also entered the priest’s body.

“Smash Valudo!”

The priest shouted, a golden stand-in appeared in front of him, the priest burst into tears with excitement, and he finally saw the shadow of his best friend again.

“Next up is you! Jotaro! ”

The priest looked at the distant cherry blossoms, and his next plan could be launched!

In the blink of an eye, when it was time for school to end, Shen Ming walked to the Ministry with a few people, and originally agreed with Yukinoshita Yukino to meet at the school gate, but Yukinoshita Yukino received a new commission.

Shen Ming knocked on the door and pushed the door in, looked at Mai Sakurajima and Futaba Riyo in front of Yukino under the snow, and had some doubts in his heart, where is the client? 690

Yukishita Xueno understood the moment she saw Shika, she must have snatched away what originally belonged to her, but she could only sulk, after all, Shen Ming was their superior in terms of rank, and there was nothing to say if she couldn’t grab the reward of her superior.

“Hello, I’m Mai Sakurajima’s sister. Abundance and flowers! Mai Sakurajima ran to Shen Ming and bowed and said.

Shen Ming gathered his spiritual power into his eyes and looked directly at the other party’s soul, sure enough, the soul was a golden girl, and he also glanced at Futaba Riyang by the way, and sure enough, as he expected, Shuangye Riyang here was already an incomplete existence.

“Hello, I’m Shen Ming, I understand your things! It should be due to the influence of consciousness that caused the two of you to switch shapes! The body is essentially your own! Shen Ming nodded and said, this exchange is different from the soul exchange caused by the silver chariot Requiem, each person uses his own body, but the body becomes the other person’s appearance.

“Do you have a solution?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

Shen Ming looked directly at (abde) Futaba Riyang, there is a specialization in the art industry, and this kind of quantum mechanics is still left to professionals.

“I guess, but it was because of Toyohama and Hana’s yearning for their sister that led to this reversal of appearances, and the reason should be that the last time we executed the plan, Mai-san sang the song of the combination of Toyohama and Hana!” Even if Riyo Futaba is not in the state, you can always trust Riyo Futaba

“When someone recorded it and posted it on the Internet, netizens commented that Mai Sakurajima’s cover has surpassed the original song, so now their bullet group is under a lot of pressure!” Under the snow, Xue Nai directly turned out the hot search for everyone to watch.

“It’s a sweet bullet!” Toyohama and Hana added.

“This should be a good opportunity, Senior Mai has attracted a lot of attention for you, as long as you can make another breakthrough in the song, your bullet combination can directly go up several steps!” Shen Ming said puzzled.

“It’s a sweet bullet!” Abundance and flowers are emphasized again.

“But here’s the problem, as long as their bullet combination can’t come up with a new song that can surpass Mai Sakurajima in one go, they will be under a huge pressure!”

“It’s easy to surpass Mai Sakurajima, just the fan filter is a difficulty!”

“In other words, Senior Mai can’t come?” Shen Ming asked suspiciously, now Mai Sakurajima should also have turned into the shape of a plump and flower.

“We have to rehearse every day, and my sister has already played for me!” Toyohama and Hana are no longer corrected, and the bullet combination is the bullet combination.

“I suggest not letting your sister fight on your behalf, otherwise the pressure on the entire bullet combination will fall on you!” Shen Ming reminded that if when playing Toyohama and Hana, Mai Sakurajima exerted too much force and directly used the identity of Toyohama and Hana to make a splash, it would be a seedling for Toyohama and Hana, and it would fall down in the morning.

“So is there a solution?” Shen Ming asked Futaba Liyang, other people will only add to the chaos, and it is up to Shuangye to really do things.

“Actually, we don’t have to care about anything, this phenomenon is caused by Toyohama and Hana’s yearning for Mai-san is too strong, as long as it goes with the flow, Toyohama and Hana use Mai Sakurajima’s identity to touch the wall a few more times, she can experience Mai-san’s difficulties.”

“But wouldn’t that make her adore Mai-san even more?”

“She longs to become a powerful person like her sister, not to be a sister, not to mention that she has affected her sister’s future!” Futaba has always been very accurate in looking at people, and today, she is extremely rational, and she soon has a solution.

“This situation is most likely because she has some thoughts in her heart that I can do it and I would not be worse than her if I debuted early!” That’s why the two swapped! ”

The more she adored Mai-san, the more she was able to see the distance between herself and Mai, and she would no longer have this idea that it would be good if she were Mai. This symptom will naturally improve! Futaba explained that if it was just simple worship, the symptoms she showed should directly raise the personal level to the height of Mai.

“Is worship mixed with jealousy causing this symptom?” Yukinoshita concluded.

Ding-dong –

Shinomiya Kaguya sent a message to Yukinoshita Yukino, roughly meaning whether to find a way to pause the activities of the bullet group first and let the sisters sit together and talk properly.

Yukinoshita read the contents of the message, and everyone looked at Futaba.

“Pause, as Shen Ming said, it’s not a good thing that Mai-san is too good.” Futaba nodded, and sure enough, Shinomiya Kaguya’s addition was a real addition to their activities.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded and began to edit the message and sent it to Kaguya Shinomiya and Mai Sakurajima.

“By the way, let Senior Sister Mai bring some of her sister’s belongings!” Shen Ming suddenly thought of something and said to Yukinoshita Yukino, and Yukinoshita Yukino just glanced at him and edited a message again.

“I remember Mai’s bunny girl suit should still be here!” As soon as Shen Ming’s words came out, he shocked the four seats, especially Feng Hama and Hana, and he wouldn’t ask her to change into a bunny girl costume! .

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