Ascension of the elder

Chapter 167: So fluffy!!

"Well that's a big puppy."

Kyle stated while looking towards the source of the howl. Coming out from the trees was a large pack of demon wolves. These wolves were much larger than wolves in our world averaging around 15 feet long and being around 7 feet to the shoulder.

From within the pack one stood above the rest, Kyle assumed this was the alpha being closer to 10 feet at the shoulder and 20 feet long. Unlike common descendants of the canis family these wolves had much thicker and stronger legs looking similar to a saber tooth tiger in the way their legs were laid out.

The fur of most of these was a mix of light and dark grey with the occasional brown hair appearing. The exception to this was the alpha which had a mix of dark grey to black colouration with a shimmer to its coat like what you see when light hit's oil.

These wolves were getting closer as they must have sensed Kyle's burst of mana and were attracted to it only to encounter what must look like an all you can eat buffet just waiting for them. Finally the last of the wolves had exited the tree line and this pack numbered around 60 individuals with some pups also mixing with the others.

It was hard to get an exact count as they didn't stay still and were constantly moving around each other. The enemy general looked at these beasts and could only think to himself.

'Geez what a day, I really need a drink.'

He was brought out of his musings when he heard the kid near him voice his thoughts.

"Whoa now that is cool, hey captain do you know what their species is called."

The enemy general could only sigh at this as he thought about the direction his life is taking and just wished he had taken up another career maybe snake charming or tiger baiting just to be a bit safer and saner.

"They're just called demon wolves some are just bigger than others. My name is Maurice by the way."

Kyle looked at Maurice over his shoulder before looking back at the wolves that were looking as though they were getting ready to attack.

"Well that name sucks there space cowboy we'll have to come up with something better but for now I want a puppy. Hey Miranda, Susan do you think my parents will let me keep em?"

"Master I don't think your parents will stop you from doing anything you want."

Miranda responded while Susan was looking at the wolves with stars in her eyes obviously enamoured with them.

"No there won't be a problem, look at how pretty they are."

As they spoke the wolves seeming to have heard them became enraged and suddenly launched towards them in rage. The small sergeant who was last seen travelling horizontally thanks to Kyle's landing had just recovered only to see a wave of fangs and claws heading towards the camp simply lay back down and pretended to already be down.

Kyle watched as the wolves approached and from his position they would reach him first as the rest of the soldiers had pulled away at the first howl and began arranging themselves to receive the charge but with their speed they wouldn't have a chance to get in position.

Thinking that was close enough Kyle projected out his soul force towards the wolves as a suppression wave. This caused the weaker members to halt their charge and lay down in fear just leaving the alpha standing on wobbly legs.

Kyle was impressed by the alpha; Kyle approached it slowly before extending his hand and began to stroke its muzzle.


5 minutes later


Maurice had seen many things in his days from the fall of cities to armies fighting hordes but this had to be one of the strangest days he has ever had. He was currently watching Kyle who was spending some quality time with his new pet

"Who's a good boy hey; you're a good boy yes you are."

Kyle was currently rubbing the alpha's chest as it was lying on its back with its paws in the air. Kyle had already placed a blood seal upon the pack so they were now lying around him while he played with the alpha and Miranda and Susan were playing with some of the others.

"Oh their fur is so nice to stroke."

Miranda said as she stroked one of the others which she had taken a liking to.

"It's so FLUFFY."

Susan joined in while she was enjoying herself.

After having their fill of fluff Kyle decided it was time to deal with the military guys who were currently milling around unsure of what they should be doing.

"Okay we are going to be rejoining our force with our new cavalry. You gentlemen are going to receive a slave seal as prisoners of war; you will ride our cavalry to our line before surrendering to our men. Do you have any questions?"

Maurice stepped forward to speak for his men.

"We agree but how will you apply the seals?"

"Like this."

Kyle said this with a smirk as he used his soul force to etch the slave seals on the men without even moving. This shocked them all as this went against everything they knew of seals and the art arraymanship.

Maurice on feeling the seal was placed on him tried to resist but it was like trying to resist a flood with a tissue and before he could do more than register what was happening the seal was in place.

"All sorted now pack up, load a wolf and get moving. Susan can you ride Rih back and keep an eye out. I'll ride with Miranda on the alpha to our lines."

Kyle issued his orders before asking Susan for a favour. Susan looked between Kyle and Miranda before responding with a grin.

"Okay you two lovebirds can enjoy you date I'll look after the big budgie."

Miranda went a little red at Susan's teasing while Kyle responded as deadpan as he can manage.

"Thanks for that Susan. I want to move within 20 minutes get moving."

With that the newly acquired slaves began breaking camp with one of the privates picking up their small sergeant in passing and tying him to one of the wolves so he wouldn't fall off.

Once they broke camp a force of wolves began running towards the battleground under the guidance of Susan who was leading them from the air. Kyle was having a "hard" time riding on the alpha as Miranda was squished up tight behind him making him have some very hormonal thoughts.

'It's so soft.'

'Um squishy.'

'She's too young.'

'We're the same age.'

'I like big butts and I cannot lie.'

'Wait where did you come from?'

'The early 90's.'

While Kyle was having this strange and confusing internal monologue Miranda was having much purer and innocent thoughts.

'If only we didn't have these others around this would be so romantic.'

This new force tore through the forest scaring off any other beasts as they passed. After a while Maurice brought his wolf closer to speak to Kyle.

"Sir while I appreciate you not destroying my men I feel I have to let you know that our army numbers around 120,000 men as of last count."

"I have wolf cavalry your argument is invalid!"

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