Ant King In MHA

Chapter 198: Agency and Reaction

_________ POV Beru_________

"Wait, so you're back in business?!~"

I asked while looking at Lady Nagant in front of me, she was currently just sipping on some tea with a satisfied smile on her face.

"It took me a while, but I eventually realized that moping around won't solve anything. The main actor that caused my suffering has already been taken out of the picture long ago..."

It's a bit strange to call the entire Hero Safety Commission a 'Main actor' in her suffering.

I always thought that she disliked the corruption that was so prevalent within the hero society... The commission just allowed her to see the world for what it truly was.

At least at first, they also threatened her and tried to take advantage of her in any way they could.

But, now that I think about it... Corruption within Japan's Hero Society is already mostly dead.

The majority of heroes nowadays are from the generation that I and All Might trained. Well, not personally, but we are the big names that attracted everyone to the hero scene.

I mean, I was very famous long before I became a Symbol. I was already considered one of the strongest heroes alive. A role model for any person aspiring to become a hero.

It's a bit ill-advised to take after me though...

"Do you plan on going alone again?~ Or have you already set up an agency?~" I'm already shocked enough that she coming back in business. But I'd be twice as shocked if she decides to go alone again.

There are plenty of people that can team up with her, and being alone in the hero business again might not be the best for her.

There was also the fact that she isn't quite as young and energetic as she used to be, still, you won't hear me talk about that in front of her...

"I have a few people in mind. One has already agreed to become my sidekick." Nagant smiled with confidence, rather nice to see her like this.

"Actually, I think you know him already. He was imprisoned not long after I was, and he seemed rather enthusiastic to help people after release..."

He was what now? Did Nagant just say that she is recruiting a former inmate? Convicted criminal and all that?

Well, Nagant is also a convicted criminal now that I think about it... I should also be one now that I think about it... Well, I'm a 'non-convicted criminal' so I'm different.

Still, I should stop complaining since whatever that guy/girl has done, I've probably done much worse.

"How would I know him though?~ Don't get me wrong, I've made plenty of villain friends, but I don't really remember all of them~" Nagant is one of the few people that I can be comfortable around with my 'criminality'.

She's not exactly expecting me to be a goody-two-shoes since she already knows I basically manipulated the entire commission into disbandment.

Hah, good times~

"Well, he said that you've had an extremely positive impact on his life... He said you gave him the chance to better himself and actually make some meaningful relationships..."

Hmmm... Doesn't really ring a bell.

I've done a lot of things in this life of mine. I've killed plenty, but I've also helped a lot of people. So I'm having a bit of a hard time here...

Nagant is perceptive enough to see me silently struggling. I guess she expected me to know who she was talking about, or at least to remember quickly.

At least that's what I can discern from her frustrated sigh.

"His name is Jin Bubaigawara... He was imprisoned for a few months... I found his file by luck and approached him after his release."

That name doesn't tell me all that much...

"He was apprehended after the Meta Liberation Army's defeat." Hmm... This is starting to sound familiar...

"He was a villain initially, then he decided to help the heroes in their assault, saving many of their lives in the process and helping bring many of the army members in custody."

Yep, I remember the guy. The one that was both shy and abrasive at the same time. Also, the only reason that Gin(my one and only clone) exists.

"Twice~ I remember him now~ Pretty passionate guy~ Don't know much about him though~ Chance meeting that barely lasted a few minutes~"

I remember him, but I didn't think my words had that much of an effect on him.

I mean, he seemed pretty done with the Liberation Army when I got there. He didn't take much convincing to turn sides and help the heroes.

"Great! That means I didn't waste my time. I heard that he is quite impressive. It will be a bit of a struggle to get him a proper licence, but it should be possible."

Nagant seems oddly excited, I guess she's really into starting this agency... It makes me feel happy for her. It's been a while since I've seen her this passionate about something.

I remember that she told me she used to really look up to heroes, that she dreamed of becoming one.

Her passion might've been killed by the corruption within the systems that the Commission was propagating. But some of it has come back. At least her hope is still intact...

Our conversation continued for quite a while, the two of us exchanged ideas back and forth on who else she should recruit, I'm sure Twice will have some ideas of his own anyway.

Finding members won't be a problem. At least I doubt it will be since Lady Nagant is a pretty big name.

I left her house after speaking for a while, I still want to spend some time with Nemuri.

I've noticed that she's getting more and more 'clingy' as of late. I wonder if she'd be up for an engagement now...

_________ POV Narration_________

While Beru was heading towards Nemuri, something else was happening in a place he was very familiar with.

Yori was doing his usual business, just hanging around his laboratory and sleeping with his head on a table.

He was a busy man, and teleporting to a bed took at least three seconds. He called them three seconds of wasted time and decided to just sleep in his laboratory most of the time.

He was slouched on a chair, his head resting on the table. A few meters away from him, the meteoric rock that he had been studying just an hour prior seemed to glow in a strange light.

A deep red that seemed to swallow all of the darkness around it, it was swirling uncontrollably. Instantly, the lights in Yori's laboratory started flickering badly.

The ground started quaking, which instantly startled the tired scientist awake.

He looked at the metallic floor underneath his feet as it was peeling off unnaturally as if it was being attracted towards a certain direction.

Yori instantly snapped his gaze towards his mystery rock, his eyes widened as the following words escaped his mouth.

"Well... Shit."


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