An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 1 good show

After contacting Li Fengzi, Makarov, Professor Wang and others to verify the situation, Ian District, deeply realized the terrible politician…

A-Laws was actually set up by the federal government to cleanse the unstable factors within the new regime. On the one hand, A-Laws is an extremely sharp knife that can chop off the parasites that are parasitic under the invisibility of the old world system. On the other hand, it can also attract the “leeches” hidden under the new regime and new order. Finally, the atrocities of A-Laws will also push all the fencers to the side of the federal government, and the people will be united in an unprecedented way.

and changemakers such as Li Fengzi, who is behind A-Laws, will bear all the consequences and use their deaths as the end of this plan. In this regard, Li Fengzi said, “Anyway, the consciousness can be uploaded to VEDA, and the body can continue to wave. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry Xilin and the others. These newly created changemakers don’t know the facts at all. Watch the collapse.”

Ian, who confirmed that A-Laws’ actions are still under the control of all parties, does not want to bother with these **** calculations. After talking to the emperor, he left Ptolemy with his wife, children, and three matched solar furnaces, and returned to the “Wall of Sighs”, the secret R&D base of Tianren at l3. This base was designed and built by Ian when he was bored. The large-scale armed bases have armed facilities that can counter the main federal fleet, large-scale research and development centers, MS construction facilities, warship construction and transformation facilities, various material refining facilities, and several resource satellites for the collection of raw materials .

Ian and his party who returned to the base settled down. Ian started the development of the TraidDrive system he envisioned, and Linda started to deepen the theory of TwinDrive.

As for Milena, she is born as a changer and can connect to VEDA anytime and anywhere. Father Aeolia personally designed a set of training programs tailored for Milena’s Sun Talent nv, and uses VEDA’s superpowers. The computing power is constantly revised according to the variables, and even a new type of changer has been devised to devote to the society to collect excellent teaching and learning methods. It can be said that the current Mirena’s knowledge alone is no longer comparable to Billy. Katagiri’s genius is so bad. What Mirena lacks now is the maturity of her mind and the flash of inspiration as a catalyst to integrate her knowledge.

Aeolia is also afraid that Mirena lacks playmates, and instructs Li Fengzi to incorporate the old superman organization of the Revolutionary League. The young super soldiers in it are transferred to the secret base of the moon for elite education. The brain quantum waves use VEDA as a transfer. Play with Mirena…

Ioliya also worried about Mirena’s marriage problem more than ten years later, and wrote an algorithm by herself to screen Mirena’s school-age boys from all over the world through big data.

As for how Ian knew…

Ian once found out that there was an “insight plan” in the Lv8 data when looking up the data in VEDA. Ian thought it was Hydra invading VEDA…

After knocking on the side of Aeolia, I learned about Aeolia’s unprecedented spoiling plan.


It scared me to death… I thought Hydra was coming.


is wrong, right…


This plan is more scary, okay!

After observing Mirena’s growth with Linda for a long time, the two found that Aeolia’s education plan was much better than the one they had figured out. Ian and I just left it alone…

Looking back to the present, Ian and Linda determined the squaring delay time of TwinDrive and the squaring particle emission amount, Ian proposed the idea of ​​TriadDrive, whether there will be a cubed gn particle emission amount. In that case, 3 units are better than 9 units…

As for the Albatre with 7 solar stoves from 5 years ago? Seven solar furnaces give full play to the performance of 49 solar furnaces? Stop making trouble… Ian can’t even make 7 original solar stoves that can be paired. Even if it is built, the performance improvement must be based on the basic law. Nanfu is only stronger than 6 quarters…

But the unwilling Ian still went to the old man Aeolia to discuss the possibility of the 7-burner linkage, and retreated under the expression of “Are you crazy?” on Aeolia’s face.

“Forget it, I don’t want to lose some of these, let’s get the three-burner system on hand first.” Ian threw the draft of the 7-burner system into a folder called “Unreliable Brain Hole” . Then proceed to the theoretical demonstration of the three furnace system.

That day and night, Ian, who was about to sleep, browsed the system as usual to see if there was any update. Ian was surprised to find that a system that hadn’t updated its content independently for nearly ten years had been updated… And what is the new content, music?

“System, are you serious?”

“Well, part of the computing power of this machine has been borrowed by other brother systems for a while. In his world, music can also be used as a weapon. I really learned…” Ian heard from the electronically synthesized sound of the system. A bit helpless and emotional.

“Music as a weapon…Music as a weapon…”

Ian chewed on a few keywords leaked from the system. A strong sense of sight appeared in front of him.

“System, is there an image?”


The system calls out several iconic videos.

Missiles flying all over the sky, girls singing on the stage, AI controlling all the images for concerts, and rock bands flying on the battlefield.

“Is it a Macross… the one behind? Where’s Xuelu? Where’s Lanka?”

“No, the host of that system died in a battle with the so-called primitive demon. The system also returned to chaos to find the next host.”

“RUA… I always feel that I heard a terrible term… Are you composed of the Four Chaos Evil Gods?”

“This is not something you need to consider now.”

“Hmm… I always feel that I need to prepare in advance…” Ian remembered a novel about a free big demon that he had read in his previous life, and the faint persecution paranoia was committed again.

“Forget it… Let’s learn the new knowledge first…” Ian threw aside the persecutory delusion, didn’t sleep anymore, immersed in the system and started to learn music theory…

Learning makes me happy.jpg

“Host, your previous life experience shows that you don’t like learning, why can you devote yourself to learning now? This machine does not interfere with the host’s thinking like some mysterious system of magical system…”

“Well… I was an ordinary person in my previous life, with such a high IQ. I learned everything with two knives, and I can’t learn anything that is a little harder. It’s strange that I can like to learn in this situation… But now, although I still like salted fish, but I have a good brain. I learn everything fast, my memory is good, and I am not easy to forget things. In this case, the sense of accomplishment in learning is better than fishing in idle time, so why not learn? ”

After that, Ian continued to indulge in studying…

The next day, Ian, who had explored his deep memories, sat in front of his computer with oversized eye bags, and had no experience in developing three furnaces. But started to write lyrics silently…

“じしてた,そんならも several yearsもねすぎて

すれ violate う sceneryを,けれられずにもがいてる


Write the ending song of up to 00 on the set of up to 00, you can really do it…

After writing the lyrics silently, Ian found a music synthesis software that is said to be relatively easy to use to score the song…

After setting the music, Ian tried to imitate the singing voice in his mind to sing, but…spicy ears. As a last resort, Ian turned to Father Aeolia for help, and borrowed a female changemaker who was working as a music teacher to complete the song “Friends”.

“It seems that after I finish playing ELS, I can still live as a copywriter for a while… If I am a copywriter, should I claim that Jianglang will be exhausted every once in a while…” Ian started the three-burner system again, thinking about the things he couldn’t understand. Related information.

When Ian Anxin was studying, Ptolemy fought A-Laws in more than ten battles within three months.

And, in order to rescue Catalon, a large base in the Sahara, Ptolemy descended to the earth. Ptolemy is now fighting against and encircling the A-Laws naval forces along the Strait of Malacca.

In just three months, the emperor discovered that A-Laws’ anti-gn missiles have undergone an update. More than 5 new missiles can hit the same small area in a short time to break through all three-layer gn positions. . Ptolemy, whose defense was no longer invincible, was scarred during the three-month battle, and his overall combat effectiveness continued to decline. The emperor believed that Ptolemy needed repairs, and the crew also needed rest. So the emperor made a plan to forcibly return to the universe under the nose of A-Laws…

“Miss Huang, a large underwater ma12 machine equipped with gndrive has been detected in front, and 48 torpedoes have been launched.” Filout calmly reported the battle.

“Understood, Risti, Ptolemy accelerated, rushed over the torpedo, the hull was at an elevation angle of 80 degrees, and moved forward at full speed. At the same time as leaving the water, Trans-Am started. Leaving the Earth circle at full speed. Pull the plug, free shelling to pursue our fuselage. .”

“Understand”?? 2

Ptolemy was further accelerated by the impact of the torpedo explosion and rushed out of the water at high speed.

“Cut, faster than expected, did you use the impact of the explosion… the entire plane attacked the enemy ship!” Colonel Manegin, who was transferred to A-Laws, bit his thumb and nail and shared briefly “Levi Vale” Captain! How are you preparing?”

“It is easy for this Gadisa to change the ascent angle by only 5 degrees!”

The Gadisa gnmi cannon, which was on standby at high altitude, fired a thick beam of light, which passed the bow of Ptolemy. Let Ptolemy change course slightly.

“The ascending trajectory has changed? Through the shelling just now?” The emperor watched in surprise as Ptolemy gradually deviated from the scheduled orbit. “Risty, the orbit is corrected, the right rudder is 10 degrees. There should be more power.”

“Understand, Ptolemy’s orbit changes.”

“Incoming call from low orbit station, enemy ship, orbit correction. It is far away from the scheduled combat space, and it is expected to be 1,500 kilometers away.” Inside the A-Laws aircraft carrier bridge, the correspondent reported to Colonel Manegin.

“Cut, the performance of Celestial Mothership is higher than expected. Inform Lieutenant Colonel Li Jiejiang and ask him to pull the fleet over. Proceed to a trial attack according to the scheduled plan, and sink the enemy ship if you are sure.”

“Trans-Am reached the limit time, the gn position generator was stopped, the thruster efficiency was lower, and the gn particle cannon could not be used.” Filute reported the system’s self-check results to the emperor. “The estimated time for the entire system to be forced to dissipate is 5 minutes and 35 seconds. After the cooling is over, the system connected to another solar furnace will return to normal.”

“I see, 00, the angels attacked to protect Ptolemy. The main angel, the archangel, the angel of strength, the angel of wisdom. Reload the particles. The solar furnace of Sagittarius is ready to connect with Ptolemy.”

“Miss Huang, the E sensor responds, it is a missile. The distance is 130 kilometers, and the number is more than 100. Then there are 36 units of ms12 teams, and the distance is confirmed by optical telescope, 6 A-Laws new cruisers.” Christina reported loudly. .

“Sure enough, is there a trap? Gundam aircraft, intercepting missiles and ms. Ptolemy’s shelling began.”

“But the gn cannon can’t…”

“Isn’t there a live ammunition mode? Just use that.”

Ptolemy’s 8 turrets pointed towards the port side of the enemy fleet, and huge fire broke out from the muzzle, and gn missiles began to diffuse towards the enemy fleet.

“Unexpectedly, the main guns of the Celestials could even fire shells, UU reading and this power is really extraordinary…” Li Jiejiang Lieutenant Colonel felt the vibrations from the ship from time to time. “The gn position can also deal with this kind of live ammunition…”

Li Jiejiang’s inner small theater was not over yet, a cruiser with bad luck was hit by a series of shells that broke through the position of gn and blew up the bow and port side missile launchers.

“The damaged cruiser retreats, the fleet is in a dense formation, and the firepower is concentrated to intercept the enemy’s shells.” Li Jiejiang was embarrassed. “Fortunately, I didn’t say it…otherwise I would be embarrassed.”

Ptolemy entered, Lasse found that Ptolemy’s main gun still had smart shells, and tried to fire three rounds. Continue to use the conventional shelling of the position shells.

A temporary swarm network was formed between the 72 smart artillery shells that were fired. This temporary swarm intelligence uses the first two waves of shells as bait to attract enemy ship fire, and the third wave of shells as the main attack, only attacking one enemy ship. And this enemy ship chose Li Jiejiang’s seat ship, which was considered the flagship before.

The first 48 shells completed their mission very well. Of the last 24 shells, 22 were not intercepted. From the gap in the gn position where 4 shells exploded, they penetrated into Li Jiejiang’s gn position, 16 shells. Hit the Li Jiejiang ship everywhere.

“We were shot!”

“Huh? A dud? No!…”

16 shells exploded at the same time, the huge explosion and detonated ammunition fuel shattered the cruiser.

Seeing that the flagship was destroyed, the remaining 4 cruisers also slowly retreated. The MS group also released particle smoke and quickly retreated out of contact with Gundam.

The huge explosion of the Li Jiejiang ship is clearly visible from hundreds of kilometers away.

“What happened to that ship…”

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