Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 41: The escape (From the city)

Chapter 41: The escape (From the city)


As I left the residential area, I was immediately recognized by a few people. Fortunately, they had already stopped the apologizing thingy. So right now they only greeted me with a smile in their faces, and I waved my hand in response.

The kids played happily across the market, and the people shopped while smiling happily.

"It has been a while since I saw so much happiness..."

I hope nothing happens while I'm outside... And I hope this doesn't activate a flag...

Hmm... The goblin kingdom must have spent a lot of resources while sending their army to conquer us. So I don't think they will try anything funny for now... After all they still need to recover a bit after their overwhelming defeat.

And as for cultists... Lately they have been unable to continue doing whatever they had planned, all thanks to the guards of the city, that after witnessing the victory of us humans, regained their morale and became more and more active in their patrols around the city. Catching and imprisoning a lot of cultists that were attacking innocent people in broad daylight.

So I doubt that they will be able to continue their evil-doings... But just in case I will come back from time to time...


After walking for some minutes I finally arrived at the main building of the militia.

"Good morning Sir Aspen!" A guard greeted me after noticing my presence.

"Yeah, good morning..."

As I entered the building, a lot of people gathered around me and started giving me handshakes.

"You were amazing Sir Aspen!"

"Uh... thank you..."

"You're and amazing mage Sir!"

"Well, I certainly have more mana than a normal person..."

"Sir, please give me your autograph!"

Sigh... Being famous is so hard~

Luckily, soon the old man Easton arrived and dispersed the crowd surrounding me.

"Ho ho ho... You seem to be  quite popular, What's the occasion today? You almost never come here unless our country is in grave danger, or you want to take a job..."


Well, certainly I don't come here unless I need money, or we are facing a catastrophic situation...

I guess I should visit them more in the future...

"Well, I came to tell all the elders important news"

Immediately his face turned grave.

"What happened now?"

"It's not something bad this time! Anyways, let's go"

"Alright, let me call all the elders to the meeting first"


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH THAT IT'S NOT SOMETHING BAD?! THIS IS PRETTY BAD ALREADY!" Old man Easton yelledat me somewhat angry when he heard about me moving out from the city.

"Come on... It's not that bad..."

"What do you mean it's not bad?! You are the only reason the people in this city feel so reassured and secure against new treats. You are the hero of this city!" The elders nodded their heads at the words of Easton

"Yeah... But assassins keep coming at me every night, and I'm honestly tired of that"

"We can provide you guards to protect you every night"

Jeez... These guys are clingy.

"That could be invasion to my privacy, and also..."

I took my pickaxe.

"I need to explore different caves and collect more resources, that way I can become stronger. So in the end I will leave one or either way."

This time, they couldn't say anything. Instead, they just nodded with grim faces seeing that they could not stop me from leaving.

"Don't worry, I will visit every once in a while to make sure nothing bad happens in my absence"


"Sigh... Alright. However, no one outside this room must know about this matter alright? We don't need the people to feel anxious now that their hero and their only hope they had to survive has disappeared"

"Well, it's not like I have that many people to talk to. So don't worry"

Hmm? Did I become a loner without noticing? Neat.

The other elders just nodded their heads, and then we continued discussing the details about me moving. Where could I move, when could I visit the city, How could I build my house. Those kinds of things...

In the end I promised to visit once every month, and in the case something happened in the city, they could just send a messenger to my new home.

Perfect, now it's time to start my plan!


Some minutes later...




In the middle of the street, a man could be seen walking calmly while wearing a heavy and shiny silver armor.

A brilliant and beautiful ruby could be seen adorning his breastplate, which was completely covered in a very sturdy layer of silver that protected his skin against almost any kind of damage.

His face was covered completely and only his eyes could be seen from inside his peculiar shaped helmet. While from the belt hanged a beautiful and perfectly carved silver sword.

The appearance of this person was what you could call... A knight. However, the person inside the armor was everything but a knight. You could call him by a lot of names.

Idiot, Imbecile, dumbass, motherfucker, bastard, son of a-

"Why do I suddenly feel annoyed?" The man inside the armor murmured.

Yes, this was no one but the protagonist of the story, Aspen, walking across the main street in incognito while using his silver armor to cover his appearance.

Though, with that armor of his, he was already attracting a lot of attention...

Aspen POV

My disguise was perfect, after all, no one has seen me wearing my armor before. So there was no way they could discover it was me.

All thanks to the player ability that allowed me to hide my armor and select what clothes I wanted to show.

If someone observed me, they could only see me wearing a tracksuit and slippers. However, in reality I was wearing a really sturdy silver armor.

Although invisible, it worked perfectly like any other armor could. 

However, this time I hid my clothes and showed my armor instead, so that they could not recognize me.

Pretty clever right?


Well, no one asked for your opinion anyways.




Though walking with an armor really makes noise huh?

After a few minutes I finally reached the city's gate.

The guards just allowed me to pass without asking, as they were instructed by the elders to do so. 

Once I walked far enough from the city, I hid my armor once again and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Haaah~..." I exhaled in relief.

Everything went well... I guess from now on we are on our own huh?

"Alright! Let's go find myself a new home!" I exclaimed excitedly.

What I didn't notice at that moment was that someone was following me. Something I could really regret for the rest of my life at the new place...


I always forget that Aspen is wearing armor... :)))

Classes started... NOoOoOoOOoO! Though the schedule seems to be good, so I don't think I will drop this.

I think...

Anyways, that's all for today guys I hope you liked the chapter



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