Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 40: We are leaving

Chapter 40: We are leaving


In the middle of the night, a certain multitude watched from afar how a very injured and barely alive man was carried away by some members of the militia.

"Ugh... Poor guy..."

"Yeah, what do you think that happened to him...?"

"I heard that he tried to assassinate Sir Aspen..."

"Hmm... no wonder... This is the twelfth this week"

"People these days don't appreciate their own life..."

"But... I mean, Sir Aspen could have held back a bit. Look at the poor lad, he must be traumatized..."

Broken bones, deformed and bloody face, limbs turned in strange ways, no teeth left, burn marks on the head, and a very rough breathing that made you wonder if he was really alive. This was the current condition of the assassin that tried to assassinate Aspen today.

For what could still be recognized of his face, the wide eyes of the assassin were enough to understand the deep fear and trauma the name of Aspen caused him...

"I wonder who could be so idiotic to keep trying to kill Sir Aspen, even after all that has happened, and all the strength he has showed"

"Probably one of those alchemists that were mocked and ridiculed after Sir Aspen became a hero"


"Well, let's leave. If I keep looking at the face of that guy I'm going to have nightmares today..."


Soon the crowd dispersed, and everyone continued minding their business.

Everyone except for one person...

"Seems like my conjecture was correct, his body it's not normal at all. I will have to ask for a bit more blood if I want to progress on my research"

A young blond woman with eyes color emerald massaged her chin with a pensive expression while glancing at the poor assassin.

"Just a bit more and I will be able to create the perfect medicine!"


Aspen POV:

I can't bear it anymore...

These guys appear every motherfucking night, and try to assassinate me.

At first, I just immobilized them and called the militia to do their job... But now...

I have had enough of these guys... Now I just let the rage inside me take over and start beating up those guys until they can't move anymore.

The mental stress and fatigue for not being able to sleep properly have made me a monster...

Not that I feel bad for them... I'm pretty sure the last guy was smiling sadistically when he tried to cut my throat.

But it seems these guys don't learn their lessons, no matter how much I beat them up, they still come every night...

They just can't leave me alone...

Cultists, Assassins, Jehovah's witne- Oops... not those.

I'm honestly tired...

So I decided. I'm leaving this city for once and for all.

I'm gonna build my own house far in the forest of the north. It's far enough so that no more assassins come to bother me, and it's near enough, so I can come back anytime I need to buy food or materials.

As for monsters? I will just buy a giant wall to prevent them from entering. And to be sure, I will also buy a few sunflowers to plant on the surroundings so that monsters don't approach my home.

I read a lot about monsters when I arrived at this city, as It was my only option to ensure my survivable. Unfortunately, there wasn't that much information about them, probably because everyone that tried to collect information died... Anyways, one of the few known things about monsters was that they felt really disgusted by a certain smell sunflowers expelled.

Obviously, if the monsters managed to see you, they would just ignore the smell, after all, there was a fresh prey in front of them. A mere stinky smell couldn't stop them from eating.

But it certainly helped to keep them away.

"Alright, I better tell the elders of the militia that I'm leaving. Not that I'm telling them WHERE I'm moving, hehehe..."

Let's see... what do I need? My sofa... My chairs... My bed... My table...


"I don't have that many things huh...?"

Hmm... I also have a few books about magic, so I suppose I can bring some with me...

Alright! It's 4:00 AM so let's finish gathering everything we need before 6:00 AM!


Two hours later...

I finished putting everything in my inventory and exhaled in exhaustion.

"Haaah... That took a bit longer than expected, but I guess now I don't have to worry about forgetting something..."

After the cleaning, the room now was completely empty. Just like when I moved here for the first time.

"I guess it's time to leave..."

As I opened my door to leave a certain blond woman was waiting for me outside.

Oh, for fuck’s sake...

"Hey there! I know I told you that I couldn't ask you for more blood, but... You see... I need just a bit more" She said while smiling wrilly.

"Sigh... Alright, alright, you can take a bit more of my blood"

"Really?!" She asked while taking out the syringe

"Buuuut..." I smiled mischievously


"You have to wait until I come back later. I need to do some things outside today, and I don't want to feel anemic or some shit like that while doing them. So you will have to wait until I come back"

"O-oh, I understand. Then I will wait" She said while placing the syringe back inside her pocket

"Thank you for your understanding, see you later" I said while walking past her and waving my hand

"Yeah, see you later!"

Yeah...Hehehehehehe... see you later...

Oops!... I forgot to tell her that I'm moving out of the city and I won't come back to this place! What a shame... 

Welp, nothing I can do.

Bye bye~


Claire Lumous POV:


As I saw Sir Aspen leaving I just waved silently at his departing back.

Hmm... Now what do I do today?

All my plans for today were related with experimenting and investigating his blood so...

"Now, what should I do?"

That's when I noticed something.

The door of his house was opened. 


Obviously, I could just have closed it and left. But my eyes caught a certain peculiarity inside his house.

No furniture...

The last time I came here I'm pretty sure I saw a sofa here...

I opened the door to take a peek inside, but...

"What is this...?"

There was nothing inside, just like... like... When someone is moving!

That's when I remembered his words.

"You have to wait until I come back later. I need to do some things outside today, and I don't want to feel anemic or some shit like that while doing them. So you will have to wait until I come back"






Poor Aspen, he can't even lie properly.

I finally finished publishing this on web novel, so I guess my updates will get more consistent now...

Unfortunately, School is beginning once again, let's hope I don't drop this because of school.

Or maybe I just have to drop school!

Hahaha JK.


Or not?

Anyways, that's all for today guys

I hope you liked the chapter.

Bye bye

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