Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 39 – Meeting the Baby Princess

It had been six months since Althea had last visited the capital.

Normally, she'd stay at the Monte Del Salvador mansion, but this time it felt oddly quiet with only adults around, as Lilac and Mythril were staying at the school dorm.

The day she arrived, she took it easy. The next day, she and her mother went to "Madame Precious's" shop to thank her for the horseback riding gear given by the King earlier.

Madame Precious was moved to tears seeing Clara again after so long, and Clara was thrilled to reunite with her old friend from their school days.

In the afternoon, they visited the royal castle.

Queen, whom Althea hadn't seen in six months, looked noticeably thinner yet even more beautiful, cradling her nearly six-month-old daughter, Liliauge. After introducing Liliauge to Clara and Althea, the Queen gently placed her in the cradle.

It was Althea's first time seeing a baby. While there were sometimes toddlers at the orphanage she volunteered at, they were usually around two years old.

"Wow, so tiny..."

She stared at the cradle, torn between wanting to touch the baby's soft skin and fearing she might harm her. The Queen chuckled and reassured her, "Go ahead, Althea. You can touch her gently."

With a hesitant glance at the Queen, she reached out and gently touched the sleeping baby's cheek.

"Aw, so cute... Babies are just so small and adorable..."

As she lightly poked the baby's cheek, unsure if it was ticklish or painful, the baby made a slight grimace. Althea quickly withdrew her hand, watching closely.

Everything's fine.

Now, she wanted to feel the chubby little hands, so she gently touched the baby's fingertips, which closed around her fingers firmly.

"Ah!!... M-mother... W-what should I...?"

Startled by the sudden grasp, Althea hesitated, unsure what to do next. The Queen, meeting her gaze, smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. Babies tend to grab onto things instinctively when they're little. It's quite adorable, isn't it? They try so hard to hold on... It feels like you want to protect them with all your might..."

"...Really? I can relate... Feeling that urge to protect."

Althea murmured as she looked at the princess.

A mixture of curiosity and tenderness washed over her, wondering if her own family had held her with the same affection.

"Nevertheless... it's quite unusual."

As Althea contemplated, the Queen suddenly remarked.

"Oh, what's unusual?"

Clara, who was enjoying tea as a visiting friend, inquired.

"This little one, Liliauge, often cries when anyone other than me or the nurse touches her... It's not a strict rule, but almost every time she's touched by someone else, she cries. Everyone tends to avoid it. But look at her now, quiet as can be, despite you holding her for so long."

Unnoticed, the Queen had risen from her seat and was now peering over Althea's shoulder. A nearby nursemaid nodded in agreement.

"Does she cry that much?"

Althea, still holding onto the tiny fingers, glanced up at the Queen.

"Yes, but... she's smiling, oddly enough. Seems quite content. Look, Martha."

Martha approached, surprised after observing the scene.

"Oh!... You're right. And she's smiling, too."

"Hehe, she must like Althea. Look at her, clinging onto her fingers... Say, Clara—"

"Don't tell me."

"...I haven't said anything yet."

"You're about to suggest Althea as a playmate for her, aren't you?"

"Wow...! How did you know?"

"We've been friends for ages."

Clara chuckled.

"Althea is still a child. She can't babysit, especially in the capital... Not until they're a bit older."

"That makes sense... But... Althea."


"Next time you're here, make sure to visit Liliauge and play with her."

Althea's face lit up with joy at the unexpected invitation.

"Really? I'd love to! Oh, I'm so excited to see such a sweet princess again..."

As Althea gently held onto the tiny fingers, she continued to gaze at the princess, who had started to drift off to sleep.

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