Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 79 : Countdown Before Conflict

"Goddess-sama, the council has come to see you."

Alice stared coldly at all of them, and the council members felt as if they were being stared at by Alice.

"Good. I know you have sworn loyalty to me, but loyalty isn't just from an oath; it's reflected in your performance as the council."

"So, I'll get straight to the point."

"First, you, as the council, must ensure that the races you represent prosper and stay far from ruin."

"Second, you, as the council, must ensure that the races you represent continue to worship me as a Goddess."

"Third, I will incorporate Azulon City into the nation I will build, which will be called Greater Azaroth. In the future, you will carry my name on the world stage."

"Fourth, if anyone apostatizes, that person must be executed for committing high treason."

"Fifth, you can convey your suggestions, aspirations, or opinions to Aether, as he will be the interim governor of Azulon City."

"Sixth, I want to recruit some of your people to work in several important sectors, but of course, you will receive training first."

"Seventh, if you pray to me every day, you will gain peace, prosperity, and security."

The council members, hearing Alice's words, could only remain silent while bowing low and did not dare look at her. Many of them trembled in fear.

"Since you are the council, I will baptize you first. Aurelle."

Alice glanced at Aurelle, who was standing right beside her.

"Yes, Alice-sama."

[Divine Magic: Terrifying Nightmare]

Nineteen tiny spheres appeared at Aurelle's index finger and quickly entered the minds of all the council members, causing them immediate pain and making them scream.


"IT HURTS!!!!!!!!"



Alice then ordered Aether to take them out of the throne room, as their screams were too loud.

Aether nodded, and he immediately turned his arms into tree roots and dragged them out of the throne room.

Naturally, Alice was curious about what the council members had seen that caused them so much pain, so she decided to ask Aurelle.

"Aurelle, what did you show them?"

"Ara~ I only gave them a beautiful dream."


"Yes, Alice-sama, I showed them what it feels like in hell if they betray Alice-sama."

"Oh, it seems they enjoyed that dream very much."

"Of course. A basic skill of Succubi like me is to give dreams. Besides, Succubi usually seek the seed of men, but that's only for lower-level Succubi."

"Do you not need to seek seed?"

Suddenly, Aurelle looked directly into Alice's face, startling her.

"Of course, I still need it! After all, I am a Succubus, but I don't want to do it with creatures lower than me."

"I see. You’re very strong, so maybe there are very few who can surpass you."

Aurelle smiled widely at Alice, making her even more confused.

"But, Alice-sama, do you want to do it with me?" Aurelle asked seductively.


(YES! BUT I DON'T HAVE GENITALS!! Even though I lean more toward women.)

"No.... But I might be able to think of a solution later."


"Yes, you must be patient."

"Thank you, Alice-sama."

Aurelle knelt and bowed her head deeply, while Alice could only smile thinly, beads of sweat forming.

Meanwhile, Alice felt she needed to go to the Igrasian Empire as the White Hero, as she had received an invitation from Princess Ivy.

As per the initial plan, the Igrasian Empire would be the first target for conquest, but conquering a nation was very complicated, and gathering information was necessary.



Princess Ivy was currently in her castle. Over the past few months, she has been working hard to significantly increase the productivity of her region by implementing several new policies.

Ellie, Princess Ivy's assistant, approached Princess Ivy, who was gazing out of the window, carrying several documents.

"Ivy-sama, it has been more than two weeks since we sent the invitation to the White Hero, and he has mysteriously disappeared as well."

"Disappeared, huh… I doubt someone capable of defeating an Undead monster would suddenly vanish."

"True, I’ve been working with Marquess Ronald, and we haven't found any trace of the White Hero."

"No matter, my instincts tell me he will return sooner or later."

"Are you certain, Ivy-sama?"

"Of course. I’m also drafting the Grand Plan East with Ciel to eliminate Prince Philips, who is in the east."

"I understand, Ivy-sama."

"Oh yes, does Marquess Ronald support us?"

"Yes, we’ve already received an official letter from Marquess Ronald stating that he will support you, Ivy-sama."

"Good, the first step of my plan is going well. Although there was a small incident in Arclens City that led to the death of Marquess Reinhard, his son, Marquess Ronald, is not bad either."

"I agree, he is the mature and decisive type despite his young age. I doubt anyone is controlling him."

"Are you referring to his maid, Clarissa?"

"Yes, there is a possibility she is controlling Marquess Ronald, but we haven’t found any strong reason why a maid would do such a thing."

"As long as Marquess Ronald supports us, it doesn’t matter."

"I understand, Ivy-sama."

"Yes, once I ascend to the throne as Empress, I will begin massive reforms and purges across the Igrasian Empire."

"You’re becoming more like the Ice Empress, Ivy-sama."

"Hah! I am different from the Ice Empress. She was just lucky to lead a superpower."

"Oh, and I’d like to report that the Emperor’s guards will remain by his side and will not interfere in anything except the Emperor's safety."

"Good news. So, if an incident like what happened in Arclens City occurs, the Emperor’s ten guards won’t intervene?"

"That’s right."

"Good, this will allow us to move more freely."

"Yes, this is our opportunity, Ivy-sama."

"By the way, what happened to our troops in Abyssal Forest?"

Princess Ivy also recalled sending a special force to Abyssal Forest to gather information, but none of them had returned.

"It was a disaster. We couldn’t contact them. There’s a possibility they were all wiped out or got lost, but the former is the most likely."

"Wiped out… Yes, we must avoid Abyssal Forest to prevent the recurrence of our forces' annihilation."

"Yes, and I also found some information about the Dark Origins Organization, which may be connected to the incident in Arclens City."

"What is it, Ellie?"

"They are likely an underground organization like others, but they are more mysterious."

"It doesn’t matter. As long as I haven’t ascended the throne, I won’t seek enemies."

Shortly after, a soldier knocked on the door.

"Princess Ivy-sama, the White Hero has arrived for a visit."

Princess Ivy then smiled as if her prediction had been correct.

"Let’s see what this White Hero is like."

Not long after, Ciel also appeared and decided to join in welcoming the White Hero in front of the castle.


Great Zitadelle, Zlaburg, Capital City of the Lunarian Theocracy, West Continent.

Currently, 12 high-ranking officials of the Lunarian Theocracy decided to hold another official meeting to discuss the disappearance of the Blue Blood Team, including two Sysdesmos, individuals capable of interacting directly with the Lunarian Goddess.

“So, the disappearance of the Blue Blood Team is a disaster for us.”

“Yes, it is deeply regrettable that they vanished without a trace, and none of them could be revived with [Divine Magic: Resurrection].”

“Is it possible they betrayed us? Which would explain why they can't be resurrected.”

“Betray? Betray whom? Only a fool would collaborate with mindless monsters.”

“That makes sense in some ways and doesn’t in others. Betrayal is a logical explanation, but if they did betray us, to whom would they pledge loyalty? It’s impossible they would swear loyalty to an unintelligent monster.”

“That’s true. Could this be the work of the Cult?”

“It shouldn’t be. They have no interest in the Abyssal Forest. If they attacked the Blue Blood Team, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the Lunarian Theocracy.”

“We also have a non-aggression pact with the cult members and an agreement not to interfere with one another.”

“Then if not the cult, who? It couldn’t be the Igrasian Empire, as they are preoccupied with the search for a successor to the Emperor’s throne.”

“What about the Lumeria Kingdom?”

“Yes, that country makes sense, but they should know the origin of the Blue Blood Team, and it’s unlikely they would attack so recklessly.”

“Right, we also have a good trade relationship with the Lumeria Kingdom.”

“Could it be the Drazon Empire?”

“Hmmm… That does make sense, especially since we’ve had some issues with that empire.”

“But as far as I know, the Drazon Empire doesn’t have a strong intelligence network, so it’s unlikely they would know the location of the Blue Blood Team.”

The high-ranking officials of the Lunarian Theocracy lowered their heads slightly, unable to find an answer to the disappearance of the Blue Blood Team. The primary reason they had sent the Blue Blood Team was that if any members died, they could be revived from a distance.

“I’ve received enlightenment from the Lunarian Goddess,” said one Sysdesmos.

A glimmer of hope arose among the high-ranking officials.

“In my dream, a monster of immense intelligence and power appeared in the Abyssal Forest, and it’s possible this monster wiped them out, perhaps even destroying the souls of the Blue Blood Team, which is why they cannot be resurrected.”

“That makes sense.”


“Yes, it’s logical.”


“I agree.”

“As a Sysdesmos, I suggest that we destroy this monster immediately before things worsen. To avoid drawing the attention of the Navian Empire or other kingdoms, you can pressure the Lumeria Kingdom to attack the monster.”

“Don’t forget to send all of our best units. Destroy it now, or not at all.”


It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since this novel was released, and Season 1 concluded with Chapter 80. Of course, we will continue with Season 2!

I admit that Season 1 was a bit messy, as I’m still learning and improving, but moving forward, I will make this story much more refined and enjoyable to read.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me!

- Fallen Lily

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