Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Chapter 1333

Chapter 1333:

This is equivalent to the vast territory spanning the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Fan returned to the cabin like Chu Weimin, rested at ease and recharged.

At about twelve o’clock at noon, as white snow-capped mountains and towering continents appeared in front of them, Ye Fan and others knew immediately that the destination was about to arrive.

After flying for another half an hour, Ye Fan and others finally reached their destination.

The largest border station in the frontier of Western Province-Chenxi Border Station.

The air battleship smashed the thick clouds of the stratosphere, allowing everyone to see the appearance of the western border station of Long Country.

There are eighty-meter-high walls on all sides.

The area is about one-tenth the size of a third-tier base city.

The whole is quadrilateral, arranged like a tortoise shell, extremely strong and heavily guarded.

Although the length of the high wall is not long, there is a Yuling artillery every five meters.

On every one-meter high wall crevice, there is a bright Yuling machine gun for wiping and maintenance.

In addition, this door guard weapon is covered with thick cold cloth.

Dawn’s frontier defense station is almost the westernmost frontier defense station of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is not only a plateau area, with extremely low temperatures and heavy snow everywhere, but there are often some very severe extreme weather.

If these weapons are not protected from the cold and maintained, within a few days, they will be frozen and cracked on the spot in the extremely harsh low temperature and extreme weather.

The top of the thick high wall can allow two cars to pass in parallel. At this moment, there is a team of psychics and ordinary soldiers alternately going back and forth, patrolling back and forth in a tightly guarded manner.

Feeling the sound of the flying warship overhead and the blast of air waves, these guardian psychics and soldiers looked up one after another.

When they saw the golden dragon pattern, they immediately knew that they had come to support, and everyone’s face was full of excitement.

Ye Fan’s eyes were sharp.

He immediately saw that the southern and eastern walls of the Dawn Frontier Station had collapsed for a little while.

The long city wall, like bread, was gnawed into several abrupt and incomparable gaps.

On the outer wall of the city wall, there are still many large and small, long-lasting black marks.

There are even a lot of dark red patches stuck on it.

Ye Fan’s eyes lighted slightly.

He immediately recognized that these were bloodstains that had dried up for a long time.

Ye Fan’s eyes traversed the city wall and the high wall for a long time before it fell inside the high wall.

The layout and facilities in the border station are very simple.

Except for some simple armaments and storage facilities, there are some residential areas.

Ye Fan had read all the materials of Chenxi Border Station before coming.

He knew that all the people living in it were guardians of the border and ordinary soldiers, including their families living in this border station.

Three thousand ordinary soldiers are stationed, and two hundred defensive spiritualists are stationed on the border.

Ye Fan clearly saw that in the simple facilities in the border station, the closer to the southern and eastern walls, the more signs of collapse appear.

There are still many big pits, deep pits, and ravines.

These are all traces of battle.

Ye Fan’s mental power was released, and he clearly sensed the traces of demons in these places, which was already very light.

Obviously it has been dealt with by the psychic master.

At this dawn frontier station, there have been cases of demons rushing into the city!

When Ye Fan saw this scene, this judgment immediately appeared in his mind.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The huge air warship, spewing air waves, slowly hovered and landed on the simple airship field below.

This airship field is almost a cleared area.

After the air battleship fell, it was like a giant, filling the entire airship field.

The battleship stopped steadily, and the hatch slowly opened with a sound of air pressure.

Ye Fan and Chu Weimin walked out with three hundred imperial spiritual masters.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

As soon as they walked out of the cabin door, everyone felt a frost and snow wind rushing toward their faces!

This wind is not only fierce, but also mixed with ice particles and snow silk, blowing on the face with a faint tingling cold feeling.

Ye Fan felt that the temperature might not be lower than minus ten degrees.

The spiritual power of his body overflowed slightly, and the cold wind, frost and snow were isolated, and he couldn’t get close at all.

The same is true for Chu Weimin.

The other three hundred spiritual masters are at least the fifth-sequence nightmare-level strength, and they are able to deal with them with ease.

When Ye Fan and Chu Weimin led the team out, there was already someone waiting on the airship field at Chenxi Border Station.

Xiang Lei, the director of the Provincial Demon Elimination Bureau, who is in charge of the entire province in the western region, and about ten senior officials from the Western Demon Elimination Bureau rushed to the Chenxi border station and personally picked up the plane for Ye Fan, Chu Weimin and others.

Chu Weimin stepped forward and briefly greeted Director Xiang.

Everyone immediately strode towards the combat command post at the border station.

This dawn frontier defense station is a typical frontier defense armament facility.

There are not many pedestrians.

The crowd quickly entered the command post not far from the airship field.

As soon as Ye Fan and others walked into the command post, they saw a lot of urns wrapped in cold-proof cloth on the tables in the courtyard.

When Ye Fan and Chu Weimin saw these urns, they all had a stature.

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