Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

We Are The Champions

[Sera POV]

I drop the corpse of the space marine with a thud and look out over the death I’ve caused. I smile slightly. Their souls will be reborn one day after the galaxy nourishes itself with them. I hold my hand up and send another wave of black mist out over the corpses; this mist melts their bodies and rearranges them. They soon come back as fully nude angels, valkyries, and regular soldiers. I turn back to my soldiers and say,

“Take them; your new brothers and sisters. Clothe them, feed them, and make sure they are comfortable. They’ll be joining us soon enough.”

I turn back around and continue on,

“The rest of you shall follow me. We march onward! We have many wayward souls to send back to their creator!”

I point forward, towards the only city on this planet. As I do, the people behind me begin charging forth, a stampede of death for the people in our way. The fighting starts once more as they clear the first line of the battlefield, full of the shells of space marines, and the torn clothes of the guardsmen. Empty tanks dot the landscape like rocks. Soon, the sounds of battle kick up. Artillery shells fall on both sides. Lasers and projectiles rip through bodies, and valkyries and angels cleave through the human hordes. As I walk forward, bolter rounds bounce off my skin and lasers fizzle out around me.

I spot a space marine, about to bring a chainsword down on one of my soldiers. I teleport in between the two, and grab the chainsword with my hand, causing the blade to snap. I then punch through the chest of the space marine, making another arm sprout from my side and punch through him again, ripping out both of his hearts. I then kick the body, sending it flying. It flies towards a human trench so I create two grenades and teleport them inside the body. As the body crashes into the trench, a large explosion rocks the trench. The grenades I used were less frag grenade, and more C4. 

I look across my front line, and see quite a few of the regular soldiers have died. So, I grab their souls, heal their bodies, and place them back inside. I do this all in a showy manner, shooting a spell into the sky that eventually becomes a gigantic planet-wide barrier. I then cause tendrils to come from this barrier and stab into the bodies of my people. I speak up,

“Rise, my valiant people. Show them our divine might! Show them our holy cause! Show them our undying rage!”

I take the lightsaber from my side and turn it on. With a loud *SHOOM* the blade comes out, revealing a deep black blade with a white glow on the outside. I throw the lightsaber, which rips straight through a leman russ. Instead of following the normal path of coming straight back, my lightsaber homes in on the nearest person and begins ripping its way through enemy lines. 

After cutting down around two dozen imperial guardsmen, a space marine attempts to grab the spinning plasma blade. Of course, you don’t grab the blade of a lightsaber for a reason, even with space marine armor. As the marine’s armored hand touches the blade, a sickening sound rings out. His armor is liquified, and his hand and arm are split in two down the center. The blade continues on, cutting through his stomach, and ripping his body in half. Half his arm falls to the ground, while the other half hands loosely from his elbow. As he stumbles forward, he falls over, causing a space to form between his upper and lower half.

After cutting down around one hundred guardsmen and two marines, my blade comes back. It slams into my hand like thors hammer, and I dash forward. I reach enemy lines in a split second, appearing in front of an aged guardsmen. I tower over him, at nearly three meters tall, and swing down like judgment from god. The lightsaber travels through him with ease, splitting him down the center.

Then, I see it.

On the horizon, walking towards the battlefield with unbridled rage. Standing eleven meters tall. Her cannons ring out as they rip through my army from afar, an imperial knight has joined the battle. Feeling my instincts of the past coming out, I transform into my birb form and make myself around the same height. As I fly towards it, I let out a black mist from my wings that both heals my people, and kills humans. As I get closer to the knight, it begins firing at me. These rounds bounce off my feathers and deal no damage whatsoever. I land in front of the knight with a thud, and have an interesting idea. I turn back into my humanoid form and shrink back down. Then, I create a portal beside me that is just about as tall as the knight.

From this portal, a creature’s roar rings out. A meaty jaw comes out, lined with rows of sharp teeth. Its scales are seemingly made of iron, painted with a matte pattern. As its full head is exposed, its glowing yellow eyes look at the knight with a taunting glare. As it steps out, it positions itself across from the knight and lets out a soul-rattling roar. The king of all lizards, Tyrannosaurus Rex. (with some modification by me. A T-rex would no doubt lose to a knight.)

The rex charges forward, mouth open, and is met by the giant fist of the knight. This rattles the brain of the rex, which spins around using the momentum of the punch to send its tail into the chest of the knight. The sound of crunching metal rings out across the battlefield. The knight quickly recovers from this attack and shoots the rex with its cannon. These shells bounce off the rex, but do cause it some pain. Like when you’re shot by a BB gun, you weak little human.

The rex roars out and spins around again, crunching down on the metal plate of the knight's chest. It tears through some of the armor, exposing the wires underneath. I watch as the knight then grabs the back of the rex’s head and squeezes, sending blood splattering as its hydraulic fingers push into the flesh of the rex.

It pulls the head back, and as the rex roars out in pain, it sends a round straight into the mouth. As the round enters, the eyes of the rex begin to glow red. Its previous brown skin is slowly overtaken by a red hue, and light begins to flicker at the base of its tongue. A roar echoes out across the battlefield, as a long plasma beam rips out of the rex’s throat, melting and then vaporizing the round before it does any damage.

Long spines begin to form on the rex’s back. Its tail gains four spikes, becoming a thagomizer. Its teeth grow even larger and sharper, almost appearing to be made of steel now. Two curved tusks replace the previous canines, ready to impale this knight.

Spines shoot out of the rex’s neck, tearing through the hand of the knight. The knight lets go and sends another round at the rex’s face, which bounces straight off. The rex charges forward and sends the tusks straight through the chest of the knight before opening its mouth and cutting straight through the knight with a long beam of plasma.

It then pulls the tusks back, letting the knight collapse to the ground. The knight lays on its back and looks up as the rex stomps through the head, killing the knight.

I cast the spell that converts the dead knight into something else. The metal repairs itself after being dyed black, and the eyes light up with a golden red. A halo appears behind the knight's head as it lifts itself back up. It kneels before me, as a proud voice echoes out,

“I thank you for allowing me to see the truth, your highness.”

I wave off the knight, which charges back into combat. The rex lays down in front of me, and melts in my hand as I begin petting it, acting more like a big dog. I look at the crumpling enemy lines with a smile and say,

“We’ve won this battle.”


AN: finally fixed my PC, new archmage villainess out tomorrow. but now im getting sick.

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