Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 38 - Three shots

Xiao Chen took Ye Zi and Zhang Sicheng together, and came to a place less than 100 meters away from the gate of Yingzhai. They took Shi Hao’s telescope and carefully observed the movement in the camp. Shi Hao was left in his previous position, ready to snipe.

The five goblin shamans dug a large pattern on the ground in the middle of the five pillars, and then retreated to the edge of the pillars. After a while, there was a drum sound in the camp, the drum sound was disorderly, But with a wild atmosphere.

The goblins in the entire camp were instructed by drums, and they came out from all corners of the camp and gathered around the square. Although the goblin scenes were noisy and chaotic, and even a few fights occurred, Xiao Chen found that they were clearly distinguished by class.

The tallest and strongest goblins stood close to the pillars. These goblins wore straw coats, armed with weapons, most of them were short spears, and some carried swords and axes, even wearing simple leather armor. Warrior.

They are followed by women and children in goblin, the number of children is much more than women, indicating that these goblin reproduction ability is very strong. Women’s goblins are often worn much better than warriors, and many of them return their clothes. The little goblins were basically naked and exposed to the yellow-green body, and they fluttered around the field, but none of them dared to run into the range of the five pillars. The outermost are some old and weak goblins, and the position they occupy can hardly see the middle of the square.

The drums stopped, and the buzzing sounds of many goblins whispered down. A group of goblins came along the main road deep in the square connecting the camp. The appearance of these goblins is completely different from the crowd of Wuhe who watched them before. Most of them wear full leather armor and hold a spear in their hands. It became dark green, with a high crown made of animal bones on his head, a blue dyed straw robe on his body, and a necklace of rough gemstones hanging around his neck. He carried a wooden stick in his hand, which was a bit like a torch, except that the top flashing was not a flame, but a gem with a big fist, which exuded **** 氤氲.

“Here they are! They are indeed.” Xiao Chen saw that behind this group of goblins, several people with weak expressions were tied to their upper bodies, and came out under the intimidation of the goblin warrior short spear.

“It seems that there are more people than us.” Although Ye Zi did not have a telescope, he also found that more people came out than expected.

“Professor Lin, Zhao Rui and Li Tianrui, and two other locals.” Xiao Chen saw in the telescope that these people were more or less injured, and there were still dry blood stains on their faces. It seems that they After being caught by the goblins, he suffered less.

Professor Lin was at the forefront. After all, he was old and frightened, and he stumbled along the road. His student Zhao Rui also seemed to be hit hard, his eyes dull and chaotic. It was the soldier Li Tianrui, who was pressed and walked, while looking east and west, as if looking for a chance to escape.

“Are we still not acting now?” Ye Zifu was beside Xiao Chen, his eyes fixed on the camp, and he asked anxiously.

“It’s not long before we have to wait for Shi Hao to shoot.” Xiao Chen took the scroll from his bag and held it in his hand. “After all, he is a trained soldier, and we have to believe his ability to judge opportunities. “

The old goblin shaman stopped on the sidelines, and the soldiers behind pressed five humans to the five pillars, untied the ropes of their upper bodies, and then crossed their hands backwards, and tied them to the pillars instead. Li Tianrui struggled a few times and was hit with a punch by a goblin warrior on his stomach. He was so painful that he couldn’t stand up. He uttered a few words, and finally caused the goblin warrior to tie a rope around his neck, unable to move at all.

After binding the men, the five shamans came up and cut their coats with a knife to reveal their chests, and several people screamed. Zhao Rui screamed very loudly: “I don’t want to die here, I don’t want to die in the hands of these barbaric monsters. Who will save me.” He saw Li Tianrui still struggling and shouted to him: “Li Tianrui, you , Are n’t you a soldier? Quickly find a way! I ca n’t just die. ”

Li Tianrui turned his head a little hard and said bitterly: “I can’t move my neck, what can I do!”

“You, that’s how you served as a soldier, how did you protect us?”

“Cough … whatever this is, don’t be noisy anymore. We are bound here, and the goblins are surrounded by three layers and three layers. Unless there is a large group of people to save us, we can only admit our lives. Xiao Zhao, do n’t blame Xiao Li, it ’s useless to make noise now. Cough, it ’s better to see what kind of tricks these goblins have. ”Professor Lin did n’t have much energy, and what he said barely reached the ears of the other two.

But Zhao Rui continued to shout as if he didn’t hear it: “There are also Zhang Sicheng, Ye Zi and Xiao Chen, one of them is the captain, and the other two have a bad idea together, and they have to explore the situation of goblins. Bastard, bastard! Both They hurt it. “

Li Tianrui and Professor Lin knew that it would be a waste of effort to talk more at this time, so they no longer ignored Zhao Rui, and both of them removed their eyes and let him scold from heaven to earth.

auzw.com The two people on the opposite side were attracted by Zhao Rui ’s yelling. One of the older middle-aged men was dressed similarly to the guide before the expedition. Presumably he was also a hunter nearby. He looked at Zhao Rui, who was also crazy, with some pity. He closed his eyes and began to pray with words. The other man was under 30 years old, with dark red hair and light green eyes. His skin was pale, and he wore much more decent clothes than a hunter. His upper body was a light gray cotton short dress, and his lower body It was a pair of dark blue pants. He looked at Zhao Rui cursed in surprise, and seemed to forget even the fear.

The goblin didn’t give Zhao Rui much chance to make trouble. He didn’t scold a few words, so two goblin warriors ran over and beat him with two sticks. Zhao Rui screamed a few times, and after a while, he only left The strength of hum, no longer dare to yell.

Ten elite goblin warriors gathered around the leading old goblin to the stone platform in the middle of the pillar. The old goblin stood in front of the stage. He first looked around the goblins around the whole square, and then looked at the five bound humans in sequence. Both the earth and the locals looked down at the dark green eyes of the old elves, and even looked down, they dared not stare at them.

The old goblin nodded with satisfaction. Suddenly, the wooden stick in his hand lifted into the air and began to sing loudly. The goblins on the square knelt down and headed to the ground. The old goblin sang in a weird tone, shaking the wooden stick in his hand, and dancing at a strange beat under his feet, and gradually a light green water polo appeared in the air. The water polo followed the singing, dancing, and shaking The wooden stick kept rolling and getting bigger and bigger, until it was several times larger than the old goblin’s body. The old goblin used the wooden stick to lead the water ball to the stone table, and it fell on the table, cracking into a pool The clear water flows down the stone platform and flows into the pre-digged array.

The array was filled with green water, emitting a bright green light. The old goblin seemed to have spent a lot of effort, gasping with a wooden staff. He waved his hand in front of the stone platform, and the five shamans took out their daggers and walked to the five bound sacrifices.

“Oops! Are they going to start?” Xiao Chen looked back nervously, why didn’t Shi Hao shoot?

At this time, three gunshots were heard.

Shi Hao did n’t want to shoot, but he never found a chance. When Chen Xiao came down the mountain, he told him that if his captured hostage appeared in the camp, he would be ready to **** the goblin leader and create a scene of headless dragons. .

When the old goblin came out, Shi Hao saw from his platoon that this must be an extraordinary figure in the goblin tribe. Later, when he saw him standing in the field, the other goblins actually knelt down, and he felt that he was the best target. But that old goblin has been surrounded and defended by goblin warriors since he entered Shi Hao’s line of sight. Shi Hao was not sure of hitting the old goblin who had been moving on the night without sight and night vision. Later, when Lai Di sang songs and dances, he left his guard, but the strange dance moves were too fast, and Shi Hao still dared not shoot. Until the spell was completed and the old goblin gasped on a wooden staff, Shi Hao knew that the opportunity had finally come!

The unknown spell seems to have been completed perfectly. Shi Hao vaguely saw that the tired face of the old goblin showed a gratifying smile. This was the most lax moment of the old goblin.

He shot without hesitation.

Three points and one line, followed by the trigger.

The first shot.

A blood flower burst from the old gnomes’ right shoulder, his body fell back involuntarily, and the wooden stick in his hand came out. Shi Hao secretly murmured, slightly moved the muzzle and then pressed the trigger.

The second shot.

With a bang, the old goblin’s crown was shattered in the air, but it didn’t hit the target. Shi Hao secretly scolded, damn, I was nervous. He vaguely knew that he had only one chance. If the old goblin pounces on the ground, it will fall behind the stone platform, then there is no way to take him. Shi Hao pressed the gun down a bit and secretly said: “God bless you.”

The third shot.

God still cares about Shi Hao, the bullet blasted out from the muzzle, instantly penetrated from the cheek of the old goblin, and the back of the head flew out. It suddenly broke like a rotten watermelon, and the red and white colors splashed around the mess. When the old goblin was planted on the ground, the gemstone chain on his chest seemed to be triggered by something, and he was late to form a translucent cyan shield to cover his body inside.

The old goblin fell down, and several guards around the area immediately made a mess, some going to hug people, some to grab the scepter, and several shamans who were going to kill the sacrifice also rushed over. All the goblins outside were screaming and frightened, snarling around. The big and small goblins pushed and squeezed each other, and the whole square was in a mess.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen immediately stood up, took the scroll in his hand, and said to Zhang Sicheng: “It’s up to us!”

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