Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 101 - Critical situation

Ye Zi made a straight stab, and the tip of the gun was accurately stuck on the thigh of a horse thief. The horse thief suddenly lost his leg strength and could not control the balance. He fell to the ground and screamed loudly while he was holding his leg. Backing away, he confronted the three big men in front of him again.

At this time, three people were lying on the ground, and Ye Zi was stuck in the leg, and they shouted on the ground with their wounds covered. The remaining three horse thieves bowed their backs, raised their swords, and made a look that they would rush out at any time, but no one really started. They were somewhat shocked by Ye Zi.

Ye Zi didn’t feel well at this time. She gasped, her face was sweaty, and Liu Hai wetly pressed her forehead, almost covering her eyes. What worries her a little is the feeling of soreness from her injured leg. She was just under siege by two people. She finally knocked them down, and then rushed up with four others. It’s too tired.

Although these horse thieves don’t have any advanced martial arts, most of them are just strong and strong men, but they are all people who have seen blood and can fight. Ye Zi knows that if they don’t come to this world to practice martial arts every day, I’m afraid they have fallen before They got under the knife.

She took a deep breath and changed the position of holding a gun to give her tired body a chance to recover, then slowly swam away with the horse thief who besieged him.

“Oh, you guys, go get rid of this **** little girl.” A guy who looked like a little boss shouted to stand on the ground and shouted at the standing people. The thief captured the king first. As the leader of the later four, he was the first to be defeated by Ye Zi.

But some of his men were scared by Ye Zi’s bravery. No one stepped forward just waving a knife in a pretentious manner.

The boss spit on the ground, “After the boss kills the guy who is in front of the wall, he will come up. If he lets us see that we are blocked here by a lady, you will definitely want us to look good! His means? “

A few horse thieves looked stern, and they looked very afraid of the so-called boss.

“Don’t charge me yet!” The leader shouted.

As soon as the three men gritted their teeth, they rushed over, and the little boss on the ground took a crossbow from his waist and began to load arrows.

Ye Zi had to fight with them again, her physical strength did not recover much, the horse thief’s attack was so heavy that it was very difficult for her to block. She also glanced at the leader to prepare for a sneak attack with a crossbow, but the path rushed past was sealed by the three men.

She suddenly regretted it. She shouldn’t be upset before, leaving the lives of these people. Unexpectedly, they were still restless after falling down, and they still had to work with her.

With a whimper, Ye Zi tried to twist her body, and a crossbow arrow brushed across her waist, bringing a trace of blood. The pain distorted her movements a little, and she couldn’t completely avoid the blade across the back of her head and was cut off a large piece of hair. Immediately afterwards, he had to strenuously hold the two knives severely cut and took advantage of the situation to make a roll on the ground before the power of the knives could be eliminated.

At this time, the second arrow of the leader was already about to be installed. He was looking at her fiercely and was about to be launched. The other three got together again and hurried towards her.

Ye Zi’s heart tightened at once, and she felt tired and powerless standing in front of a giant monster named Death, who opened her teeth and danced her claws, showing her sharp teeth, about to bite her neck . And she could not lift the strength of the struggle.

What about the rest? Where are they? The sound of fighting in the distance has been intermittent, but no one came. Before the danger of approaching, she felt that she had never been so isolated.

Girls, what guns to practice! For some reason, what my father said when he was a child was ringing in his ear again. He always wears a shirt and glasses, and has no temperament.

I’m for you! Just study hard!

It is not a good thing for girls to know Kung Fu, the better the Kung Fu, the more dangerous!

It seems that my shooting really took me to death … It’s really stupid to stay alone to fight.

I’m so stupid! Out of stupidity! Ye Zi struggled to set up the frame, the gunpoint was facing the enemy staggeringly, she could clearly see a fierce smile on the enemy’s face, this kind of smile she was preparing to lift her foot on the child’s face Seen before. Full of confidence, no mercy, only the pleasure of slaughter.

Out of stupidity!

Her ears sounded like a grand drink.

Your dad is a fool! Practicing gunmanship is not for those inferior martial arts. It tempers the will and detaches from the spirit. Being a man should be like the gun head, hard and unpredictable, and change a lot. As long as you know the direction, you will only keep moving , Penetrating everything that stands in front of you until you hit the target.

It seemed that the grandfather at that time was quite young, and he was ashamed of his father’s scolding in front of her. When he had finished speaking, he threw the big gun in his hand, and the big gun flew like an arrow, plunging deep into a thick willow …


He also held a gun like that in his hand.

She then flashed a lot of clips at home to practice marksmanship, grandpa’s teachings, father’s face, and then all this gradually turned into a white streamer, condensed into her own sea of ​​qi.

Is it an illusion?

As if not, she felt that her power was constantly recovering, growing, and even surpassing. Her hand holding the gun became more and more powerful, and in a flash, she felt that her spirit had reached a new height.

The horse thieves seemed to feel the change of Ye Zi, their smiles solidified, and they were replaced with a deep sense of uneasiness. The dead monster has begun to hesitate and flinch.

The leader got a good string and the crossbow was lifted up. However, at the moment he wanted to pull the trigger, Ye Zi shouted and threw the gun in his hand.

Howling, blood spattered. The leader was passed through the chest with a spear and nailed to the ground. He held the gun in one hand and wanted to raise the crossbow with the other hand, but he didn’t have the strength anymore. The crossbow fell to the ground, he twitched and slowly became stiff.

“Ah!”, “Boss!” The three horse thieves uttered a panic call, not knowing whether they should rescue the leader or continue to besiege Ye Zi.

Ye Zi didn’t wait for the reaction of the three of them, and then he stepped forward and took the gun with his finger and attacked. This time, no matter her speed or strength is much greater than before, in the eyes of others, at this time, there is a faint sound of wind and thunder on her body, her fists and feet come, and a layer of faint fluorescence is attached to it. Although the fluorescence is not strong, it has edges and corners, like countless sharp and sharp guns.

The horse thieves did not keep their souls. At this time, the morale was taken away. After a few fights, they were hit by her and knocked down to the ground.

“Fight … fight.” The last horse thief who was knocked down screamed with blood: “She, how could she be a … fighting warrior …”

Grudge? Ye Zi stood between the horse thieves who were knocked down and looked at his hands in confusion. At this time, the faint white light was slowly disappearing, but Ye Zi could still clearly feel this vigorous power.

She turned to look at the horse thieves who screamed on the ground. The horse thieves touched her gaze, and they all spat out loudly. A guy who was not seriously injured turned over and prostrate to the ground. Forgive us. We are just farmers and fishermen who have no land to grow. We, we are also forced. Those bosses are the real gangsters. We ca n’t do it. Do n’t kill me, do n’t kill me. ”

Ye Zi just regretted not killing the guy who fell to the ground, but now hesitated again. These people seem to have lost their fighting power, which is not much better than a tail-wagging dog. She ignored them. She walked through the beggars, came to the leader’s body, and pulled up her own gun. Those people saw that she had got a weapon again, and begged louder.

Ye Zi knew that at this critical moment, killing these people was the best choice, but she could not shoot the gun into these bodies that had no ability to resist anyway.

Just when she hesitated, a voice came suddenly behind her. It was a man ’s voice, which was very thick and a little low: “There is a beautiful woman who can fight here, and she has just broken through the fighting. It ’s so strange. . “

Ye Zi turned around, and it seemed that the man was a man of at least 1.95 meters. He held a big axe in one hand, blood was still dripping from the axe, and carrying a human head in the other hand, he hurried towards this side.

“Boss, save us quickly!” The horse thieves who had just given their noses and tears and begged for mercy were all crying out for help when they saw this man coming. One of them also said to Ye Zi: “Woman, surrender! Our boss is the strongest fighter in the surrounding mountains, you can’t beat him!”

Ye Zi didn’t speak. For the first time she saw the head being cut off, she was really stunned. She couldn’t imagine or accept a partner from the same school. A person from a modern society would encounter such an outcome. The separation of the head is undoubtedly more cruel than the death of the firearm or the crossbow, which makes her feel like a knife.

She looked at it hard, trying to tell who it was, but as the man approached, she found that the head was all blond. Blonde hair … it could only be the locals who were recruited into the **** camp. She couldn’t help but feel guilty.

I really do n’t know what happened to the other people on the front line? She found that there was almost no fighting in front of her.

“Don’t look at it, the people in front of us are all scattered by us. My little cubs can cut off their heads in a little while. You strange people can still fight, the spitting rod made me It ’s distressed that so many little babies have died. However, I did n’t expect a baby like you here. ”The big man smiled somberly, he wiped the blood from the axe with the golden hair on his head, and then threw it like garbage Threw that head into the grass on the side of the road, “In order not to lose money, I have to **** back your little beauty …”

Speaking of which, there was a sudden blast of air at the foot of the man, and the tall figure was like a boulder and was thrown over by the catapult. Ye Zi couldn’t dodge, and exhausted all his energy to resist the blow with the gun barrel.

Sure enough, it is also grudge! But far thicker and more violent than her, like a blasting boulder.

Ye Zi was shot out seven or eight meters and hit a tree. She endured the severe pain in her back and wanted to use a gun to support herself again, but with a “click” …

The gun was broken.

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