A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

We spent another week in the Meereen after the weddings, then headed out to Mantarys, the beastmen city. The road to the way there was the demon road, which we already went through but this time it was much easier. As the demons stayed clear of us due to our army size, plus the mages in the army helped use magic to ward them away.

As we reached the city a few weeks on foot, the beastmen once again rang the bells, panicking. We surrounded the city and made came, while preparing for a siege as I was hoping they would join us peacefully. Though I suspected they would not, Daenerys took her role as Empress very well with take some of my responsibility so I could focus more on the war.

"You again? With an even larger army… What do you want this time?" the same lioness beastwoman asked me with the same minotaur guard with her since they rode out to meet me.

"I came back unfortunately for you to surrender your city and join my empire. If not then we will bring this place under our control by force," I say to her not mincing my words as I wanted her to understand the position they are in.

"I alone can not decide that… I must meet with the other elders of the city," the lioness tells me.

"You have until tomorrow morning. If you refuse or give us no answer by then, the city will be attacked," I say to her as my army is preparing for the possible siege. 

"I understand…" the lioness says while she and the minotaur return to the city.

"Do you think they will actually surrender?" Daenerys asks me since she met with them alongside me.

"Doubtful, I just hope they submit quickly once the fighting starts," I say to her and she nods her head while giving me a comforting hug.

With night descending, Daenerys and I return to our tent where she not so subtly initiated sex. She basically tackled me into the bed. The next morning we were told by Rokgar and Oberyn that our troops were ready for battle. As Oberyn was appointed my general for the human members of our troops, with Rokgar the general of the dragonborn part.

"Any word from the city?" I ask my inner circle, which consists of Daenerys, Oberyn, Rokgar, and Kinvara.

"None," Oberyn says and I sigh.

"Then let the siege begin," I say and they all nod as Rokgar and Oberyn run off to relay the orders to begin the battle.

Like usual the wyvern riders are sent in to take out the defenders on the walls and breach the gates, as the heavy infantry move in once the gates are breached. Our cavalry and mages are being held back since this is a siege in the city. Usually, the Dothraki following me would be angered by not being involved in the fighting. Though since learning that I am a real dragon and have led them to victory in every single fight, they follow my commands to the letter.

The Dothraki can even be considered to no longer really be Dothraki, as they have much more discipline. Though they still have the fearlessness that was taught to them since they were born, they are now more like Unsullied but on horseback. The siege ended within the hour as the city was just overwhelmed by our superior might. The leaders of this city, the 'elders' were brought to me in the center of the city.

There appeared to be five elders, one for each species in the city. One minotaur, one tortle, one black panther, the lioness I met, and even an Aarakocra, which is a type of bird person. They all were standing in front of me with fearless and definite faces. While a crowd circled around to watch what was happening.

"I am Emperor Talrit, of the Draconica Empire! We have started to expand our lands that way we can help those in this world join a new era! One of peace, prosperity, and returning magic to the lands," I say to them all as they all continue to look at me in silence.

"I asked your elders to surrender the city peacefully, but they refused making unnecessary bloodshed happen! Though from what I can gather you elders are not bad people, just stubborn and ignorant! They will be allowed to live, but must follow the orders of the governor my Empire appoints to the city! The governor will tell you what it means to be part of the Draconica Empire!" I say to everyone as the crowd begins to murmur among themselves.

"Like I said you should not try to resist our rule. As it will continue to only lead to unnecessary bloodshed," I say to the elders but the crowd does not hear me.

"If it means anything I suggested we surrender, but I was outvoted. Though elder Qall agreed with me," the lioness says to me while gesturing to the elder of the Tortles.

"Well, it matters not now. I just want you all to listen to our governor, they will try to respect your people's traditions. Though at the same time, they will inform you of our laws, which will be followed even if it goes against what you are used to," I say to them and the elder of the minotaurs glares at me.

"My army will be leaving in two days. If any of you want to send some of your men to join us, in good faith I will accept them into my army," I say to them leaving them without waiting for their replies.

Once the two passed, the few elders sent about a thousand beastmen, with the elder of the minotaurs to lead them. The elder's name was Anemir Honorbane and seemed to be still not too happy with me. Though at the end of the day, I did not really care, as he and his men will be under watch for the time being. We then headed west to Volantis the oldest of the 'Free Cities' and once part of the Valyiran Empire.

It took us about a month to reach the city from Mantarys, but Kinvara told me that the city should welcome us with open arms. As her priests were preaching about me as I am their savior the 'Golden Prince' and the people should have 'convinced' the leaders to surrender at our arrival. This was true as we arrived in the city and they opened the gates to us.

Inside the city, the people were cheering at me in excitement and happiness as I walked through the streets with my inner circle. Due to the easy nature of taking this city, installing our chosen governor and infantry to remain here took a day. But we would be waiting here for a week as word was sent to our mainlands to send us more supplies. This being a dock city was easy for our boats to bring us more supplies and they were escorted by the dragon turtles.

The first few days of waiting in the city were pretty uneventful though it was a nice change of pace to be back in a city that actually is happy at our arrival. Daenerys and I walked through the market and docks of the city, just sightseeing. Jorah followed a bit behind us as he still shadowed Daenerys and she trusted him enough. Plus one of the previous slaves Daenerys saved, followed us everywhere and became one of her best friends. The previous slave's name was Missandei, she was Daenerys's translator and advisor.

"Hello young one, are you lost?" Daenerys asks a small child who seemed to be wandering the docks confused. Though the eyes of the child made me confused, as they were not like most children, seemingly dead on the inside.

"Daenerys!" I say pulling her back just as the child almost stabbed her in the heart, which would not have killed her but still caused a scene. Plus I didn't want to see my wife injured for no reason.

The child seeing the failed attempt tried to escape with Jorah running over with his sword drawn. While I cast 'Hold Person' stopping the child in their tracks while they struggled and hissed at us, like a rabid animal. Daenerys looked shocked at almost getting stabbed by a small child, while my anger rose to extreme levels. Daenerys could sense my anger from our connection, as she placed her hand on my chest stopping me from burning this child.

"My love, I am fine. Do not do anything rash," Daenerys says while my anger calms slightly. I give her a worried look while releasing a sigh and nodding my head.

"Child, tell me who sent you and I won't have to break your mind," I say to the small child who just hisses at me in response.

"Very well," I say while casting 'detect thoughts' and pushing inside the child's mind to find out more.

The child's mind was dark and empty, showing that it is no more than an undead and being kept alive by dark magic. Though I can tell this magic has some dragon-like energy to it, meaning this child was sent by the cult of Tiamat. The dagger they were using was even coated in a dark magical poison that could affect even me, who is immune to all normal poisons.

"Daenerys, this is no child. But an undead creature was sent here to kill you and me, seems the cult is making some moves as we are threatening them. The dagger is infected with a dark magical poison-like disease. That could heavily injure you or me, though this poison is extremely hard to make and only a very powerful dragon could do the ritual," I say to Daenerys who gives me a surprised look.

I teleport me and the child away from the city, where I cast a 'flame strike' burning the undead child to nothing. The undead creature screeches as it burns, and my mind drifts to darker places and worries about the future. Since it appears that the cult as started making undead, it means we could be facing an army of undead. Which depending on the size could be a very difficult fight for us. Especially if the undead have access to even stronger normal poisons as my army is not immune to them like me and Daenerys.

"Did you… destroy the creature?" Daenerys asks me once I teleport back to her. I nod my head, while the city is in overdrive. Since my people are turning every stone to find any more undead or potential assassins.

"For now, the mages need to start performing rites to help remove undead and keep them away from the cities. Send word to our people to begin warding the cities from them, it seems the undead are now walking about us," I say to Rokgar who ran over here hearing the news of the undead child.

"Right away my god," Rokgar says shouting orders to the mages.

"The cult will now know we are not normal humans, meaning we should be expecting more magic users and undead enemies soon," I say with a sigh as the soldiers run about the city.

"Someone send word to Zathori to warn her of this!" I say to one of the mages running by and they nod before running off.

"The next few free cities will now have to be very careful entering. Kinvara, send word to your priests to begin doing rites and trying to root any possible undead from our cities and the ones we will soon arrive to," I say to her and she nods her head with a serious face walking off to carry out my order.

"Daenerys, I was going to surprise you. But now it seems I can no longer wait. A set of armor and a sword is coming in the shipment of supplies for you. I was going to be training you when it arrived, but I believe we should start now. That is if you are interested in learning to fight," I say to her and she smiles at me excitedly. 

"What are we waiting for!" Daenerys says dragging me to the estate we have been staying at in the city. I just smile as she drags me there, but with worried thoughts on the future and what it holds.

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