A random pokemon journey

Messing with people

Making my way to the gym Hades was having a field day fucking with all the psychics who sent probes my way for whatever reason. As it's species was both ghost and dark type Hades was immune to that sort of energy and as a result would actively find the probes and send a backlash through them. It was malicious behavior but totally harmless beyond causing the psychic with the probe some mild distress. Those that did manage to hit me with a probe found out the hard way that I couldn't be read.-

I wasn't stupid enough to walk through a city full of psychics without running a barrier of aura in my head to keep them out. Let me tell you they were not happy about it at all. People tend to forget that humans are creatures of habit and in a psychics case they were used to being able to read those around them at all times. With dark type ability users they simply can't feel their minds presence and are thus mostly unbothered by them. In my case however they could feel my mind but not look at it.-

This made them unhappy as it broke their habitual understanding of the world and as a result left them unnerved. Interestingly enough there was an experiment done where a verified future sight user had their ability sealed into themselves and thus were unable to see the future and it almost drove them mad. They had gotten so used to always knowing what came next that suddenly not knowing left them anxious and paranoid. Anyways I entered the gym and besides being decorated in a distinctly asian manner it was pretty similar to all the other gyms I'd been to so far.-

"You must be Mr. Drake. The leaders have been expecting you and told me to send you in the moment you arrived." the gym staff member said as I walked up. I raised an eyebrow at this since it was basically just the twins posturing and showing off their ability to see the future. At least that was what most people would think but I knew for a fact that they can only see at most a few minutes ahead and as a result they likely just figured out this city was my next destination and told the staff to keep an eye out.-

Still it saved time and I was fine with it as I walked through the doorway to the back of the gym. "Terrible news you have come to deliver." "A hidden threat shrouded in darkness lurking within our domain." the two small asian twins said back to back as I entered the arena. "I pity you precognizants, always looking towards a future that may no longer be true since time is not such a simple thing. I assume that you both saw a timeline where I told you why I am here and what I will be doing?" I asked calmly.-

"Stop doing that!" It's disturbing!" the twins said finishing their sentences as I actively made and dismissed a bunch of possible timelines by intending to do something then deciding to change my mind. "It's funny how easy it is to throw off you guys once you understand how the future works. Try to ignore the future and focus on the present, cake?" I said offering one of my campfire cakes. It was a simple recipe that was basically just pound cake with berries and honey worked into the mix and cooked in a iron pot set near the campfire.-

"You win just please stop doing whatever you are doing!" "We would like some cake." Tate begged and Liza spoke shortly afterwards. I stopped messing with the twins and divvied up the cake as I took a seat on the floor across from them. Hades sent out a bit of smoke from my pocket to glare at the twins at this point which made them stiffen in fright. "Play nice Hades!" I chastised the ghost who hissed in annoyance before going back to it's keystone. "Sorry about that I'm still working on that bit." I said honestly.-

"We understand." "Ghost can be tricky to control." the twins finished each others sentences again making me sigh. "Well straight to business then, I am planning on taking down three illegal goods depots and capturing the handler on this island. Well that and I do sort of want to get that badge for my collection if you don't mind too terribly much." I said casually while taking a bite of my cake. "We were planning to battle you for the badge like normal." "But there is no future in which we win." they said with mildly upset looks.-

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say the deciding factor in all those futures was this fellow here?" I asked patting my pocket that had the keystone which earned me an annoyed glare from the ghost it belonged to. The twins nodded with unhappy looks like they were normal children denied candy, it was amusing. "So about that badge?" I said with a grin and they just waved their hands and a heart shaped badge flew through the air at me. I caught it easily and put it with the rest of my badges.-

"When you go to destroy the depots do try and keep the casualties to a minimum." "We do not wish to clean up your bloody mess afterwards." the twins said and I shrugged "It's your city so I'll spare their lives this time but I won't be so merciful if I meet them after this." I said honestly and the twins nodded in understanding. I went to stand up and paused for a moment before taking out the rest of the cake and leaving it behind. "Do enjoy the cake and I will be out of your city before you know it." I said as I left.-

I casually made my way to the handlers house and calmly knocked on the door which the old woman opened with a smile before taking one look at me and sighing. "Who ratted me out? R.J or one of those Aqua bunch? I'd like to know who signed my death warrant before you do as you do." she said spitefully. "Slight misunderstanding on your part, it's prison for you not death at my hands. As for who told me about you how's about we make a deal? You tell me who and where the last handler is and I will tell you who sold you out?" I suggested and she looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging.-

"He's named Earnest and last I checked he worked as a ranger captain stationed near Pacifidlog. He's a older chap with no hair and a thick mustache. Now your turn." she said without any hesitation. "It was all of the handlers in Aqua and their boss as well as the poacher who I assume is named R.J. With that settled I imagine this is the part where those three with guns are supposed to shoot me so you can escape correct?" I asked with a mocking smirk as the old woman's calm broke and she finally showed a look of panic.

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