A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Part 1: FINALE

As the delicious nectar’s flow slowed, then ceased all together, Gorse found herself feeling better than ever. <What is in this milk?>

<Magic. Not sure of much beside that, but it heals you a bit in addition to tasting delicious.>

<Is that why I feel better now?>

<Probably. We also gave you a bit earlier to help you recover from the whole blood thing. Now move over, I want some too.>

As Gorse- a bit reluctantly- moved herself off of Amelia’s lap and onto the bench, Lilith took her place. 

While Gorse had started off tentatively, gently, before becoming more intense, Lilith knew exactly what she wanted and went after it like a wild beast.

As Amelia felt her lover’s sucking pay results, and milk flowed from her breast, the stimulation grew. 

When Lilith reached over to Amelia’s other breast and began idly playing with her nipple, Amelia realized something- or, to be precise- was no longer able to not realize it.

This wasn’t just about getting a drink, this was meant to be a sensual, erotic experience- for the both of them.

And her brother was watching.

Well, to be more accurate, he was trying not to watch, having covered his eyes with his hands. Although, if he really didn’t want to see, he could just turn around, Amelia thought to herself.

Gorse was much more transparent about her interest, watching the two futanari with undisguised lust as Lilith played with Amelia’s breasts.


- - -


Having finished arranging the storeroom to his liking, Gabriel went back into the main hall to inform Lilith as much. However, upon seeing… something happening- As the red-haired woman had her back turned to him, he couldn’t make out exactly what was forcing those moans out of her- he decided that perhaps he could spend a bit more time sorting through his belongings.

- - -


Once Amelia’s chest felt well and truly drained, she pried Lilith away from her breasts. “As enjoyable as this is, it’s nearing night-time. I think we’d do best to not let… this be the first thing they see as they walk in.”

“Yeah- maybe we can save that for tomorrow,” Lilith joked. Standing back up, she went behind the podium. <Gorse, would you mind going to the back room? Better safe than sorry.>

<Understood.> Gorse got up, a process which- due to her small stature- was a bit more dangerous for her than for the others. Mostly because, since the benches were designed for humans and not someone half their size, there was a bit of a drop.

About a foot of a drop, precisely. Still, Amelia’s milk had done its job, and Gorse quickly stabilized before walking off to the back room.

After re-tying her blouse, Amelia- with Kass following her- walked up to the podium, taking positions on either side of Lilith.

“And now,” Lilith said, “we wait.”

- - -


Soon enough, people started to arrive in groups. As they organized themselves, sitting on benches where possible and standing where necessary, Lilith looked over the people she was hoping to convince into changing religions.


They were… cohesive. That probably wasn’t a way anyone would like to be described, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Outside of obvious things like age or gender, they all looked remarkably like each other. Most hair was brown, with a few people having a bluish-black shade- Amelia and Kass’s own red hue was unique to them, apparently. Differences in skin tone could probably be ascribed to tans; the village most likely wasn’t important enough that travelers from far away would come and raise a family here.


As the number of people inside the church grew, they became antsy. Some of them turned to each other in groups, discussing theories for what was going on. Eventually, however, Milo came in, closing the doors behind him. "This should be everyone."


Taking that as a signal to start, Lilith began speaking.

"You're probably all wondering why I called you here tonight," she said.

"Yeah, we are!"

"Can you really do magic?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Alright, let's go in order. Yes, I can do magic."

"What sort?"

"Show us!" That last remark came from one of the children, sitting on their father's shoulders.

"Okay." I've got some extra MP now, so that's good. But I only have three non-sexy spells. [Static Blast], [Holy Shield], or [Gimlet]? Settling on [Holy Shield], as the least destructive option, Lilith poured all the MP she had regained from her drink earlier into creating a glimmering golden barrier above the heads of the onlookers.

The men who had seen Lilith’s power on the raid were less surprised, but their family members looked at the barrier with amazement- being told someone could do magic was a lot less impressive than seeing it. The kid who had asked for a demonstration reached out and knocked on the barrier, creating a melodic tone- as if the barrier was an instrument.

“How can you do that?”

Here we go. After taking a deep breath, Lilith explained. “I gained these powers from a goddess named Medenta. About a week ago, in a faraway land, when I was on the verge of death, she appeared to me, and brought me here.”

“You didn’t bring us here to talk about your life story and give us a light show, did you?” said a short, black-haired woman near the front. “What’s this really about?”

“What’s your name?”


Amelia said her friend was named Julia, right? Then this is her- and she probably knows exactly what this is about.

“Well, Julia, I’m making you-and the rest of the village- an offer. Medenta granted me this power, and she can do the same for all of you.”

“What’s the catch?” someone else asked.

“Well…” Alright. This is the big one. “Medenta is a goddess of good… and of sex.”

Whatever people were expecting, it wasn’t that. 

“So, I have a spell that can… transform people, and give them access to Medenta’s power. It starts off a bit weak, but it improves really fast- Kass took down a wyrm today, and he’s had magic for less than a week!” Lilith continued, attempting to move past the conversational hump that was her last reveal.

“What’s a trans- transfo- trans-fow-mation?” asked the boy from earlier, stumbling over the word.

“What’s your name?”

“Philip,” the boy answered proudly.

“Well, Philip, ‘transformation’ is more or less just a fancy way to say ‘change’,” Lilith explained. “Like how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.” You guys have butterflies, right? She asked Amelia with [Telepathy}.

Yeah, we have butterflies.

“Why’s it impressive that he killed a worm?” another kid, this time a little black-haired girl, asked. “I can do that too- you just step on them and they squish.”

“Wyrm spelt w-y-r-m, not w-o-r-m,” Kass chimed in. “It’s like an earthworm, but gigantic, with scales so hard they’re more or less indestructible without magic.”

“I saw the damn thing,” one of the men said. “It was at least ten feet across, and at least thirty times as long!”

“Anyway, about the nature of the transformation- essentially, it makes you both genders. We,” she continued, gesturing to herself, Kass, and Lilith, “have both male and female parts.”

“And you plan to do this to our children?” a woman near the back called out indignantly.

“As I said earlier, this is a choice. But no, not to the same extent, at least.”


- - -


Lilith had actually anticipated this sort of question- before people started coming in, she had held a quick chat with Medenta on the subject.

So. Kids.

[What about them?]

Well, as much as I think all the sex stuff is hot, I’d rather not involve the kids in it.


Is there a way to make it so all the sex stuff doesn’t affect the kids?

[Well, the way you’ve set things up, the transformation, at least, is necessary.]

The way *I* set things up?

[Remember, I wasn’t a sex goddess before you came here. Back when you were my only worshipper, it… altered me. And part of that means that the transformation into a futanari is a necessary part of the whole thing.]


[However, it should be quite easy to make sure the bulk of the ‘sex stuff’, like the general horniness and other things, doesn’t affect them until they reach maturity.]

Okay. Can you do that, then? And set ‘maturity’ at, like, 18 or something.

[Consider it done.]


- - -


“Any sexual stuff won’t affect anyone who’s not an adult- an ‘adult’, in this case, being someone who’s at least 18. Does that assuage your concerns?”

The woman who had asked the question gave a slight nod, before sitting down again.

“If anyone else has any questions, feel free to ask.”

“What sort of magic would we be able to do? I saw lightning strike back during the raid. Could we do that?”

“I’m not sure about that spell in particular, but there’s a wide variety of possible spells. So maybe.”


- - -


After fielding a few more questions, and after the villagers had a number of discussions amongst themselves, Lilith felt it was time to ask the question. “So, you guys in?”

The villagers looked at each other, then back at Lilith. One of them came forward- a tall, brown-haired man whose name Lilith wasn’t sure of. “We are.”

As it felt like all the tension in Lilith’s body unwound itself, she opened her menu and quickly purchased the [Consecrate] spell with the SLP she had been saving.

“Alright, then.” she took a quick breath in… then out. “Here we go.”


Choose starting Faith skill.

Choose starting Sexuality skill.

The townspeople, who were waiting for something to happen, looked around confusedly.

“Uh, just a second.” Slotting in [Light] and [Condom], Lilith closed the window, and the spell began in earnest.

The brown-haired man was the first to be affected- a golden light spread from his chest, enveloping his entire body, and then moving to the people nearest him. As it spread, the light grew brighter, and brighter, until Lilith had to cover her eyes from the blinding intensity. 

Eventually, the light died down, and Lilith opened her eyes, to see the golden shroud rising from the people in motes of light.

The menfolk had undergone the most visible change- the brown-haired man was now a rather buxom woman, and all the others had undergone similar transformations.

The women looked more or less the same as they had before, but Lilith knew that underneath their dresses they had some new equipment.


As the people looked at each other, taking in their new forms, Lilith felt an energy building within her. The building around them began to shimmer, shift, and change.

Crying eyes became clovers. Broken windows repaired themselves. The benches were transformed into white stone, and the floor was paved in a mosaic. Most likely, the stairs in the back room were repaired too.


Looking around, at a scene so different yet so similar to the one from just a minute ago, Lilith felt tired. 






As the wave of exhaustion crashed over her, her eyes fluttered closed and her knees buckled. Her head hit the podium, and she slumped over.


Hey, everyone! Sorry this chapter was a bit late, but I figure since it’s almost double the normal length that kinda makes up for it.


Well, that’s the end of part 1. This was as far as I had the story planned out.

Now that the whole village is futanari, and there’s no overarching goal like the raid to work towards, future chapters will most likely be a lot more sex-filled.


However, I need to make an actual plan. To that end, I’m going to be taking a hiatus.

I’m not sure how long it’ll be, but I assure you, I do plan to return to this story and these characters.


If you have anything you want to see in part 2- characters, kinks, fun sex positions- tell me in the comments!


It’s been a year and a day since I published the first chapter of this story, and I’d like to give a big, heartfelt, ‘thanks’ to everyone who read it and left comments.

See you whenever I decide to pick this story up again, or earlier in the comments!

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