A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 115: Elder Jones decides for Helena

When Elder Jones finished talking, Amber looked at him and asked "So what you said in summary is that you won't allow her to go in?"

Elder Jones only ignored her.

He didn't even nod his head to the question that he was asked by Amber.

Amber exhaled and then turned around to look at Helena and Lydia who also looked at her with unhappy gazes.

"Well, I guess you will have to get contribution points before you will able to use the library and some other places in the training camp" Amber said.

Helena who couldn't really figure out what contribution points meant decided to ask "Instructor Amber, what are contribution points?"

"They are points that you will be awarded with when you accomplish or fulfill a specific task generated by the Mission House in the training camp."

"Only by completing various grades of different types of missions that will be given to you by the Mission House can you be awarded points that you can use to buy things at the Artifact Hall in the camp or gain access to the library and some other exciting places in the training camp" Amber replied.

"Oh. Then I guess I will have to go to the Mission House to get missions and eventually be awarded contribution points after I have completed them." Helena said.

"That is right. Except that the mission requires you to go into the world. And that could be really dangerous for you, Helena. We don't want you to fully leave our presence as we would want to quickly get to you to shield you from danger." Amber said.

"But how would I be able to grow my phenomenal abilities in leaps and bounds if I don't try to develop myself? Besides, you gave me a protective item to crush so that you could be alerted that I am in danger. So, what could possibly go wrong?" Helena asked.

"No Helena. I gave you that to summon me if you were to be attacked by Jennifer's mom, Anissa. That item will only work in here, not out there in some really distant place in the world." Amber said.

"Oh! Alright, Instructor Amber." Helena said with a slight nod of her head.

She then proceeded to ask "Then how would I get contribution points to exchange them for spell books at the magical library or for magical artifacts at the Artifact Hall, instructor Amber?"

"Helena, forget about contribution points for now. We can't send you into the world until you have grown very powerful to be able to carry yourself out there in the world without any problem." Amber said while Helena's face instantly fell.

"But how would I become powerful if I don't learn new spells from the library?" Helena asked.

"Helena, it's okay. You don't need to keep pestering me to allow you go into the world. No matter what you will say, you are not leaving this camp until you are way much older and have grown powerful to be able to unleash Heaven-level and Mage-level spells. So, keep quiet and don't try to ask me any question again concerning this, or I would become really angry with you. Now, turn your back. Let leave this place." Amber said.

Helena who wasn't willing to succumb to what Amber said shook her head and then unexpectedly dashed to the front of elder Jones who was caught by surprise on why Helena had suddenly dashed towards him.

"Elder, please I really want to use the library. But since you have stopped me from entering only until I have gotten contribution points, then I ask that you help me tell instructor Amber to allow me to go into the world to acquire them from completion of missions. I am sick of them telling me not to do this and that because they don't want me to be exposed to danger. I am grown and can handle myself. Please elder" Helena said quickly.

Amber shook her head and then walked up to where Helena was.

Immediately she got to her back, she said to elder Jones and said "Sorry about this elder Jones, I am taking her away"

She then grabbed Amber's hand and tried to pull her away.

Helena continued to looked at the elder as she was being dragged away by Amber who had a furious look in her face.

Elder Jones sighed and then said "Amber, leave her."

Immediately Amber heard that, she left Helena alone and then turned to look at elder Jones.

"Elder Jones, don't tell me that you want to act on what she said. You can't listen to her." Amber hurriedly said.

"Well, it's not like I am the Camp Overseer to have the final say over things in here. I am only a guardian of the library. However, my rank is only third to that of the Camp Overseer. So, I still have some say in here." Elder Jones said.

He then said further by saying "So Amber, leave the girl alone. Let her go for a mission to acquire contribution points to be able to use the library and exchange them for artifacts at the Artifact Hall."

Amber's face fell.

"No elder Jones, you can't do this." She said with a slightly annoyed expression in her face.

"Oh yes, I can do this" Elder Jones said.

"Well, I will have to see what the Camp Overseer will say about this" Amber said and then flew away, leaving both Helena and Lydia behind to go to Roselyn's office.

"Come over here the both of you" Elder Jones said.

Helena and Lydia then walked towards him with smiles in their faces.

When they got in front of him, both of them took a full bow with Helena saying "Thank you very much, elder"

She then straightened herself back.

"So, you are the Chosen One?" Elder Jones asked.

"Yes, elder" Helena reverently said and nodded at the same time with a smile in her face.

"Hmm" Elder Jones uttered.

Then still gazing at her, he said "You are still very young, and really weak. I was thinking the Chosen One will be a Heaven-level spellcaster. But here you are, an Earth-Level spellcaster."

Helena's eyes widened in shock when elder Jones said that.

She then proceeded to ask "But how did you that, elder?"

"With the use of a Stage Perception spell which I can cast silently on anyone, I will know the level or stage that person is at spellcasting." Elder Jones said with a smile.

"Well, you are still wrong, elder. I know some Sky-level spells which I can easily utter without feeling stressed or taxed." Helena said looking at elder Jones who only broke into a raucous laughter.

"Really? How many? And how many can you unleash before feeling drained of your Aetha energy?" Elder Jones asked.

"Well, I can only unleash one at the moment. Then to your second question, I should be able to unleash two Sky-level spells before feeling totally exhausted." Helena said while elder Jones broke into another raucous laughter again.

"So, what spellcasting level does that really put you at?" Elder Jones asked with a raised brow.

Helena rolled her eyes at him and said "Well, the Earth-level spellcasting level"

"You see now that I wasn't wrong, right?" Elder Jones asked and grinned while Helena only slightly nodded her head.

"By the way, what spell did you actually wanted to learn?" Elder Jones asked further.

"A magical awareness spell, elder. I want to master it to be able to detect magical spells that will be launched at me from any direction." Helena answered.

"Hmm. That's good, Chosen One. I can see that you are trying your best to develop new abilities." Elder Jones said with an impressed nod of his head.

He then said further "And sorry about what I said earlier to you, but that is just me, I am a strict person, a man of policies."

Helena nodded her head "It's okay, elder. I understand that you were only doing your job"

She then proceeded to ask a question that surfaced in her mind "So elder, I believe that you heard of the boom sounds that rang out from the heavy collisions of the massive magical attacks that were unleashed by both the Camp Overseer and an instructor called Anissa. Why didn't you go to help her in that battle? If she was grievously wounded or killed, she would have certainly come for us all to slay us."

"You are right. I should have gone to help them. But I really can't leave this place. This is where I was assigned to diligently watch over and nothing else. So, their battle wasn't my concern. It is only if the library is being attacked would I react to kill off that attacker." Elder Jones answered.

"I understand now, elder. You are the sole protector of the library" Helena said with a light of comprehension in her eyes while Elder Jones nodded his head.

Then before she could say anything else, swoosh sounds suddenly rang by her side as both the Camp Overseer, Roselyn and the Chief Spell instructor, Amber, dropped to the ground from the air.

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