A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 75

Similar to Tyranid's method of travel in compressing gravity and space itself, my ship did the same but less of making a gravity well of a wormhole between targets of interest as instead my ship simply compressed the space it was traveling in the direction it was heading in. As the void of space compared to the dense atmosphere of a habitable world was comically easy to manipulate with how empty it was.

My ship with its systems that ran off arcane glyphs powered by solar winds and astral phenomenon made the trip to Armageddon in a great time to be fair. Though honestly without Ellesmere here with me, the week trip was truly kind of boring in the worst ways but I was at least able to cultivate and make the time pass by quickly while in meditation.

The only issues were as the closer I got to Armageddon, the more dammed Ork ships I kept running into, and my ship although having its weapon systems, wasn't a ship built with battle in mind so I had to ignore the greenboyz demanding we fight to warm up for Armageddon. Damned Orks...

Finally though, after continuously dodging around the Orks I reached the planet of Armageddon, from the scans from the ship, it looked like the planet was a mostly desert or arid badlands, as the world was dotted with massive city-like structures dotting across its surface, with the planets past oceans having been drained away along with their freshwater rivers and lakes. So a typical Hive World basically.

"Oi you knife ear git! What you doing ere!" A Ork Shouta yelled at me from another ship and I visibly closed my eyes to take a breath as I reminded myself why I was here... Then I embraced the stupid.

I called upon my qi and as I stood on the bridge looking out the window, I called out with my voice carrying in the chaotic warp-filled surroundings. "I came here to get the treasure from the biggest Warboss there is!" I declared and then continued. "Imma kill a bunch of those red-covered pointy lads so Ghazghkull gives me some treasure for letting em kill Angron easy like!" I said slipping into the brain-dead vocabulary of the orks.

I had embraced the tard... Become the fool... I was one of da boyz now.

"Ohh a fancy lad wants to elp kill dem World Eaters, let me through boyz he just wants to join the WAGHH!" He roared with the Waghh call being mirrored by many other orks to the point that their call for battle carried upon the tides of the very Empyrean and I had to shake my head at just how to bullshit their collective energy field was.

After a bit more conversation... Or more like shouting, I got directions from the shouter about what part of the planet to head towards, so I had the ship's systems send a torpedo at the Ork ship... But instead of a missile or whatever, it instead sent a large tube filled with nice and yellowed Tyrannid teeth as repayment for the shouters' help and not causing issues.

Because for whatever the hell reason, teeth especially yellow ones were the currency of orks, except for using weapons to trade between themselves, Orks saw the color yellow as being a sign of value, so teeth fell into being their currency somehow.

Even as I landed on the planet I was already being shot at with the ships energy shields taking a beating as I was being fucking shot at World Eater's demon and siege engines, ork's put-together anti-air weapons and the signature las-weapons that humans used. But being anti-air guns they were actually shooting powerful lasers which thankfully was only fueling the ship's systems so with an evil smile I decided to make my greetings to this damned planet.

"You guys were the dumbasses who named this world Armageddon!" I hissed as I finally did it. I punched the obscenely large red button next to the laser battery control system. And my ships trump card was used on the large burning hive city beneath me.

An orb of jet black light highlighted with screaming bright blue lights formed on the edge of the ship and then with a roar the orb of light violently shot forward into becoming a beam of compressed spatial energies that once it reached the Hive City below me exploded beyond the concept of violently.

My ship's trump card was a beam of compressed spatial energies enriched with stupid amounts of dense gravity that would pull things into the spatial beam which would then be annihilated into nothingness by the violent spatial energies similar to when anti-matter met actual matter and would annihilate itself from existence.

Within moments the beam of destruction literally carved a line through the entire massive hive city that was a hundred-plus miles wide but after that my ship was running almost dead on fuel so the ship dived down almost at a ninety-degree angle to avoid the concentrated fire aimed at it as I landed on a wide open ships landing pad atop one of the hive cities spires.

"I forgot how damned big these Hive cities are... How the hell am I going to find Ghazghkull and Angron here on this damned planet?" I muttered as I put my shrunken down ship into my spatial bag so it could absorb the energy-rich stones within to recharge while I was down on the planet.

But as though in the answer of my question, the glorious green lads roared from a couple of levels below and I heard their junk guns roar as they shot at the roaring figures of some charging World Eaters that sprinted at them with beyond-super human speeds armed with massive axes that had large chainsaw like teeth built into the blade of the axe.

Taking out my sword, I paused for a second as I considered who I should be killing. The chaos space marines who fought for the chaos god Khorne? Or the pillaging Orks who were fighting because that was their state of being.

I realized and shrugged as in reality... "I just need to kill them all haha!" I laughed at the simplicity and I stepped off the border of the landing pad and fell down upon the orks and world eaters below with my sword already dancing in the air sending arcing blades of sword intent that split ork and World Eater apart with no distinction.






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