A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 37

Chapter 36: Doubt

A murder case occurred in Guozijian, the holy place of reading, which immediately caused an uproar.

Liang Zhihong died in the dormitory. His roommates have asked for leave in the past few days. Only Liang Zhihong is in the dormitory. When the people from the dormitory come back, when the door opens, he sees such a **** picture .

The consequences can be imagined. After a while, Liang Zhihong’s school was crowded with people.

“…I heard that Liang Zhihong was killed, the wound was on the neck, and he was killed by a knife. The person who started it looked like a veteran. Hey, I don’t know how he is an honest and responsible student. Those who provoked these murderers.” The student who spread the gossip looked around and said in a low voice, “I want to tell you that there is only one person Liang Zhihong provoked these days…”

Qi Xuan, who had a dispute with Liang Zhihong that day.

Qi Xuan is the direct son of the Hou family, and also has an uncle who is a high-ranking official in Dali Temple. If it is him, it makes sense.

There was a buzz in the crowd. These students have their own opinions and say everything, but in general, basically everyone agrees on one thing, Liang Zhihong’s death, and Qi Xuan is definitely related.

Bai Jiayi tutted and shook his head: “I can’t think of it, I can’t think of it, that the students of Guozijian can actually do such a thing.”

Li Qingfeng came over and saw so many people surrounded by Liang Zhihong’s house, and asked curiously, “What’s the matter? Why are you all surrounded here?”

Someone in the crowd recognized that this was the person who rescued Liang Zhihong that day. A student sighed and said, “Brother Li, condolences, Liang Zhihong he…”

Li Qingfeng’s eyes widened: “How come?”

He hurriedly cut through the crowd and squeezed to the innermost. Across the door, he saw the figure lying in a pool of blood at a glance.

Li Qingfeng’s face showed shock and grief, and he said in pain, “How could this happen! When I went back to the school with Zhihong yesterday, he was fine, but it was only one night, how could he be? By this vicious hand!”

Nearby people know that Li Qingfeng and Liang Zhihong have been very close since the rescue incident. The two met late and had a good relationship. I naturally feel bad. The student next to him sighed and comforted: “Brother Li, you can’t be resurrected from the dead, your condolences.”

Li Qingfeng still couldn’t accept this fact, Xiao Jingduo stood aside and suddenly asked, “Brother Li, you said you and Liang Zhihong went back to the school yesterday?”

“Yes, we had a good chat in the school yesterday, and it got dark before I knew it. I sent him back to the school before leaving.” Li Qingfeng looked at Xiao Jingduo in confusion, ” What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

Xiao Jingduo couldn’t see any expression on his face, he smiled lightly, shook his head and said, “Nothing, I just want to ask, when you brought him back yesterday, did you find anything unusual? ”

“Abnormal?” Li Qingfeng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “Never.” He seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face hesitated.

“Brother Li thinks of something, you might as well say it.” Xiao Jingduo said.

Li Qingfeng then hesitantly said: “We didn’t come back until very late yesterday. I sent him to the school and went back to the room by myself. It was already very late, and it happened that it started to snow in the sky. , by the time I got back to the school, I was already half-wet. No one would go out on such a snowy day, but when I went out to pour water, I saw a faint shadow. It was snowing and the wind was strong, Coupled with the distance, I can’t see who it is, but from the perspective of stature, it looks like a giant…”

“Oh?” Xiao Jingduo raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, “Liang Zhihong went out in the snow after returning to the house?”

Bai Jiayi followed Xiao Jingduo and felt very strange to hear Li Qingfeng’s words: “It was so heavy snow last night, what did he do when he went out?”

Before they came up with a reason, the people from Jijiu and Dali Temple came. People from Dali Temple immediately drove everyone away, isolated Liang Zhihong’s body from the school building, and drove the students to study with the sacrifice of wine.

He almost threatened everyone with a password ban, and then followed the people from Dali Temple into the house to check the scene.

The students who were watching the excitement could only walk out angrily. Xiao Jingduo and others followed the crowd and walked slowly.

Bai Jiayi’s curiosity did not die, he leaned over to Xiao Jingduo, lowered his voice and asked, “Xiao Jingduo, what do you think of this matter? What did Liang Zhihong do when he went out last night?”

Xiao Jingduo’s eyes were calm, and he seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he shook his head and said casually, “He lied.”

“Huh?” Bai Jiayi was shocked, “You mean Li Qingfeng? Could it be that Liang Zhihong didn’t go out at all yesterday, he made it up for some purpose?”

But it was just a face-to-face meeting, and Bai Jiayi was also suspicious.

Xiao Jingduo didn’t say much about Bai Jiayi’s question, Li Qingfeng did lie, but it wasn’t this one. I am afraid that yesterday, Liang Zhihong did go out in the snow.

Why would an ordinary student go out in the wind and snow at night? And why did it bring about murder? And Li Qingfeng, why lie?

But he didn’t notice that shortly after he left, another figure turned from the corner of the wall, just at this moment the moon came out from behind the cloud and hit the other side’s long voice on the wall.

Xiao Jingduo, dressed in black, quietly looked at the distant figure in the cold wind.

Li Qingfeng quickly ran to a house, he glanced behind him again, smiled inexplicably, turned and pushed open the courtyard door.

Xiao Jingduo followed to the front of the courtyard. He glanced at it from a distance, remembered the location and sign, and planned to leave. Just kidding, he is only one person, how can he be so foolish as to throw himself into the net?

Seeing that one misses a hit, the person hiding in the dark is not anxious, and immediately follows. He made three more moves, but they were all dodged by Xiao Jingduo.

Xiao Jingduo lit the fire book and looked at each other vigilantly: “Who are you? You dare to lurk in the imperial city and hurt people!”

At this time, the courtyard door behind Xiao Jingduo creaked open. Xiao Jingduo looked back while being alert to the person holding the knife. With the faint light of the fire, Xiao Jingduo had no difficulty in recognizing the mysterious man behind the scenes.

The other party seemed to be surprised too. Before Xiao Jingduo could speak, she said Xiao Jingduo’s inner voice: “Is it you?”

Li Qingfeng stood at the side and behind, pointed at Xiao Jingduo and said, “The county lord, he followed me all the way, by the way, he still took my words during the day!”

Rong Ke and Xiao Jingduo looked at each other, both of them were speechless for a long time. Finally, Xiao Jingduo withdrew his defensive posture and saluted Rong Ke: “Xiao Jingduo has seen the county master.”

“Huh?” Li Qingfeng was puzzled, “You know each other?”

Rong Ke pressed between his eyebrows, as if to endure his anger: “You sent a letter to tell me that there is something important to discuss tonight, and just now you said that you succeeded in welcoming the snake out of the hole, this is what you attracted people?”

Did you know?”

“Okay, there are many people outside, come in and talk.” Rong Ke threw down these words, signaled his men to put down the knife, and walked towards the courtyard first.

Many palace maids and eunuchs stood in the house, and when they saw Rong Ke coming in, they saluted in unison: “The princess.”

Rong Ke casually sat on the head, and the maids next to her immediately gathered around to serve. After the palace servants withdrew, Rong Ke looked at Xiao Jingduo and the others, and said, “It can be said now, why did you follow me?”

Xiao Jingduo was also very puzzled: “I saw Li Qingfeng’s behavior suspicious, so I followed to find out. But the county master, it’s already so late, why are you still outside the palace?”

“I planned the matter of Guozijian, and now the situation has changed. If he doesn’t come to me to report, who else can he call?” Rong Ke didn’t care, “Besides, this place is not far from the East Palace. It’s far away, and it’s not a problem to go back to the palace.”

The staffing in the East Palace is completely similar to that of the imperial court, but it has been reduced a little. If Rong Ke really wants to enter and leave the East Palace in the middle of the night, he will not be stopped by the curfew. Xiao Jingduo sighs again The extent to which the ancestors misbehaved.

But Rong Ke did not come out to play casually this time. She looked at Xiao Jingduo and finally stepped into the topic: “Tell me, what is going on?”

In this short quarter of an hour, Xiao Jingduo’s mood can be described as ups and downs, he just followed Li Qingfeng because he suspected, but he just heard that Li Qingfeng’s behind-the-scenes instigator was actually Rong Ke ?

Xiao Jingduo did not believe that the daughter of the dignified prince would harm the students for no reason, so he temporarily pressed his doubts and explained the reasons for his appearance here.

“Today, Liang Zhihong, a classmate of Guozijian, passed away, and Li Qingfeng’s performance at the scene was very suspicious. I suspected that he was inseparable from the murderer, so I stared at him secretly tonight. I didn’t expect Li Qingfeng to go out in the middle of the night. He’s sneaky. I followed him here, and the county master knows the rest.”

Li Qingfeng didn’t expect that he would one day be told by others to be sneaky. He was in a complicated mood and didn’t know which one to pursue. In the end, Li Qingfeng gave up on this point and asked curiously: “I am suspicious on the scene? How is it possible, I have practiced carefully several times!”

Rong Ke also asked, “What did you say then?”

“I said ‘he was fine when He Zhihong returned to the school yesterday, but it was only one night, how could he have suffered this cruel hand’, for this reason, I deliberately expressed great grief, no mistake what?”

Rong Ke sighed and looked at Li Qingfeng with hatred: “How did you pass the Dali Temple assessment? You made such a low-level mistake.”

“Dali Temple?” Xiao Jingduo was surprised, he suddenly looked at Li Qingfeng, “Are you from Dali Temple? You are not Li Qingfeng!”

Li Qingfeng sighed: “Oh, to be honest, my name is Li Qingyun, and I am the official of the Dali Temple. Brother Xiao, I still want to know, where did I show my legs?”

“You said ‘it’s just one night, how could he be attacked by this?’, you were just standing in the crowd and didn’t go forward to check Liang Zhihong’s corpse, how do you know that he was attacked? Kill instead of suicide?”

Li Qingfeng was stunned for a moment: “Blood dripped all over the floor, what else could it be if it wasn’t a homicide?”

“Isn’t it **** to commit suicide?” Xiao Jingduo asked in a light tone.

Li Qingfeng was dumbfounded.

“I felt strange at the time, so I asked you and found no abnormality after sending Liang Zhihong back yesterday. Sure enough, you said that you changed your clothes because of the snow. I was skeptical at the time. After saying this, it becomes more and more certain that you have long known that Liang Zhihong is dead, and you have carefully checked his corpse and know that he was killed by a knife. And your changed clothes may not have been wet by snow. It was stained with blood, so it had to be destroyed. I originally suspected that you were the one who killed Liang Zhihong…”

Xiao Jingduo glanced at Rongke and continued: “Now it seems that although you are not the murderer, you are also involved with Liang Zhihong. I don’t know why you went to Liang Zhihong’s house that night and went in. It was only later that you found out that he was dead. In surprise, you carefully flipped over Liang Zhihong’s body, wrote down many traces, and then returned to your own school, and changed his blood-stained clothes. But you don’t want others to know your Act. On the second day, you deliberately walked past Liang Zhihong’s door, pretending that you only knew about it, so as to clear your suspicions. It’s a pity that you are preconceived, and you already know that Liang Zhihong was killed, which is in your words. brought it out.”

“It turns out that it is so clever, but it is clever.” Li Qingfeng smiled bitterly, and then bowed to Xiao Jingduo, “Brother Xiao is young, but he is as careful as he is, and he admires him. I don’t know about my brother and I have no interest. Come to Dali Temple to serve, as my brother is not talented, maybe I can give you a back door?”

Rong Ke sat on the head, not angry when she heard Li Qingfeng’s words, but just smiled lightly, and looked at Xiao Jingduo and Li Qingfeng with a pair of smiling eyes.

Xiao Jingduo felt that Rong Ke’s smile was terrifying, and he quickly declined: “Don’t dare, brother Li, don’t joke.”

Li Qingfeng pretended to sigh: “Okay, when Brother Xiao changes his mind, you must come to me!”

Xiao Jingduo had a hunch that talking about going through the back door in front of Rong Ke would be an embarrassment, so he quickly changed the subject: “Master, my matter has been explained clearly, I wonder if the master can explain my confusion to me. Brother Li, no, why did Brother Li lie in ambush in Guozijian? Why did Liang Zhihong cause trouble and die? And…”

You, a little girl, ran out of the East Palace at night, what do you want to do around such a big bend?

Rong Ke held her cheek in one hand, still looking lazy, she suddenly said another thing: “Do you remember the plague in summer?”

Xiao Jingduo helpless: “I remember naturally.” He was involved in the prescription, how could he not remember?

“This plague is fierce, and the source is actually in the well water. If one well is infected with the disease, that’s all, but the plague broke out in many wells in the south of the city at the same time, how could it be natural?”

Xiao Jingduo’s expression became serious: “The county master said that someone deliberately poisoned?”

“Yes, someone threw the poultry infected with the disease into the well, and then passed the well water to the surrounding people. Oh, I’m still restless after being beaten once, and even played these tricks… ”

If the plague was deliberately done by someone, then the matter is very serious. I am afraid that the rumors such as Prince Compassion and Ghost Soldiers will also be pushed behind the scenes. Xiao Jingduo asked, “Why are the common people so cruel? I don’t know who is behind the scenes?”

Rong Ke did not speak, Li Qingfeng said for Rong Ke: “Dali Temple and the East Palace have been investigated for a long time. We suspect that this incident was done by someone from outside the region.”

Xiao Jingduo’s eyes widened: “Who is it?”


After these two words were uttered, the whole room fell silent. After a while, Xiao Jingduo’s voice sounded: “Then who is Liang Zhihong?”

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