a certain scientific harry potter

Page 380

"My daughter?" Voldemort repeated the other person's words in a cold voice, but his eyes became more and more sinister. "Witch, this is not a good joke."

"I'm really your daughter! I'm from the future, the child of you and Bellatrix Lestrange. I was born in Malfoy Manor in 1998!" After finally meeting her father Bu Niao anxiously narrated his life experience, "In the future Hogwarts battle, you will be defeated in the end...and I am here to save you!"

"Heh... the witch who claims to be my daughter, you just said that I, the greatest Dark Lord ever, will fail in the future?" Voldemort stared at Delphi with strange eyes, and his questioning words were full of conceit meaning.

How could the Dark Lord fail?

So when Delphi proposed that he would be defeated, Voldemort's first reaction was disbelief.

He had even started to think unhappily about how he should punish this witch who dared to curse him before killing her.

However, Delphi was also very aware of Voldemort's temperament, so she tried hard to look him in the eyes, and continued to explain earnestly: "Everything I said is true! After your failure, I was adopted by the Rolle family, Rodolph S Lestrange—that is, Bellatrix's husband, he told me the truth after he came out of Azkaban. He also revealed to me a prophecy that can reverse your failure!"

When those in the way are killed, when time is shifted, when unseen children murder their father: the Dark Lord will return...

Delphi's prophecy obviously moved Voldemort. The Dark Lord who was also carrying out the prophecy in a daze, looked at the other party's face carefully, and his expression finally gradually changed from contempt at the beginning to doubt.

"Ms. Lestrange is my most loyal servant. She is indeed a very attractive woman. Although you have not inherited her essence, your facial features are somewhat similar to hers."

"So please believe me, I really am your future daughter! I have always wanted to be your proud child, I have dedicated my life to it and can prove it in any way!"

Delphi kept swearing to Voldemort, her tone was so pious that she was like a fanatic. She was afraid that the other party would not believe her, so she even took the initiative to talk about Parseltongue.

And in the end, she released her magic power directly, and flew into the sky like a divination bird!

"You... actually learned to fly from me?!"

This last move finally made Voldemort show a shocked expression!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After seeing the opponent's flying ability, Voldemort finally began to believe Delphi's words.

Flying without a wand is Voldemort's exclusive ability, and only his magic power can display this kind of "magic skill". Apart from him, only a very few Death Eaters who can be looked at by him can borrow him through the Dark Mark. magic power, thus temporarily granting this ability.

But such a situation has never happened before, and this woman in front of him is definitely not a Death Eater that Voldemort knew!

Therefore, the only possibility left is blood inheritance.

If her magic power was passed on to her descendants through her blood, then she might indeed be able to learn to fly without a teacher.

"Well, I have seen your ability and potential, and I believe that what you said may be true." Voldemort put on a high-ranking majesty, "Then... tell me now, why I will encounter such things in the future. Damn failure..."


However, just when Delphi opened his mouth to answer, there was a crisp sound in the dark night, and then three figures suddenly flashed between the father and daughter!

Two of the figures held Delphi, one on the left and one on the right, and disappeared in an instant, while the last figure that remained in place aimed its wand at Voldemort for the first time!

"Avada Kedavra!!"

The miserable green light suddenly radiated from the tip of the elder wand, like a sharp sickle in the hands of the god of death, flying towards Voldemort's chest at a very short distance!

"Damn... Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort, who was suddenly attacked, roared, and also swung a death curse suddenly at the moment!

It should be said that Voldemort in his heyday really deserved the name of the Dark Lord. Faced with such a sudden sneak attack from Harry, he could rely on his body's instinctive reaction to immediately retreat and pull out the gap. !

The two green lights intertwined in a very close distance, and the gradually out-of-control magic energy first shrank inward suddenly, and then exploded, directly blasting a dense crack on the ground!

But with the impact of this explosion, Voldemort has already pulled back and quickly retreated, and immediately dodged away from Harry.

"Damn...failed." Harry cursed secretly, knowing that he could no longer kill Voldemort with a sneak attack.

In fact, since Voldemort's appearance, the reason why Harry has been afraid to do anything is because he is worried about being noticed by the other party in advance.

And the fact is exactly the same, Delphi only exposed a little flaw because of excitement, and was immediately discovered by Voldemort.

And during the conversation between the father and daughter, Voldemort never relaxed his vigilance, and only when he just started to trust Delphi did he relax for a moment.

Unfortunately, Harry still failed.

After all, he was not proficient in the death curse. In order to ensure that he could arouse the power to kill the target, Harry had to cast the spell with all his strength. At the same time, the flying speed of the spell was not very fast, which made Voldemort barely dodge.

However, since it is no longer possible to rely on sneak attacks to win, the only way to fight is to fight head-on!

"You bastard, what the hell is... what?!"

After narrowly escaping, Voldemort immediately questioned him viciously, but he didn't expect that the child-like wizard on the opposite side would attack again, summoning a series of invisible wind blades to slash at him!

"Damn it! No matter who you are, if you dare to provoke the Dark Lord, you will definitely be punished by death! Avada Kedavra!!"

Voldemort roared and waved his robe sleeves, bringing waves of terrifying magic power around him, easily annihilating the wind blade released by Harry, and at the same time, a green light blasted out from the front of the wand!

But this time, Harry dodged the attack of the Death Curse with just a single dodge, and immediately raised his hand, and there was a fierce fire of fire for fire!


The giant dragon transformed from flames roared upwards, and swept towards Voldemort with its teeth and claws. At the same time, the color of the flames gradually turned into a blue in the process of rushing forward!

That's a sign that the temperature of the flame has improved qualitatively, and it's also a skill that Harry has learned from Grindelwald during this period of time!

"This level of Fiendfyre?!" Seeing this, Voldemort didn't dare to underestimate him, and hurriedly cast the Fiendfire Curse as well.

Moreover, his spell was more powerful than Harry's. A fire dragon, a huge flame python, and a skeleton like the Dark Mark shot up into the sky at the same time, brazenly facing the fire dragon released by Harry. up!

Four terrifying monsters began to bite and fight non-stop, and the whole street instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

However, soon, Harry's side gradually showed fatigue. Although his Fiendfire was hotter, after all, two fists were no match for four hands. Under the support of Voldemort's powerful magic power, the blue fire dragon was unexpectedly killed by another... Three torn ones riddled with holes!


Until now, Harry has to admit that Voldemort is definitely the most powerful magic existence among wizards he has ever met!

This guy may not have the charisma of Grindelwald, and his IQ and knowledge are quite urgent, but in terms of black magic and magic power alone, Voldemort's magic power is even higher than that of GGAD...

"That's... bad!"

Just as Harry and Voldemort were using Fiercefire to stalemate, a fire dragon controlled by Voldemort suddenly exploded into fireballs of different sizes, and one of the larger flames drifted towards Potter's house by coincidence. House of!

"The spell stops immediately!" Harry didn't have time to think about it, so he could only dodge to the outside of the fence of Potter's house, relying on the final curse to extinguish this fiery flame that could burn everything.

"So that's how it is...hmph, I understand!" Voldemort smiled smugly when he saw this, "Are you here to prevent me from killing Harry Potter? Then you should protect him well, thunderbolt explosion! Flying sand and flying stones!"

Boom! !

After leaping up, Voldemort blasted a series of curses condescendingly, and suddenly there were bursts of terrifying explosions and fierce storms pouring down on the Potter's house, followed by a bunch of hawks and claws. Flame monster!

And Harry had no other choice at the moment, but could only use All Protection and All Curses to form an enchantment that would envelop the entire house, and while holding back Voldemort's attack, he secretly accumulated magic power to prepare for a counterattack.

"See? This is the fate of provoking the Dark Lord! Go to hell with me, Avada Kedavra!!"

Click! !

After a burst of explosions, Harry's protection was blown open a huge gap by the Explosion Curse, followed by a green thunder crashing down!

"Disarm you!!"*2

However, just as Harry cast the Disarming Curse to fight back tenaciously, another voice rang out in unison, and a ray of light from the slanted stab also merged into his spell, and together with him, he detonated the Death Curse in mid-air!

"You? Father...is that you?!"

Harry turned around in a daze, only to find that James Potter had run out of the house and was rushing to his side with his wand in his hand...

Chapter 810 The Potter Family Fighting Together

"You...how did you come out?!"

Seeing James Potter who came to help suddenly, Harry was not surprised after the initial shock, but worried instead!

Please, dear father, don't come out at this time!

Now Voldemort is holding back his energy to kill your family, if the original work is forced, won't it be ruined? !

"Now I've been beaten to the door of my house, of course I'm going to come out to fight, and I can't let you face this guy by yourself?!"

While speaking, James pointed at the hole in the sky that had just been blown out, and raised his hand to strike back with a spell.

When they were in the house earlier, he and Lily probably heard the commotion outside, but they didn't act rashly because of the protection of the Fidelity Curse.

It wasn't until they discovered that their house had been targeted that they discovered that the secret had been leaked.

But even knowing that Voldemort was on his way, they fled without saying a word, because... Harry was protecting them.

Although I don't know who this teenager who looks like is, but as the Potters are, it is impossible to leave him here like this!

"James Potter? It's better if you come out! Neither you nor your child who shouldn't be born can escape today!!"

Voldemort roared sharply in mid-air, and waved down a series of terrible spells. The Potter's house instantly turned into a thin boat, as if it might capsize in the stormy waves at any time!

"Young man, you are so powerful, how could you fight Voldemort alone for so long?"

It should be said that James is indeed the kind of cheerful and sociable person, otherwise he would not be in trouble with Sirius... er, collusion... No, in short, at the critical juncture of dealing with Voldemort, he is actually still thinking about it. Li chatting.

"But you look really familiar, have we met before?"

"We should meet in the future..." Harry sighed softly, and said with a solemn expression, "You go back immediately, and then leave here with your wife and children!"

"Then how do I do it?" James yelled resolutely as he reluctantly helped Harry resist the spell, "Do you want me to leave you here and run away by yourself?!"

"You didn't run away by yourself." Harry retorted in a deep voice, "You are a husband and a father at the same time. Your priority to protect should always be your wife and children!"

"If his wife and children are here, then don't worry about it?" At this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Lily? You...how did you come out?!"

James looked back in astonishment, the worry on his face and the shocking words in his mouth at the moment were exactly the same as Harry just now.

His wife also rushed over, holding their one-year-old child in her arms!

"I can't do it if I don't come out." Lily held the baby Harry in one hand, and raised the willow wand with the other hand, "I really want to listen to you and take Harry away immediately... But if I do that Didn't I just leave my lover and another child behind?"

"I said... can you two listen to me a little bit? There is no time to linger, you take the children and leave quickly, far away!" Harry persuaded a little angrily.

"None of you can leave today!" Voldemort roared again in mid-air, "Lily Potter... Severus originally asked me to spare your life, and I have already agreed. But if you insist Standing in front of me, I can only break the contract with him!!"

"What did you say? That snotty Snape..."

"There's no time to worry about other people's affairs now!" Harry interrupted James immediately, urging the Potter family nervously, "I'm here to deal with this guy this time, I'm absolutely sure, this guy will definitely You can’t kill me! So hurry up and leave!!”

"But that's not how you say it, kid..." Facing Harry's urging, Lily shook her head indifferently, "Even if what you said is the truth, you are still just a teenager after all... If it was for you Parents know, if you were left here to fight the Dark Lord, how much they should feel sorry for you~"

"I..." Harry originally wanted to say something, but Lily's words made him break his defense directly.

He looked into each other's eyes, and among the four eyes of the same color, the gazes intertwined with each other...

Harry felt that the mother of the different time and space seemed to see something, but Lily just smiled softly and didn't say anything.

"You... can you help me maintain the protection here?" Harry sighed softly, and begged the two of them softly, "Just a moment, I can definitely defeat this guy!"

"No problem!" James took the lead in clenching his wand tightly, but this time instead of attacking Voldemort, he poured all his magic power into the protection released by Harry!

"Be careful." Lily also nodded lightly, raised her wand and joined her husband and children to fight against the mighty devil!

"I'll be fine!" Harry promised firmly. At the same time, he had already mixed the wind element into his own magic power, and condensed an extremely sharp wind blade on his arm!

"Promise me... No matter what happens later, don't panic, let alone be impulsive! I can defeat Voldemort, I promise you!"


After a crisp sound, Harry's body disappeared on the spot, and in the next second, his whole body had turned into a sharp knife that moved forward, and quickly passed Voldemort!



The invisible blade instantly pierced Voldemort's abdominal cavity, causing a splash of blood in the night sky!

Flying Thunder God Slash · Holy Sword Breaks Steel!

"Bastard... bastard! Avada Kedavra!!"

However, Harry's sword missed a little after all. Voldemort was very clear-headed during this period. When Harry was about to attack, he already sensed that something was wrong, so he immediately concentrated all his magic power to defend himself. He was slashed into serious injuries, but he still successfully 'killed' Harry in the air!

"It's over... It's finally over! Hahahahaha!"

Seeing that Harry's body was hit by the Death Curse and fell to the ground after his life was cut off, Voldemort immediately let out a series of wild laughter, which descended like a terrifying black cloud.

"Child?! Why... how dare you kill him?!" Seeing Harry falling in front of her eyes like a rag bag, Lily screamed like crazy, and even wanted to fight Voldemort desperately.

Even the child in her arms began to cry loudly.

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