a certain scientific harry potter

Page 379

"I... don't have that need." Although so much time had passed, Luna couldn't help but shiver when she was called by Grindelwald.

Fortunately, she quickly calmed down and gave an answer calmly.

"What I care about is always the absolute him and the absolute me. I don't want to care what kind of life Luna Lovegood lives in different time and space...I just need to know that I am living happily now. That's enough."

"Is that so? That's really boring. I thought there were other fun things to watch~"

Grindelwald curled his lips in a lack of interest, but he couldn't help secretly praising that Luna is indeed sober in the world, and she sees more clearly than most people.

"You will definitely not lack joy in the future, but we will not participate in it." Harry stepped forward to hold Luna's hand, and at the same time nodded slightly to the two old people, "Professors, thank you very much for the teachings during this time , we bid farewell."

After finishing speaking, he apparated the two girls and left the principal's office, and then traveled through time and space.

"Let's go now... In fact, this kid is really good, and I kind of want to take him as an apprentice." Looking at the position where Harry and the three stood just now, Grindelwald sighed softly, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"Actually, if you took the initiative to say it, he should be willing to call you teacher." Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

"That's impossible! Haven't you seen it yet? In another time and space, I definitely have a grudge against him!" Grindelwald waved his hand repeatedly and refused, "That's why I met him now. If I met him decades in the morning , the two of us will fight to the death and we will definitely not be able to coexist! So..."

Speaking of this, Grindelwald's face gradually became serious, and he looked at Dumbledore worriedly: "Albus, do you really trust him so much? My third eye can't see through his future at all, and I don't even know his future." Will he be revered as a god or a devil..."

"It's okay, Gellert, trust me." Dumbledore shook his head calmly, "That child is very much like a composite of you and me, and at the same time has a more distinct personality, but anyway, there are One thing is for sure... As long as he is surrounded by love, he will never make a big mistake!"

Dumbledore got up and left the desk, and walked slowly to Grindelwald, his face seemed to be full of satisfaction.

"Gellert, I know what you're worried about, but I don't want to think about those issues. Now, like that little girl said, all I care about is you and me. No matter how fate changes, we It's enough to be by each other's side. After that, whether I continue to age, or I really die at the hands of Voldemort, I will..."

"That can't be done! Albus, you can't have such thoughts!" Grindelwald interrupted Dumbledore's words very anxiously, "Albus, please...don't die alone! I am left alone in the world!"

He tugged on Dumbledore's sleeve nervously, his tone was so flustered that he was almost out of tune.

"You are... the shackles that bind me, without you, I will definitely become the Dark Lord again!!"

"That won't happen, Gellert. I won't leave you, and I won't let you go before me!" Dumbledore shook his head slightly, then trembling, gently clasped Grindelwald's hand hand.

"You are all my sustenance. Without you, my last love will disappear, and I will become a desperate beast from then on."


"Why...why is everything messed up?!"

At the same time, in the air above Hogwarts, there was actually a woman who had cast the Disillusionment spell, hanging there alone like a bird of divination.

She stared unwillingly at the dispersing crowd on the playground, and then stared viciously at the direction of the principal's office on the eighth floor of the castle.

She knew that there was already a former Dark Lord there, which meant that she could no longer fight in the Triwizard Tournament...

"Maybe, that's the only way to go..." The woman was silent for a long time, and finally seemed to have made up her mind, and gently turned the delicate hourglass in her hand.

Now, in order to fulfill her expectations, perhaps it is only possible to go back to the beginning of everything...

As everyone knows, the choice she made was actually guided step by step by Harry!

The beginning of everything is also the end...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After returning to their own time and space, Harry and his party rested for a while, but they didn't start the final time travel right away.

Harry left the two girls where they were for the time being, but told them that there were some other matters that he forgot to deal with, and then he activated the Time Converter and left alone.

After another 5 minutes, he rushed back alone as if nothing had happened.

Although the two girls had doubts about his actions, they didn't ask any further questions when they saw that Harry hadn't brought it up.

"I plan to deal with that guy alone." Before leaving, Harry solemnly told the two women, "I will use the Elder Wand to deal with him. As for my wand, let Luna use it for now. I've already communicated with it."

In the final battle in the time and space of the original book, Harry is undoubtedly going to face Voldemort, and he is still at the peak of Voldemort in history!

The danger of this battle can be imagined. For the sake of safety, Harry decided to face it alone. As for Hermione and Luna, they wanted to help him guard against that Delphi Riddle.

This is actually the reason why Harry spent so much time getting used to the Elder Wand. The ginkgo wand in his hand is not of the same origin as the yew wand in the original time and space, because the Fawkes in the two time and space cannot be regarded as the same one.

Therefore, in order to ensure the chance of winning, Harry must use a more powerful wand, especially one that is extremely good at killing.

With the replacement of the Elder Wand, Harry's own wand can be temporarily handed over to Luna, so that she can exert the power of the same wand core with Hermione, whether it is facing Delphi, or Voldemort may bring the same power. They should also be able to handle the other Death Eaters who came.

"Ginkgo wood wand...I will do my best." Luna happily took the wand, and lightly stroked the silver cage around the wand, and the hollowed-out patterns began to flow obediently in her palm.

In fact, compared with the Elder Wand, which will see things differently if you don’t move it, the ginkgo wood wand is the real expression of recognition.

It will unceremoniously attack anyone who dares to touch it casually, and at the same time, it will be controlled by others willingly because of Harry's order.

"Don't worry, we won't let that auspicious bird escape!" Hermione also nodded firmly at this time, as if she had made the final preparations.

"Well, let's go then!"

The hourglass of time is turning again, this time, they will play the finale of the old time at the beginning of the new one!


October 1981, 10, the afternoon before Halloween, in Godric's Hollow.

Coming to this famous valley again, Harry's feelings and experiences were different.

Godric's Valley in this period can only be regarded as a small village at most, and there are not as many buildings as later, and the overall appearance is very comfortable.

There is no hidden statue in the center of the village at the moment, and there is no tombstone of Harry's parents in the cemetery behind the church either...

However, in this comfortable village, the traces of magic are very obvious. After only a rough perception, Harry noticed many different fluctuations of magic power.

By comparison, when Harry visited Bathilda Bagshot a dozen years later in his third year, there were far fewer wizards living in the valley.

Maybe it's because of what will happen tonight, or of course it could be other reasons. In short, many wizards have left here one after another.

Harry also found out what Godric's Hollow looked like in 2020 in Harry Potter's memory, and at that time, it had developed into a busy town.

There is a large-scale farmers' market in the town, so that there is an endless stream of people coming and going every day.

However, there are even fewer wizards living here, replaced by bustling ordinary people.

Harry felt that such a small valley might be the epitome of the entire wizarding world.

Godric's Hollow was originally named after Godric Gryffindor, who was once a famous powerful wizard at that time. Harry believed that this valley should not have been a so-called wizard and ordinary people mixed together a long time ago. The land, perhaps just a pure community of wizards.

But later, maybe it was because the wizards were willing to take the initiative to accept ordinary people, or maybe it was because they couldn't drive away the ordinary people who discovered this place, in short, this place began to slowly become a mixed settlement.

And after the "Secrecy Act" came into effect, wizards had no choice but to hide their identities, carefully hiding their identities among a group of ordinary people.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer wizards here, and more and more ordinary people.

Godric's Hollow will eventually evolve from a once pure community of wizards into a purely ordinary town.

Ordinary people here will gradually forget the ghost stories spread in the cemetery, and will not know that the name of the valley actually comes from an ancient wizard...

"There seems to be no sign of being attacked here... Did she fail to get ahead of us, or didn't start to act?"

After roughly walking through the valley, the surroundings were peaceful, which made Hermione feel a little strange.

Neither Voldemort nor his daughter showed up. Aren't they in a hurry?

"She should be limited in her actions, so she dare not act rashly." Harry said after thinking for a while, "Unlike us, it is not so easy for that Bou bird to change its past. In the current period, it is possible to restrict her There are too many factors~”

According to the general logic, Delphi, who has nowhere to go, should want to kill the baby Harry Potter immediately at this time.

Unfortunately, she probably won't be able to.

Being able to escape from Voldemort three times in a row, James and Lily are naturally not useless like the middle-aged Harry Potter. Delphi may not only fail to succeed, but may miss and be captured or even killed if he makes a rash attack.

So if you want to change the future, the safest way is definitely not to kill baby Harry, but to prevent Voldemort from being counterattacked by the sacrifice protection curse!

But for her, if she gives Voldemort an early warning at this time, there are risks that cannot be ignored.

Voldemort's power was in full swing at this time, and it was almost impossible for Delphi to meet him alone, but once she went there in a big way, what would happen if Snape, who was lurking inside the Death Eaters, went to inform him?

Now is Delphi's last chance. In order to achieve her wish, if there is a better choice, she will never take any risks!

And the best option is to...

"She will stop Voldemort when he appears." Luna said in a melodious tone, "If the prophecy is not fulfilled, it will not come true. The son of the prophecy who can defeat Voldemort is chosen by himself. As long as he By not choosing, he cannot fail."

"Let's just wait here first." Harry nodded lightly. He cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and then flew to the top of the church, where he quietly looked in the direction of Potter's house.

At that moment, he looked like the Grim Reaper carved in the cemetery, as if all the lives he could see were held in his hands...

Some people need to be protected, while others... need to be destroyed!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the highest point of Godric's Hollow, at the top of the old dilapidated church, Harry was there almost all afternoon.

Holding the mottled cross with his hands, he silently looked at the happy family of three in the distant house.

The slender, black-haired man with glasses is waving his magic wand lightly, making the accessories fly to every corner of the house obediently, and from time to time he will turn around to show off to his wife and children proudly.

The beautiful woman with long dark red hair smiled softly, watching her husband busily busy with happiness in her eyes.

The child in the cradle clapped his hands happily, and his face was full of joy.

Harry had a panoramic view of all this, and it was still fresh in his memory.

Ever since they learned that they were being targeted by Voldemort, the Potter family lived a secluded life in Godric's Hollow. Except for a few friends such as old Bathilda, they basically didn't walk around with others.

Especially after the Loyalty Curse was cast on the residence, they almost never left the house for half a step.

This house is their most solid protection. When the secret is not leaked, as long as they stay in this house, even if Voldemort puts his face on the glass, it is impossible to see their shadows.

But it was precisely because of the protection of this house that they had a false sense of security, and on the night before the festival, they completely relaxed their vigilance.

Harry just watched them quietly like this, he didn't give them an early warning, because he was also worried about additional risks just like Boo Bird.

As for him, how clearly he could see the appearance of the family of three, how much he hated Pettigrew Peter and Voldemort in his heart!

Maybe... I have to bring Sijia again.

Back in the original time and space, he has no chance to grow up under the care of his parents, but at least... he will change the fate of Harry Potter here!

Night fell at last, and a damp wind blew up the valley, making the decorations of the houses on the street rattle.

There was a gloomy aura in the cold wind, and the surrounding air gradually became oppressive under the influence of the gloomy magic power. Harry could clearly feel this, and the nerves of the two women hiding in the church were all tensed.

Voldemort is coming!

He appeared at the entrance of the village, and floated across the square of the village like a dementor, without making any sound under his feet.

The pitch-black cloak fluttered strangely in the darkness, exuding a breath of death constantly, as if it was a devil searching for prey.

"Beautiful makeup, sir!"

Suddenly, a little boy carrying a jack-o-lantern ran over cheerfully. He glanced inside the cloak, and a smile froze on his face.

The smiling face covered in oil paint was quickly enveloped in fear, and the little boy took a few steps back, without even screaming, he immediately turned and fled in a panic.

And Harry, who saw this scene at the top of the church, couldn't help but clenched the Elder Wand tightly!

Fortunately, Voldemort did not have any extra problems.

He turned from the square to a secluded street, the end of the trip was just ahead, the protection of that house was useless now, but the family of three were ignorant of the coming danger...

However, facing the target that was already close at hand, Voldemort did not take action immediately, but stood quietly at the intersection of the street.

"This witch or wizard who followed me, I warn you, you will regret it."

He turned around slowly, but there was a hint of danger in his flat tone.

Ever since he entered this valley, Voldemort had always felt that something was wrong, that someone was watching him from the shadows.

Until just now, the stalker inadvertently exposed a little magic fluctuation, which allowed Voldemort to completely lock on the existence of the other party.

He waited with confidence, and soon, a woman's figure flashed out of the shadows, and came to him eagerly.

It was a woman in her twenties, she had silver hair and was pretty. Voldemort thought she looked familiar, but he was sure that he had never seen her before.

"Honorable Lord Dark Lord, it's me... I'm following you." The woman tremblingly spoke, with an unconcealable excitement in her tone.

"It's not the right time for you to follow, witch...Whether you want honor or death from me, you came at the wrong time." Voldemort's snake pupils shone with a blood-red cold light, and the hands under the cloak were already clenched Yew wand.

On this night, he would completely achieve the greatest victory. Voldemort had been looking forward to this moment, and he must not be disturbed by anyone!

"Please allow me to explain, Lord Dark Lord!" The woman argued anxiously, "I...my name is Delphi, and I am your daughter!"

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